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University of Akron Informational and Experimenter's Net

Good evening, and welcome to the University of Akron Informational and Experimenter's net. My name is (YOUR NAME) and my callsign is (YOUR CALL). I will be net control for this session.

This repeater system operates on 145.170MHz with a negative offset with a PL tone of 123Hz and also on 443.1125MHz with a PL tone of 131.8Hz.

The University of Akron Amateur Radio Club holds the Informational and Experimenter's Net every Tuesday night at 9pm eastern time. This is an open net, everyone with a valid amateur radio license can and is encouraged to join the net.

This is an informal but directed net, so we ask that all calls come through net control. Please do not break or interrupt unless you have urgent or priority traffic.

Let carrier drop to prevent timeout

During this net, we will talk about projects that pertain to W8UPD and participants of the net, as well as to go over news relating to the club in general.

I will now begin asking for check-ins. When checking into the net, please state my callsign, (YOUR CALL) and let the carrier drop to listen for a double. Then key up, state your callsign, your name, and your location.

We will start with mobile, portable, and short-time stations. Please call net control now.

Take checkins. It is okay to be a bit informal here, and bounce it back to people as they check in. For example, it's okay to ask where someone is heading or what they're up to, as they check in.

At this time, any other station wishing to check in, please do so now.

Same as above applies here

Go through list of projects the club is working on and mention their status. If one of them is in need of support or help from other members, mention that and give members a chance to chime in.

Ask for any new stations wishing to check in, and add them to the bottom of the checkin list.

Go through the current check-ins. Consider some light-hearted content before this, such as asking a quick trivia question and letting people answer. If a station asks to go direct with another, allow them to.

Ask for check-ins one more time and loop through any new ones.

Thank you for joining the University of Akron Informational and Experimenter's net. At this time I will close the net and return the repeater to casual amateur use. Please remember that this net meets weekly on Tuesday Night at 9PM eastern time.

For this net we had a total of (NUMBER OF CHECKINS). Thank you all for coming and have a good night. This is (YOUR CALLSIGN) closing the net at (TIME). 73.