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Lab 13: ArgoCD for GitOps Deployment


In this lab, you will implement ArgoCD to automate Kubernetes application deployments using GitOps principles. You’ll install ArgoCD via Helm, configure it to manage your Python app, and simulate production-like workflows.

Task 1: Deploy and Configure ArgoCD

6 Points:

  1. Install ArgoCD via Helm

    • Add the ArgoCD Helm repository:

      helm repo add argo

      ArgoCD Helm Chart Docs

    • Install ArgoCD:

      helm install argo argo/argo-cd --namespace argocd --create-namespace

      ArgoCD Installation Guide

    • Verify installation:

      kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod -l -n argocd --timeout=90s
  2. Install ArgoCD CLI

    • Install the ArgoCD CLI tool (required for command-line interactions):

      # For macOS (Homebrew):
      brew install argocd
      # For Debian/Ubuntu:
      sudo apt-get install -y argocd
      # For other OS/architectures:
      curl -sSL -o argocd
      chmod +x argocd
      sudo mv argocd /usr/local/bin/

      ArgoCD CLI Docs

    • Verify CLI installation:

      argocd version
  3. Access the ArgoCD UI

    • Forward the ArgoCD server port:

      kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443 &
    • Log in using the initial admin password:

      # Retrieve the password:
      kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 --decode
      # Log in via CLI:
      argocd login localhost:8080 --insecure
      argocd account login

      ArgoCD Authentication Docs

  4. Configure Python App Sync

    • Create an ArgoCD folder: Add an ArgoCD folder in your k8s directory for ArgoCD manifests.

    • Define the ArgoCD Application: Create argocd-python-app.yaml in the ArgoCD folder:

      kind: Application
        name: python-app
        namespace: argocd
        project: default
          targetRevision: lab13
          path: <k8s/app-python>
              - values.yaml
          server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
          namespace: default
          automated: {}

      ArgoCD Application Manifest Docs

    • Apply the configuration:

      kubectl apply -f ArgoCD/argocd-python-app.yaml
    • Verify sync:

      argocd app sync python-app
      argocd app status python-app
  5. Test Sync Workflow

    • Modify values.yaml (e.g., update replicaCount).

    • Commit and push changes to the target branch from the config.

    • Observe ArgoCD auto-sync the update:

      argocd app status python-app

Task 2: Multi-Environment Deployment & Auto-Sync

4 Points:

  1. Set Up Multi-Environment Configurations

    • Extend your Python app’s Helm chart to support dev and prod environments.
    • Create environment-specific values files (values-dev.yaml, values-prod.yaml).
  2. Create Namespaces

    kubectl create namespace dev
    kubectl create namespace prod
  3. Deploy Multi-Environment via ArgoCD

    • Define two ArgoCD applications with auto-sync: argocd-python-dev.yaml and argocd-python-prod.yaml (as before).
  4. Enable Auto-Sync

    • Test auto-sync by updating values-prod.yaml and pushing to Git.
  5. Self-Heal Testing

    • Test 1: Manual Override of Replica Count

      1. Modify the deployment’s replica count manually:

        kubectl patch deployment python-app-prod -n prod --patch '{"spec":{"replicas": 3}}'
      2. Observe ArgoCD auto-revert the change (due to syncPolicy.automated):

        argocd app sync python-app-prod
        argocd app status python-app-prod
    • Test 2: Delete a Pod (Replica)

      1. Delete a pod in the prod namespace:

        kubectl delete pod -n prod -l <>
      2. Verify Kubernetes recreates the pod to match the deployment’s replicaCount:

        kubectl get pods -n prod -w
      3. Confirm ArgoCD shows no drift (since pod deletions don’t affect the desired state):

        argocd app diff python-app-prod
  6. Documentation

    • In, include:
      • Output of kubectl get pods -n prod before and after pod deletion.
      • Screenshots of ArgoCD UI showing sync status and the dashboard after both tests.
      • Explanation of how ArgoCD handles configuration drift vs. runtime events.

Bonus Task: Sync Your Bonus App with ArgoCD

2.5 Points:

  1. Configure ArgoCD for Bonus App
    • Create an argocd-<bonus>-app.yaml similar to Task 1, pointing to your bonus app’s helm chart folder.

    • Sync and validate deployment with:

      kubectl get pods -n <namespace>


  • Follow the ArgoCD docs for advanced configurations.
  • Use consistent naming conventions (e.g., lab13 branch for Git commits).
  • Document all steps in (include diffs, outputs, and UI screenshots).
  • For your repository PR, ensure it's from the lab14 branch to the main branch.

Note: This lab emphasizes GitOps workflows, environment isolation, and automation. Mastery of ArgoCD will streamline your CI/CD pipelines in real-world scenarios.