diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 074427e..dc3d14a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ See [#428](https://github.com/ValentinH/react-easy-crop/issues/428), [#409](http
| `style` | `{ containerStyle: object, mediaStyle: object, cropAreaStyle: object }` | | Custom styles to be used with the Cropper. Styles passed via the style prop are merged with the defaults. |
| `classes` | `{ containerClassName: string, mediaClassName: string, cropAreaClassName: string }` | | Custom class names to be used with the Cropper. Classes passed via the classes prop are merged with the defaults. If you have CSS specificity issues, you should probably use the `disableAutomaticStylesInjection` prop. |
| `mediaProps` | object | | The properties you want to apply to the media tag (
or depending on your media) |
+| `cropperProps` | object | | The properties you want to apply to the cropper. |
| `restrictPosition` | boolean | | Whether the position of the media should be restricted to the boundaries of the cropper. Useful setting in case of `zoom < 1` or if the cropper should preserve all media content while forcing a specific aspect ratio for media throughout the application. Example: https://codesandbox.io/s/1rmqky233q. |
| `initialCroppedAreaPercentages` | `{ width: number, height: number, x: number, y: number}` | | Use this to set the initial crop position/zoom of the cropper (for example, when editing a previously cropped media). The value should be the same as the `croppedArea` passed to [`onCropComplete`](#onCropCompleteProp). This is the preferred way of restoring the previously set crop because `croppedAreaPixels` is rounded, and when used for restoration, may result in a slight drifting crop/zoom |
| `initialCroppedAreaPixels` | `{ width: number, height: number, x: number, y: number}` | | Use this to set the initial crop position/zoom of the cropper (for example, when editing a previously cropped media). The value should be the same as the `croppedAreaPixels` passed to [`onCropComplete`](#onCropCompleteProp) Example: https://codesandbox.io/s/pmj19vp2yx. |
diff --git a/src/Cropper.tsx b/src/Cropper.tsx
index 7ab885f..703fe9b 100644
--- a/src/Cropper.tsx
+++ b/src/Cropper.tsx
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ export type CropperProps = {
restrictPosition: boolean
mediaProps: React.ImgHTMLAttributes | React.VideoHTMLAttributes
+ cropperProps: React.HTMLAttributes
disableAutomaticStylesInjection?: boolean
initialCroppedAreaPixels?: Area
initialCroppedAreaPercentages?: Area
@@ -96,6 +97,7 @@ class Cropper extends React.Component {
style: {},
classes: {},
mediaProps: {},
+ cropperProps: {},
zoomSpeed: 1,
restrictPosition: true,
zoomWithScroll: true,
@@ -801,6 +803,7 @@ class Cropper extends React.Component {
+ cropperProps,
crop: { x, y },
@@ -890,6 +893,7 @@ class Cropper extends React.Component {
showGrid && 'reactEasyCrop_CropAreaGrid',
+ {...cropperProps}