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Installing (Windows)

Matthew Wellings edited this page Apr 25, 2015 · 7 revisions

Option 1: Download prebuilt

Unofficial binaries are available from (Currently 32bit MSVC only).

Option 2 Build from source

If you need the latest version or a different build configuration you may need to build from source.


Build Steps

Install Microsoft Visual Studio, ensure that you have MSVC.
Install Qt5.
Download Vogl and extract it into a directory that does not include spaces.
Create a directory alongside the Vogl source directory called external.
Copy the contents of the SDL 2 source package into 'external' and ensure it is in a directory called 'SDL'. Create a subdirectory in 'external' called 'windows' and copy the lib-jpeg-turbo-2.1.3 and pthreads.2 directories into it.
Start the Qt 5.* for Desktop command prompt and run vcvarsall.bat
cd to the directory containing the Vogl and externals directories and run:
mkdir vogl-master\vogl_build\x64
cd vogl-master\vogl_build\x64
cmake -DQt5_DIR="C:\Qt\5.3\msvc2013_64_opengl\lib\cmake\Qt5" -G "Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64" ....

You should now have a file called 'ALL_BUILD.vcxproj'
You can build from this command-prompt by running:
msbuild myproject.vcxproj /p:configuration=debug