For all StepStick motor drivers with STEP/DIR interface
this library:
- allows you to drive your stepper motor very precisely and easy!
- can compensate a backlash for geared motors!
- saves your battery and protects the motor from overheating by using power saving mode!
- supports A4899, DRV8825, LV8729, TMC2100/2208/2209
StepMot(float steps_per_revolution, uint8_t step_pin, uint8_t dir_pin, uint8_t en_pin);
void setMode(bool mode); // ABSOLUTE or RELATIVE(default)
void autoPower(bool status); // ON: auto power on by moving and power off if stopped. OFF: power is always on (default)
void setBacklash(float angle); // set backlash angle and activate compensation
void setRPM(float rpm); // set the speed in revolutions per minute
void enable(); // power on
void disable(); // power off
void setDir(bool dir); // clockwise CW or counterclockwise CCW
void invertDir(bool invertState); // software direction inverting
void setSteps(uint32_t steps); // moving by steps
void setAngle(float newAngle); // moving by angle
void rotate(bool dir); // rotating clockwise CW or counterclockwise CCW
void rotate(); // set speed (RPM) and rotate. Positive speed -> clockwise, negative -> counterclockwise
float getAngle(); // get the absolute actual position
void resetPos(); // reset the actual position to 0
void step(); // make one step
bool ready(); // get status if target is reached
bool update(); // this method drives the motor, so it must be called as often as possible. Returns true if the motor is moving and false otherwise
#include "StepMot.h"
/* Example of using StepMot Library
* read about another methods in StepMot.h
#define STEPS_PER_REVOLUTION 2037.88642 // 28BYJ-48 geared stepper motor
#define MICROSTEPS 1 // 1 for full step, 2 for halfstep ...
#define STEP_PIN 16
#define DIR_PIN 10
#define EN_PIN 14
void setup() {
motor.setMode(ABSOLUTE); // set to ABSOLUTE or RELATIVE modes (default RELATIVE)
motor.setRPM(10); // speed in revolutions per minute
motor.enable(); // power on the motor
void loop() {
while (Serial.available() > 0){
int angle = Serial.parseInt();
if(motor.update()) Serial.println(motor.getAngle());