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File metadata and controls

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RSA spatialcubeservice API

This document describes the RESTful Web services available in the RSA's SpatialCubeService module.

  1. Dataset web services - for listing, creating, retrieving, and deleting dataset
  2. Timeslice web services - for listing, creating, retrieving, and deleting timeslice for a dataset
  3. Band web services - for listing, creating, retrieving, and deleting band for a dataset
  4. Data web services - for importing, exporting, uploading, downloading data and also performing a query


URL Method Parameter Return
/Dataset GET name : dataset name
resolution : resolution
abstract : dataAbstract
page : page number (Default: 0)
pageSize : page Size (Default:50)
/Dataset/{id} GET DatasetResponse
/Dataset POST id(optional) : if the value is not null it will be update the dataset otherwise it will be created a new one
name : dataset name
resolution : resolution
precision : precision
abstract : dataAbstract
/Dataset/Delete/{id} POST DatasetResponse


URL Method Parameter Return
/TimeSlice GET datasetId : id of dataset which is time slice belongs to
creationDate : time of time slice
searchBeginDate : search boundary start point
searchEndDate : search boundary end point page : page number (Default: 0)
pageSize : page Size (Default:50)
/TimeSlice/{id} GET TimeSliceResponse
/TimeSlice POST timeSliceId(optional) : if the value is not null it will be update the timeslice otherwise it will be created a new one
datasetId : id of dataset which is time slice belongs to
createDate : creationDate
/TimeSlice/Delete/{id} GET TimeSliceResponse


URL Method Parameter Return
/Band GET datasetId : id of dataset which is time slice belongs to
page : page number
(Default: 0)
pageSize : page Size (Default:50)
/Band/{id} GET BandResponse
/Band POST datasetId : id of dataset which is time slice belongs to
name : name of band
dataType : dataType of band
metadata : is metadata continuous : is continuous
/Band/Delete/{id} POST BandResponse


URL Method Parameter Return
/Data/Import POST taskId : id of file which is uploaded
bandId : id of band which is going to import
ImportResponse(Okay, fail)
/Data/Export POST datasetId : id of dataset which is time slice belongs to
bandId : list of bandId s(same name request)
searchBeginDate : search boundary start point
searchEndDate : search boundary end point
projetion : projection type and value (eg.EPSG:123)
topLeft : spatial bounds
bottomRight : spatial bounds
/Data/ExportExpress GET datasetId : id of dataset which is time slice belongs to ExportResponse(taskId)
/Data/Upload POST timeSliceId : id of time slice which is file belongs to
files : list of files (multipart-file)
fileId : existing file id
/Data/Download/{taskId} GET Not allowed extention Zipped file itself
/Data/Task POST searchType : Import / Export
status : status of task
/Data/Task/{id} POST taskId : id of task came from export / import process TaskResponse
/Data/Query GET file : configuration file which is used for query
threads : number of threads
minX : minimum X coordination
minY : minimum Y coordination
maxX : maximum X coordination
maxY : maximum Y coordination
startDate : date of timeslice querying date started
startDate : date of timeslice querying date started