Releases: ValveSoftware/steam-audio
2.0-beta.8 Release
This is the 2.0-beta.8 release of the Steam Audio SDK. Apart from the source code release of the Unity plugin, there are no major changes from previous release:
- (Unity Integration) Source code released for the Steam Audio Unity plugin. Click here for source code access.
- (Unity Integration, C API) The size of the native audio plugins (audioplugin_phonon.dll,, audioplugin_phonon.bundle) has been significantly reduced.
- (C API) For macOS, both .bundle and .dylib files are shipped with the Steam Audio API.
2.0-beta.7 Release
This is 2.0-beta.7 release of Steam Audio SDK. Changes from the previous release include:
- (Unity Integration) The Steam Audio Unity plugins have been migrated to Unity's native audio plugin framework; older versions of the plugin (beta 6 and older) are now deprecated.
- (Unity Integration) Steam Audio spatializer plugin: Enable Steam Audio spatialization by checking Spatialize on any Audio Source; customize settings using a Steam Audio Source component.
- (Unity Integration) Steam Audio mixer plugins: apply reverb on a subset of your sounds by attaching a Steam Audio Reverb effect to any Audio Mixer Group.
- (Unity Integration) Fixed bug where certain values of IR duration led to a crash on startup.
- (C API, Unity Integration) Fixed audible artifacts with certain kinds of sound clips when using bilinear HRTF interpolation.
- (C API, Unity Integration) Up to 25% performance boost when using bilinear HRTF interpolation.
- (C API, Unity Integration) Using iplDumpSceneToObjFile to generate a .obj file from a Scene object now also creates a .mtl file containing material properties.
- (C API) It is no longer necessary to specify every field in IPLAudioFormat, only the ones relevant to the audio format being described.
- (C API) It is no longer necessary to create a Scene object to model frequency-dependent air absorption.
2.0-beta.6 Release
This is 2.0-beta.6 release of Steam Audio SDK. Changes from the previous release include:
- (C API) Changed the behavior of iplSaveFinalizedScene to serialize scene data to a user-supplied memory buffer, rather than a file. The application is now responsible for storing this data in an appropriate location.
- (C API) Static libraries (phonons.lib, libphonons.a) are no longer supplied with the C API.
- (Unity Integration) The minimum version of Unity supported is now Unity 5.3. Unity 5.2 or older are no longer supported.
- (Unity Integration) Steam Audio log messages are now displayed in the Unity editor's Console window.
- (Unity Integration) Probe boxes can now be freely rotated, scaled, or translated in the editor.
- (Unity Integration) Updated Phonon Listener GUI to ensure that Accelerated Mixing and Enable Reverb are mutually exclusive options.
- (Unity Integration) Disabled changing Global Simulation and other properties when the Unity editor is in play mode.
- (Unity Integration) Fixed a bug where generating probes did not mark the scene as dirty, making it possible to exit Unity without being prompted to save changes.
- (Unity Integration) Fixed a bug with unnecessary per-frame memory allocations.
- (Unity Integration, C API) Updated Copyright notice.
2.0-beta.5 Release
This is 2.0-beta.5 release of Steam Audio SDK. Changes from the previous release include:
- (C API) Fixed potential performance issue when using Convolution Effects with custom memory allocator callbacks.
- (C API) Fixed performance issue when calling iplGetMixedEnvironmentalAudio when no Convolution Effect objects have been created.
- (C API) Fixed occasional audio glitch in the first frame rendered using a Convolution Effect.
- (C API) Improved simulation performance in some cases by pruning ray paths based on propagation time.
- (C API) Reduced unnecessary memory allocations during audio processing.
- (C API) Fixed bug where probes could not be generated when using custom ray tracer callbacks.
- (C API) Changed the center frequencies used for material properties.
- (Unity Integration, C API) The Steam Audio DLLs no longer require the Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable to be installed.
- (Unity Integration, C API) Added support for transmission coefficients to Phonon Material.
- (Unity Integration, C API) Added support for modeling transmission of sound through geometry, along the direct sound path. Two modes of transmission have been added: frequency-dependent and frequency-independent.
- (Unity Integration, C API) Added support for modeling frequency-dependent air absorption along the direct sound path. This can be toggled on or off on a per-source basis.
- (Unity Integration) Fixed a bug where materials were incorrectly mapped to scene geometry.
- (Unity Integration) Reduced per frame memory overhead caused by instantiating WaitForEndOfFrame every frame.
- (Unity Integration) Fixed a bug where no sound was heard if starting a scene with Enable Reflections unchecked on a Phonon Source and Accelerated Mixing checked on the Phonon Listener.
- (Unity Integration) Changed physics-based attenuation to be off by default on a Phonon Source.
