A CPU & Memory monitor for Gnome Extension Argos
The program scan the active load of each CPU and the memory, display a general Health Smiley on the status bar. By accessing to details each CPU and the memory are checked. At the beginnig of the script, it's necessary to customlize the parameters and the limits.
This repository has only one file: CpuMem.30s.sh . The Scanning Interval depend of the file name (30s = 30 seconds, 1m = 1 minute...); it's a standard in Argos extensions. The parameters are described in the script The script file must be installed in standard Argos folder: $HOME/.config/argos with correct righs: chmod +x PwdGen.sh
The parameters are in mais file: NumberProcessors=4 # The number of processors the machine have CpuWarning=50 # The CPU warning theshold CpuAlert=80 # The CPU alert theshold MemWarning=50 # The memory warning theshold MemAlert=80 # The memory alert theshold NbWarning=2 # General Warning from 1 to this value, General Alert if more
Standard Emojs could be find in this Gnome extension: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1162/emoji-selector/ Standard icons could be find in terminal command: gtk3-icon-browser Exemples of programming are found in wiki Argos --> https://github.com/p-e-w/argos/wiki