#Find Longest or Shorted word from the sentence
Function to find long or short word from sentence is added in Utils Test is written in BDD format using cucumber-jvm framework
Feature file : - src/main/resources/features/FindWord.feature StepDefinition : - src/test/java/com/gk/test/step_definitions/FindLongestWordSteps.java String Function to find : - src/test/java/com/gk/test/framework/helpers/utils/StringUtilsHelper.java
#Assumptions Sentence is not blank
Result contains only 1 Value returned ,if there are many words with same length and same value then only first value is returned
Negative Scenarios can be better handled
mvn clean install -P dev
*Note -P dev is default profile hence doesn't need to be specified for every run
Standard HTML Report
A report will be generated at /target/cucumber-report/index.html
Pretty Cucumber-Html Report
A report will be generated at /target/cucumber-report/cucumber-html-reports/feature-overview.html