- (Unity Integration) Fixed error with GUI elements on versions of Unity older than 5.5.
- (Unity Integration) Updated documentation to clarify that the Phonon Manager component should not be added manually.
2.0-beta.4 Release
This is 2.0-beta.4 release of Steam Audio SDK. Changes from the previous release include:
- (Unreal Engine) Steam Audio is now available with Unreal Engine 4, starting with Unreal Engine 4.16 Preview 2.
- (C API) Added callback functions to allow users to use their own HRTF data with Steam Audio.
- (C API) Fixed bug when converting wide-character strings containing non-ASCII characters to UTF-8 on Windows.
- (C API) Linking against the C API static library on Windows should no longer result in warnings about the "/GL" compiler flag.
- (Unity Integration) Detailed baking statistics are provided for Phonon Source, Phonon Listener, and Baked Static Listener Node.
- (Unity Integration) Added an advanced option in Phonon Manager to choose whether or not to search for Audio Listener and Phonon Listener objects every frame.
- (Unity Integration) Added an advanced option in Phonon Manager that provides a centralized place for baking any source, reverb, or static listener in the scene.
- (Unity Integration) Improved support for pre-exporting scenes whose names contain non-ASCII characters.
- (Unity Integration) Improved support for Phonon Source and Baked Static Listener Node unique identifiers with non-ASCII characters.
2.0-beta.3 Release
This is 2.0-beta.3 release of Steam Audio SDK. Changes from the previous release include:
- (C API) Improved quality of bilinear interpolation when the source is directly to the left or right of the listener.
- (C API) Fixed occasional popping artifacts when using Accelerated Mixing for indirect sound.
- (Unity Integration) Fixed a bug which lead to glitches on toggling a component with Phonon Source on or off.
- (Unity Integration) Fixed a bug which prevented dynamically adding a Phonon Source component or toggling the component.
- (Unity Integration) Fixed an issue which prevented Audio Listener from being swapped at runtime.
- (Unity Integration) Up to 4x improvement in load time performance by reducing number of expensive FIndObjectOfType calls.
- (Hotfix-1) Fixed an issue with UI when baking with Probe Boxes set to null.
- (Hotfix-1) Fixed an issue with Unity integration where Steam Audio objects are not destroyed completely.
2.0-beta.2 Release
This is 2.0-beta.2 release of Steam Audio SDK. Changes from the previous release include:
- (Unity Integration) Fixed a bug where baked data is not properly saved with the scene, requiring a bake every time a project is opened in the Unity editor.
- (Unity Integration) Fixed a bug where all audio sources stop playing when Partial occlusion is turned on and a source intersects with a geometry.
- (Unity Integration) Fixed a bug which introduced a buzz artifact when moving fast or transporting from one location to another.
- (Unity integration) Fixed a bug where baking reverb or propagation effect crashes Unity if no probes have been generated.
- (Unity Integration) Fixed a bug where coroutines on Phonon Source and Phonon Listener did not start properly if a GameObject is toggled.
- (Unity Integration) Cleaned up Phonon Effect UX by dividing it into Phonon Source and Phonon Listener.
- (Unity Integration) Reduced overhead when dynamically creating a GameObject with Phonon Source or Phonon Listener.
- (C API) Fixed incorrect baked data lookup when two or more sources use baked data.
- (Performance) Bilinear interpolation for HRTF is up to 4x faster on PC (Windows, Linux, macOS).
- (Performance) Convolution for indirect sound is up to 2x faster.
- (Documentation) Added information on the actual frequencies of the low, mid, and high frequency bands used for acoustic materials.
- (Documentation) Added more introductory material to the API documentation.
- (Hotfix-1) Fixed issue with Unity integration when Audio Listener is not present.
- (Hotfix-1) Updated documentation - Environment Component, Environmental Renderer Component, and Phonon Static Listener Component can be attached to any GameObject in Unity.
Initial Steam Audio SDK Release
This is the initial release of Steam Audio SDK. Changes from Phonon 1.7 to Steam Audio SDK 2.0 Beta 1 include:
- Unified solution for 3D audio, real-time propagation, and baked propagation.
- Available as a Unity plugin and C API; additional integrations under development.
- Support for raycast and partial occlusion of direct sound.
- Quality improvements to 3D audio (previously called Phonon 3D), reducing frequency coloration of audio clips when spatialized.
- Support for Ambisonics based 3D audio for sound propagation.
- Performance improvements for real-time sound propagation.
- Increased flexibility in specifying how and where reverb is baked (previously called Phonon Reverb).
- Support for direction-dependent reverb, using Ambisonics.
- Support for baking per-sound sound propagation effect (previously called Phonon SoundFlow).
- Support for baking sound propagation effect for static listener.
- (Unity plugin) Performance improvements for scene export.