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Global Cheatsheet

Number Bases Cheatsheet

Common Bases

Base ##
Base 2 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
Base 8 32768 4096 512 64 8 1
Base 10 100000 10000 1000 100 10 1
Base 16 4096 256 16 1

Letter Representations

10 11 12 13 14 15

Converting Between Bases

  • Can only only convert between bases that is a power of that base
  • Split into block sizes, where x is the original base, and y is the base to convert to:
    • Converting to higher base: logₓ(y)
    • Converting to lower base: ʸ√x
  • Blocks form from right to left.
  • When converting to a higher base:
    • Take each block to base 10, then put them together.
  • When converting to a lower base:
    • Take each block and make it into the base you are converting to.
    • If necessary, pad each block to the size it must be

Java Functions

Function Name Parameters Return
Integer.toString() int num: Number in base 10
int radix: Base to convert to
String: Converted Number as a string
Integer.toBinaryString() int num: Number in base 10 String: Converted Number in Base 2 as a string

Base Prefixes

Base Prefix
2 0b
8 0
16 0x

Twos compilment (Signed values)

  • By default all values in Java are unsigned
  • With signed values, make the leftmost value negative:
Base ##
Base 2 -128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

BigO Notation Cheatsheet

BigO Notation is a way to determine how fast a program can run, like sorts and searches. n is the number of items in the dataset.

Each nested for loop adds a power to the complexity. For example, it goes from n to n^2 to n^3 to n^4 etc.

Complexities next to each other are added. For example, a O(n) algorithm next to a O(n^2) algorithm, the final notation is O(n + n^2).

Two O(1) algorithms added together are still O(1)

Time Complexities (in order from fastest to slowest)


O(1) - Constant Time

This is instant time. This includes things like:

  • Math Equations (10 + 2)
  • Printing
  • Accessing elements of an Array / Arraylist
  • Accessing elements of a HashMap / HashSet

O(log(n)) - Logarithmic Time

This is essentially running a for i loop from 0 to n and another for loop running from i to n. Includes things such as:

  • Worst Space Complexity of Quicksort


for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    for (int j = i; j < n; j++)
        System.out.println(i + j);

O(n) - Linear Time

A basic for loop, where n is the number of elements. This includes:

  • Looping over an Array / Arraylist
  • Basic Loop search


for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

O(n*log(n)) - Loglinear Time

Loglinear time. Includes:

  • Best / Average case Quicksort
  • Best / Average / Worse case Mergesort
  • Best / Average / Worse case Heapsort

O(n^2) - Quadratic Time

Two for loops, each looping from 0 to n. Includes:

  • Worst case Quicksort
  • Average / Worst case Bubble Sort
  • Average / Worst case Insertion Sort
  • Best / Average / Worst case Selection Sort


for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
        System.out.println(i + j);

O(2^n) - Exponential Time

Includes things like:

  • Getting Combinations

O(n!) - Factorial Time

Worst time complexity. Includes things like:

  • Traveling Salesman Problem


Math Cheatsheet

The Math class does not need to be imported


All constants are doubles

Constant Value
Math.PI π
Math.E E


Functions with a type of number accept types double, float, int, long The return type will match the parameter type

Function Name Parameters Return
Math.abs() * number a number: Absolute Value
Math.pow() double a, double b double: a to the power of b
Math.sqrt() double a double: The square root of a
Math.cbrt() double a double: The cube root of a
Math.min() number a, number b number: Smallest number between a and b
Math.max() number a, number b number: Largest number between a and b
Math.sin() double a in radians double: trigonometric sine of an angle
Math.cos() double a in radians double: trigonometric cosine of an angle
Math.tan() double a in radians double: trigonometric tangent of an angle
Math.toRadians() double a in degrees double: Converts degrees to radians
Math.hypot() double a, double b double: Hypotenuse of a triangle (sqrt(x2 +y2))
Math.floor() double a double: Truncates a
Math.ceil() double a double: Rounds a up to the nearest whole number
Math.round() double a long: a rounded to the nearest whole number
Math.round() float a int: a rounded to the nearest whole number
Math.random() double: Random number in the range 0 <= x < 1

Function Examples

Math.abs(-3) = 3;
Math.pow(7, 2) = 49.0;
Math.sqrt(64) = 8.0;
Math.cbrt(64) = 4.0;
Math.min(2, 4) = 2;
Math.max(2, 4) = 4;
Math.sin(0) = 0.0;
Math.cos(Math.PI) = -1.0;
Math.tan(0) = 0.0;
Math.toRadians(90) = 1.5707;
Math.hypot(3, -4) = 5.0;
Math.floor(4.8) = 4.0;
Math.ceil(4.8) = 5.0;
Math.round(4.5) = 5;

Random in range

// Returns a number between min (inclusive) and max (inclusive)
public static randInRange(int min, int max) {
    return (int)(Math.random() * ((max - min) + 1)) + min;


Primitives Cheatsheet

Primitive Types

Name Bits Signed Range
boolean 8 No false or true
byte 8 Yes -128 to 127
char 16 No 0 to 65535
short 16 Yes -32768 to 32767
int 32 Yes -2147483648 to 2147483647
long 64 Yes -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807
float 32 1.40239846e-45 to 3.40282347e+38
double 64 4.94065645841246544e-324 to 1.79769313486231570e+308

