released this
18 Nov 07:46
Adding amqp video thumbnail generation 3c070c3
Handling amqp message from and to exas bc6e088
(amqp) Adding amqp handling for vith generation 7754cd1
Fixing overflow of object in single view page ef04575
Adding animated gif preview 97edd0c
Changing to webp 9ddd5d0
Using nonce instead of unsage inline 6036bd2
Adding more detailed stats and scoping by request path b349dff
Adding log of unauthorized request 863ab5a
(go) Bumping httputils to fix amqp delay exchange 9c5edd7
Fixing query name parameter b85c2c6
Fixing save of metadata when using amqp provider e27cc38
Passing item type to every vith calls 17ffbce
Fixing exas amqpclient value 505b7aa
(exif) Fixing exif handling on start a563926
(s3) Fixing s3 writer and closing properly 8476810
Using read after writer for parsing exif 0c41eb8
Fit image in vertical when browsing e3537ae
Removing authorization for access event f477d78
Fixing memory alignment and access vent details 6e2040e
Fixing httputils usage 857ba29
Fixing percentage computing a117bb8
Harmonizing metrics name 8efc057
Moving imaginary to vith fef0fb1
Using vith has image thumbnailer instead of imaginary 72f83a4
Mutualizing usage of SaveJSON 51cf4a2
Closing metadata reader ba221e6
Fixing fieldalignement memory c8bb270
(event) Adding documentation about amqp and metric refactor c6b680d
(exif) Refactoring exas/exif handling 867d54a
Removing declared http.Client to use from httputils 28ab9c6
(event) Fixing case in comment 875a870
Updating gofumpt parameter 35deba6
Removing unused variable from golangci-lint e94b659
(deps) Adding gofumpt as a formatting tool dbf97e9
(deps) bump from 7.0.14 to 7.0.15 269b377
(deps) bump from 2.11.15 to 2.11.16 dee67ca
Changing default shell for makefile 264362a
Fixing bad allocations of array e5e19bf
(deps) bump from 2.11.13 to 2.11.15 7bd0228
Changing link for buy me a coffee 2d07639
Adding bmec link 8fe5bf2
(deps) bump from 2.11.12 to 2.11.13 536a7ed
Using caas for image thumbnail d059d76
(deps) bump from 2.11.11 to 2.11.12 7e1f7de
Using uuid from httputils 0427c6e
Using go generate for generated mocks 90b30b4
(deps) Bumping httputils and auth e680bd1
(deps) bump from 7.0.13 to 7.0.14 35ce8f1
You can’t perform that action at this time.