Express decapsulator POC
Transpose client in Python, Java, Go
Fix biases about dynamic node (updating the Gridfile accordingly (auto?manual?)
Understand how it could work on private network
add bump in main pck.json
- Warm Start
- Iterative Propagation
configuration of tasks (JSON conf (ecosystem)? max memory/timeout?)
when doing grid dump (conf:update) -> if address has 192.168.. = dump private ip instead of public
allow to activate each grid control part (discovery, file sharing, pub/sub)
be able to customize configuration for each host instead of a simple host array
ssh-add private key when provisioning
generate gridfile with random grid name and random password
Fix when Gridfile is missing (sometime no message is thrown)
Better pm2 logs integration
LB implement broadcast strategy
fix npm-shrinkwrap (change from git to npm packages?)
test with remote computer to interconnect odroid in a local network
[NOK] Web interface for gridcontrol
Add password to grid provision
Auto reconnect dashboard
keep counter of invokations, errors
[~] Grid upgrade = dont keep namespace
Add AUTH via env variable ([X] NS and AUTH/PASS)
[NOK] grid-cli $ grid status -> print computing powert (CPU usage vary)
Integrate multissh with CLI (multissh)
Modularize multi ssh blessed based capability
Keymetrics integration : grid install keymetrics <private_key> <public_key> ------> Keymetrics access: grid keymetrics access ------> Change namespace: grid namespace new:namespace
Socket that are not identified (not sent 'identify' data) can break stuff (.getPeers return all sockets)
Compatibility with Amazon lamda/apdex
Fix returned synchronized flag when listing
[NOK- not anymore http between peers] At initialization check that http connection can be made
restart master strategies (leveldb for persistence?)
Build smart LB
Build CLI (+ list connected host via identity)
Use discovery-swarm
patch discovery-swam with TLS
Fix issue, tests some time fail
Fix issue port on script restart
Report error when task has been retried more than 8 times (8 seconds)
call client.invoke instead of exec (alias)
[NOK] Objectify Peer (keep array of Peer object instead of raw socket obj)
[~] Graphic documentation (refers to paper notes)
[NOK - HTTP listen only local] Add TLS on HTTP