Integer Division

  • Division between two number values (byte, short, int, long) will truncate the decimal.
  • Division between a decimal value (float, double) and a number value will produce a decimal.
2 / 3 = 0
16 / 5 = 3
8 / 4 = 2
-10 / 7 = -1
2.0 / 3 = 0.6666
16 / 5. = 3.2
(double) 1 / 6 = 0.1666
9d / 4 = 2.25


  • % symbol takes the remainder
16 % 2 == 0;
x % 2 == 0;  // Is x even?
x % 3 != 0;  // Is x NOT a multiple of 3

Number Suffixes

Certain Data types have suffixes that specify what type they are. Not using these may cause errors

long l = 12345L;
float f = 100.123f;
double d = 9876.12345d;

Default Values

If no value is specified, the types will default to:

Data Type Default Value
byte, short, int 0
float 0f
double 0d
long 0L
char '\u0000'
Object null
boolean false


Strings Cheatsheet

String Basics

Strings are immutable (cannot change) Strings are objects (not primatives)

// Creation
String s = "Hello, World!";
s = "Change the value";
String s = new String("Hello, World");
// Concatination
s = s + "Addition";

String Indexes

Indexes start at 0

String H e l l o
Index 0 1 2 3 4

Important Functions

Function Name Parameter List Return
s.length() int: the length of the string
s.substring() int start: Start index of your substring
int end End index of your substring
String: A substring of s from indecies start to end - 1
s.substring() int start: Start index of your substring String: A substring for index start to the end of the string
s.indexOf() String str: String to search for within the string int: if str is found inside s, then it gives the index where it is found, if not returns -1
s.indexOf() String str: String to search for within the string
int i: Index to start your search
int: if str is found inside s after index i, then it gives the index where it is found, if not returns -1
s.lastIndexOf() String str: String to search for within the string int: if str is found within s, it gives the index of the last occurence of that str, otherwise returns -1
s.charAt() int i: Index in the string char: Returns the character at index i
s.compareTo() String str: String to compare to int: returns the ascii difference between the first different characters going left to right
s.equals() String other: String to compare to boolean: true if they are equal to one another, false otherwise. Do NOT use ==
s.equalsIgnoreCase() String other: String to compare to boolean: true if they are equal to one another, ignoring whether or not the letters are uppercase / lowercase, false otherwise. Do NOT use ==
s.split() String regex: String to split by String[]: Array with the string broken up by the regex
s.contains() String str: String to check against boolean: Whether or not str appears within s
s.startsWith() String str: String to check against boolean: Whether or not s starts with str
s.endsWith() String str: String to check against boolean: Whether or not s ends with str
s.repeat() int n: Number of times to repeat the String` String: String containing n copies of s
s.strip() String: s that has all trailing or leading whitespace
s.stripLeading() String: s that has all leading whitespace
s.stripTrailing() String: s that has all trailing whitespace
s.toCharArray() char[]: Character array of all the characters in the string
s.replace() / s.replaceFirst() Both paramters allow use of regex
String a or char a: String to search for in s
String b or char b: String to replace the first instance with.
String: String with the first instance of a replaced with b
s.replaceAll() Both paramters allow use of regex
String a or char a: String to search for in s
String b or char b: String to replace each instance with.
String: String with all instance of a replaced with b
s.matches() String regex: Regular Expression to check against boolean: If String s is valid for regex regex
s.toUpperCase() String: s with all characters converted to uppercase
s.toLowerCase() String: s with all characters covnerted to lowercase
s.isEmpty() boolean: true if s.length() is 0, otherwise false
s.isBlank() boolean: true if s.strip().length() is 0, otherwise false

Function Examples

String s = "Hello";

out.println(s.length());            // Prints out 5
out.println(s.substring(2, 4));     // Prints out ll
out.println(s.substring(1));        // Prints out ello
out.println(s.indexOf("ll"));       // Prints out 2
out.println(s.indexOf("ellooo"));   // Prints out -1
out.println(s.indexOf("He", 3));    // Prints out -1
out.println(s.lastIndexOf("l"));    // Prints out 3
out.println(s.charAt(3));           // Prints out 3
out.println(s.compareTo("Hello"));  // Prints out 0
out.println(s.equals("Hello"));     // Prints out true
out.println(s.equals("hello"));     // Prints out true
out.println(s == "Hello");          // Prints out false
out.println(s.split("e"));          // Prints out ["H", "llo"]
out.println(s.split(""));           // Prints out ["H", "e", "l", "l", "o"]
out.println(s.contains("ll"));      // Prints out true
out.println(s.startsWith("He"));    // Prints out true
out.println(s.endsWith("lo"));      // Prints out true
out.println(s.repeat(3));           // Prints out HelloHelloHello
out.println(s.toCharArray());       // Prints out ['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']
out.println(s.replace("ll", "oo")); // Prints out Heooo
out.println(s.matches(".+"));       // Prints out true
out.println(s.toUpperCase());       // Prints out HELLO
out.println(s.toLowerCase());       // Prints out hello


String s;
i + "";              // Any number (i) to String
s.charAt(0);         // String to char
Integer.parseInt(s); // String to int
Integer.valueOf(s);  // String to Integer (class)
String.valueOf(x);   // Any primitive (x) to String
