An S3 object store based PackageResolver plugin for USD. Based on LumaPictures's URIResolver. More info in the usd-interest thread.
- Support assets located in S3 buckets
- Support S3 versioning
- Maintain compatibility with local assets
- Open assets directly from S3 or reference them as
- Short notation:
usdview s3:bucket/object.usd
- Versioned assets:
usdview s3://bucket/object.usd?versionId=abc_123
- Cache USD files to local directory, defaults to /tmp/bucket/object. Change it with USD_S3_CACHE_PATH environment variable
- Connect to ActiveScale S3 by using environment vars USD_S3_PROXY_HOST and USD_S3_PROXY_PORT.
- Integrate with Luma's URIResolver
- Stream usdz assets using a custom FileFormat + temporary base layer + Stage reload on finish
You'll need the following libraries to build the project; newer versions most likely work as well, but they are not tested. Currently, the cmake files are looking for the openexr libs, but only use the half headers. This will be removed in the future.
Package | Version |
USD | 0.7.6+ (stock) |
TBB | 4.3+ |
OpenEXR | 2.2.0+ |
Boost | 1.61.0+ |
CMAKE | 3.1+ |
Get the AWS sdk for C++ as follows
cd src
git clone
cd ../build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_ONLY="s3" ../src/aws-sdk-cpp/
make && sudo make install
There are two main ways to configure a library location. 1, configure an environment variable. 2, pass the location of the library using -D<varname>=<path> to cmake. This will be simplified soon, once we add proper find modules.
- Point the USD_ROOT environment variable to the location of the installed USD.
- Pass OPENEXR_LOCATION to the CMake command or setup the OPENEXR_LOCATION environment variable. They have to point at a standard build of OpenEXR, including IlmBase.
- Point TBB_ROOT_DIR}, TBB_INSTALL_DIR or TBBROOT at your local TBB installation.
Get the AWS cli.
virtualenv venv
pip install awscli
Get the S3 credentials from the ActiveScale system node and configure the cli to create the ~/.aws/credentials
aws configure
alias s3="aws s3 --endpoint-url http://systemnode-ip"
Get some usd assets, e.g. here and upload them to a bucket.
s3 mb s3://hello
s3 cp kitchen.usdz s3://hello/kitchen.usdz
Set environment variable PXR_PLUGINPATH_NAME to the path with the S3Resolver plugInfo.json file. Now use the usd tools such as usdview, usdcat, ...
usdview s3:hello/kitchen.usdz
See .vscode/tasks.json for an example.
For more info, consult the installed alongside the S3Resolver.