While operating the SpikeSafe, it might be necessary to be aware of the SCPI communication transmitting back and forth between the SpikeSafe and the computer via TCP/IP socket. Logging SCPI communication to a file may be used to help correct initial setup issues in order to produce a repeatable test setup.
All SCPI messages will log to SpikeSafePythonSamples.log under the root directory of the SpikeSafePythonSamples repository (...\SpikeSafePythonSamples).
All SCPI messages will log in the following format:
<datetime>, <log level>, <message (if logging SCPI, will prepend with: TcpSocket <IP address>)>
Logging SCPI communication may be turned on at a TCP/IP socket level.
Logging all SCPI on a TCP/IP socket will automatically capture connection attempts, disconnection attempts, sending SCPI, and reading SCPI.
A typical output in SpikeSafePythonSamples.log is shown below:
09/13/2022 04:57:26, INFO, LogAllTcpSocketScpi.py started.
09/13/2022 04:57:29, INFO, TcpSocket Connecting...
09/13/2022 04:57:29, INFO, TcpSocket Sending SCPI command: *RST
09/13/2022 04:57:29, INFO, TcpSocket Sending SCPI command: MEM:TABL:READ
09/13/2022 04:57:29, INFO, TcpSocket Read Data reply: (DIF (NAME "Output Readings" (DATA (BULK 99.7) (CH1 0.000000 0.000000 0) (T1 29.9) (T2 29.9) (T3 0.0) (T4 0.0) )))
09/13/2022 04:57:29, INFO, TcpSocket Sending SCPI command: SYST:ERR?
09/13/2022 04:57:29, INFO, TcpSocket Read Data reply: 102, External Paused Signal Stopped
09/13/2022 04:57:29, INFO, TcpSocket Sending SCPI command: SYST:ERR?
09/13/2022 04:57:29, INFO, TcpSocket Read Data reply: 0, OK
09/13/2022 04:57:29, INFO, TcpSocket Disconnecting...
09/13/2022 04:57:29, INFO, LogAllTcpSocketScpi.py completed.
Logging SCPI communication may be turned for specific TCP/IP socket activity.
Logging specific SCPI communication will capture sending SCPI and reading SCPI only upon request.
A typical output in SpikeSafePythonSamples.log is shown below:
09/13/2022 04:57:35, INFO, LogSpecificTcpSocketScpi.py started.
09/13/2022 04:57:36, INFO, TcpSocket Read Data reply: (DIF (NAME "Output Readings" (DATA (BULK 99.8) (CH1 0.000000 0.000000 0) (T1 29.9) (T2 29.9) (T3 0.0) (T4 0.0) )))
09/13/2022 04:57:36, INFO, TcpSocket Sending SCPI command: SYST:ERR?
09/13/2022 04:57:36, INFO, TcpSocket Read Data reply: 102, External Paused Signal Stopped
09/13/2022 04:57:36, INFO, TcpSocket Sending SCPI command: SYST:ERR?
09/13/2022 04:57:36, INFO, TcpSocket Read Data reply: 0, OK
09/13/2022 04:57:36, INFO, LogSpecificTcpSocketScpi.py completed.