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Releases: UoA-eResearch/prx_fishtank

v1.5.0: Smooth transparency transition, the start of a configuration file, improved haptic feedback accuracy, and new particle affect for ring death.

04 Oct 20:41
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New features:

  • You are now able to set the option to include the touch-pad as a menu cycling input within the .xml file in the streaming assets folder.

  • There is a new particle effect to show accretion fade away when a ring is destroyed.


  • The haptic feedback attraction and repulsion algorithm has been adjusted for better accuracy.

v1.4.0: Added keyboard inputs

17 Sep 05:01
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  • Added some simple arrow key keyboard input handling to control the menu. Left and right arrow keys are used to cycle between menus, up and down arrows are used to either toggle or increment/decrement the slider values.

v1.3.0: Added monomer-to-monomer haptic feedback, reverted default pH to high, added requirements for monomer attraction particle to show, tweaked monomer counts, tractor beam strength

09 Sep 22:37
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  • Added haptic feedback for when particles are being held, when particles are in similar alignment it should give constant vibration, when monomer pairs are held that are in wrong orientation there should be a slightly pulsating vibration. Vibration strength is proportional to how close the monomer pairs are held.
  • Reduced the game monomer count to 192 so all monomers can be formed into rings.
  • Reverted the pH starting strength to a high pH so the molecules don't instantly start bonding.
  • Slightly increased the tractor beam strength so the fishtank the attraction force to the fishtank won't nullify the tractor beam attraction force.

v1.2.0: Added splash screen, Improved audio, party mode, quality of life improvements. Added tractor beam and monomer-to-monomer attraction particles.

04 Sep 04:52
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  • Improved UI readability, hints
  • Visual improvements to fish tank and floor
  • Improvements to party mode
  • Probability tweaks for bonding
  • Added splash screen
  • Added menu switch for nanoparticles
  • Added stacking simulation mode
  • Added sound effects and ambient audio
  • Added tractor beam feature to attract particles to hands
  • Added visual particle indicator to show attraction forces between monomers.

v1.1.5: Ring Stacking spring constraints - tidied and defaulted to OFF

11 Jun 00:23
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moved functions into Ring.cs from Fishtank.cs
default is old pushtogether for rings
plenty of issues with springs... dirty - but OFF

nurd_v1.0.0: rigged polymer

11 Jun 00:14
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configurable distance constraints
gfx feedback


06 Apr 02:22
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fix NullReferenceExceptions / MissingReferenceExceptions. Fixes #36

the antiparallel release

23 Mar 04:18
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detect and handle ring antiparallel bonding

rusty donuts with sfx

21 Mar 20:44
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party mode switch (fixes #23)

The donut game

14 Mar 22:56
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reset button