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1 | Deploy a pod named webhttpd |
Task weight | 1% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - Name: webhttpd - Image: httpd:alpine - Namespace: apx-z993845 |
2 | Create a new Deployment named nginx-app |
Task weight | 1% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - Deployment: nginx-app - Image: nginx:alpine-slim - Replicas: 2 |
3 | Create secret and create pod with environment variable from secret . |
Task weight | 4% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - secret: ns=dev-db name=dbpassword key=pwd value=my-secret-pwd - pod: ns= dev-db name=db-pod image=mysql:8.0 env.value=from secret dbpassword key=pwd |
4 | Fix replicaset rs-app2223 in namespace rsapp |
Task weight | 2% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - ReplicaSet has 2 Ready replicas. |
5 | Create deployment msg and service msg-service |
Task weight | 2% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - Deployment : ns=messaging name=msg image=redis replicas=2 - Service: name= msg-service Port=6379 Namespace=messaging deployment=msg - Use the right type of Service - Use imperative commands |
6 | Update the environment variable on the pod text-printer. |
Task weight | 1% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - Change the value of the environment variable to GREEN - Ensure that the logs of the pod was updated. |
7 | Run pod appsec-pod with ubuntu:22.04 image as root user and with SYS_TIME capability. |
Task weight | 4% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - Pod name: appsec-pod - Image: ubuntu:22.04 - Command: sleep 4800 - Container user: root - Allow container capability SYS_TIME |
8 | Export the logs of the pod app-xyz3322 to a file located at /opt/logs/app-xyz123.log . The pod is located in a different namespace. First, identify the namespace where the pod is running. |
Task weight | 1% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - Logs at /opt/logs/app-xyz123.log |
9 | Add a taint to the node with label work_type=redis. Create a pod with toleration. |
Task weight | 4% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - Tains node with label work_type=redis :key: app_type , value: alpha , effect: NoSchedule - Create a pod called alpha , image: redis with toleration to node01.- node01 with the correct taint? Pod alpha has the correct toleration? |
10 | Apply a label app_type=beta to node controlplane. Create a new deployment called beta-apps with image: nginx and replicas: 3 . Run PODs on controlplane only. |
Task weight | 4% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - controlplane has the labels app_type=beta - Deployment beta-apps - Pods of deployment are running only on controlplane? - Deployment beta-apps has 3 pods running? |
11 | Create new ingress resource to the service. Make it available at the path /cat |
Task weight | 4% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - NameSpace: cat - service: cat - Annotation: / - path: /cat - check curl ckad.local:30102/cat |
12 | Create a new pod called nginx1233 in the web-ns namespace with the image nginx . Add a livenessProbe to the container to restart it if the command ls /var/www/html/ probe fails. This check should start after a delay of 10 seconds and run every 60 seconds. |
Task weight | 2% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - You may delete and recreate the object. Ignore the warnings from the probe. - Pod: nginx1233 , namespace: web-ns , image nginx , livenessProbe? |
13 | Create a job with the image busybox and name hi-job that executes the command 'echo hello world'. |
Task weight | 3% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - Job name: hi-job - Image: busybox - Command: echo hello world - completions: 3 - backoffLimit: 6 - RestartPolicy: Never |
14 | Create a pod called multi-pod with two containers. |
Task weight | 4% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | container 1: - name: alpha , image: nginx:alpine-slim - environment variable: type: alpha container 2: - name: beta , image: busybox - command: sleep 4800 - environment variable: type: beta |
15 | Create a Persistent Volume with the given specification. Run pod with pv. |
Task weight | 8% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - Volume name: pv-analytics - pvc name: pvc-analytics - Storage: 100Mi - Access mode: ReadWriteOnce - Host path: /pv/analytics - pod name: analytics - image: busybox - node: nodeSelector - node_name: node_2 - command: "sleep 60000" - mountPath: /pv/analytics |
16 | Create a CustomResourceDefinition definition and then apply it to the cluster |
Task weight | 6% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - Name: - Group : - Schema: <email: string><name: string><age: integer> - Scope: Namespaced - Names: <plural: operators><singular: operator><shortNames: op> Kind: Operator |
17 | Write two cli commands to get the top nodes and top pods in all namespaces sorted by CPU utilization level. Place these shell commands in the necessary files. |
Task weight | 2 % |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - Get top nodes and save the command to get this info to /opt/18/nodes.txt - Get pods utilization and sort them by CPU consumtion. Save command to /opt/18/pods.txt |
18 | Add prometheus helm repo and install prometheus chart to the cluster. |
Task weight | 4% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - Add repo prometheus-community - Install prometheus from the helm chart to kubernetes cluster - Release name: prom , namespace: monitoring - helm chart: prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack |