diff --git a/.github/scripts/configure-workflow.sh b/.github/scripts/configure-workflow.sh
index e85c7f9..b570040 100644
--- a/.github/scripts/configure-workflow.sh
+++ b/.github/scripts/configure-workflow.sh
@@ -112,6 +112,8 @@ function get-input-reason() {
   elif [ "$GITHUB_EVENT_NAME" = "pull_request" ]; then
     REASON="Triggered from PR"
+  elif [ "$GITHUB_EVENT_NAME" = "schedule" ]; then
+    REASON="Scheduled run"
     REASON="No reason provided"
@@ -135,3 +137,4 @@ function configure-workflow() {
   set-output run-tests-args "$(get-run-tests-args $artifact_object_path)"
   set-output input-reason "$(get-input-reason)"
diff --git a/.github/workflows/old-automated-idp-web-tests.yml b/.github/workflows/old-automated-idp-web-tests.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index eac5fce..0000000
--- a/.github/workflows/old-automated-idp-web-tests.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-name: Slack - Run UW IdP Web Tests
-  push:
-    branches:
-      # This branch override is meant to act as a way of validating
-      # the workflow itself, which is difficult to do well out
-      # of context. Feel free to push to this branch at any time.
-      # You may need to use `-f` when pushing.
-      - run-uw-idp-web-tests
-  pull_request:
-    paths-ignore:
-      - "*.md"  # No reason to run tests when only docs change
-  workflow_dispatch:
-    inputs:
-      target-idp-env:
-        description: >
-          target-idp-env. Acceptable values are `eval`, `prod`. The idp environment
-          you want to test against.
-        required: true
-        default: eval
-      target-idp-host:
-        description: >
-          target-idp-host. Optional. If provided, will add an /etc/hosts entry
-          targeting this host.
-        required: false
-      reason:
-        description: >
-          reason. The reason for running this test suite; can be helpful to
-          provide context and distinguish different runs.
-        required: false
-      slack-channel:
-        description: >
-          slack-channel. The channel to send a notification to, detailing the
-          context and outcome of the test. (`/invite @iam-github-slack-crier`
-          in the channel, if not already done.)
-        required: true
-        default: '#iam-bot-sandbox'
-      pytest-args:
-        description: >
-          pytest-args. Any args you want to send to pytest. You do not ever need to
-          supply `log_cli` arguments.
-        required: false
-  ###############################################
-  # Do not edit the env values below this line. #
-  # Other defaults are set in .github/scripts/configure-workflow.sh
-  ###############################################
-  run-idp-web-tests:
-    name: Configure and run tests, and upload test artifacts
-    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
-    env:
-      UPLOAD_STATUS: 'not started'
-      ARTIFACT_HOST: "https://identity-artifact.iamdev.s.uw.edu"
-    outputs:
-      slack-channel: ${{ steps.configure.outputs.slack-channel }}
-      # These outputs come from the configure-workflow.sh script
-      report-object-path: ${{ steps.configure.outputs.report-object-path }}
-      report-url: ${{ steps.configure.outputs.report-url }}
-      short-sha: ${{ steps.configure.outputs.short-sha }}
-      pr-number: ${{ steps.configure.outputs.pr-number }}
-      workflow-id: ${{ steps.configure.outputs.workflow-id }}
-      workflow-snapshot-artifact: ${{ steps.configure.outputs.workflow-snapshot-artifact }}
-      idp-env: ${{ steps.configure.outputs.idp-env }}
-      idp-host: ${{ steps.configure.outputs.idp-host }}
-      run-tests-args: ${{ steps.configure.outputs.run-tests-args }}
-    permissions:
-      contents: 'read'
-      id-token: 'write'
-      pull-requests: 'write'
-    steps:
-      - uses: actions/checkout@main
-      - id: configure
-        env:
-          INPUT_TARGET_IDP_ENV: ${{ github.event.inputs.target-idp-env }}
-          INPUT_TARGET_IDP_HOST: ${{ github.event.inputs.target-idp-host }}
-          INPUT_REASON: ${{ github.event.inputs.reason }}
-          # INPUT_SLACK_CHANNEL: ${{ github.event.inputs.slack-channel }}
-          INPUT_PYTEST_ARGS: ${{ github.event.inputs.pytest-args }}
-          UWCA_CERT: ${{ secrets.UWCA_CERT }}
-          UWCA_KEY: ${{ secrets.UWCA_KEY }}
-        run: |
-          source ./.github/scripts/configure-workflow.sh
-          configure-workflow
-      # - id: set-envs
-      #   run: |
-      #     echo "SLACK_CANVAS_ID=${{ steps.configure.outputs.workflow-id }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
-      - id: 'auth'
-        name: 'Authenticate to Google Cloud'
-        uses: 'google-github-actions/auth@v2'
-        with:
-          credentials_json: ${{ secrets.TEST_RUNNER_GOOGLE_TOKEN }}
-      - name: 'Set up Cloud SDK'
-        uses: 'google-github-actions/setup-gcloud@v2'
-        with:
-          version: '>= 363.0.0'
-      # - name: Initialize slack workflow canvas
-      #   env:
-      #     IDP_ENV: ${{ steps.configure.outputs.idp-env }}
-      #   with:
-      #     command: create-canvas
-      #     # Since your IDE may not pick up on this as JSON and help you,
-      #     # always make sure to run this through a JSON validator.
-      #     json: >
-      #       {
-      #         "channel": "${{ steps.configure.outputs.slack-channel }}",
-      #         "canvasId": "${{ steps.configure.outputs.workflow-id }}",
-      #         "status": "in progress",
-      #         "description": "${{ env.IDP_ENV }} IdP Web Tests",
-      #         "steps": [
-      #           {
-      #             "description": "Configure workflow",
-      #             "status": "succeeded",
-      #             "stepId": "configure-workflow"
-      #           },
-      #           {
-      #             "description": "Run UW IdP tests",
-      #             "stepId": "run-tests",
-      #             "status": "in progress"
-      #           },
-      #           {
-      #             "description": "Upload test artifacts",
-      #             "stepId": "upload-artifacts"
-      #           }
-      #         ]
-      #       }
-      #     channel: ${{ steps.configure.outputs.slack-channel }}
-      #     description: ${{ env.IDP_ENV }} IdP Web Tests
-      #   uses: UWIT-IAM/actions/update-slack-workflow-canvas@main
-      # - name: add change information to slack canvas
-      #   with:
-      #     command: add-artifact
-      #     description: ${{ steps.configure.outputs.workflow-snapshot-artifact }}
-      #   uses: UWIT-IAM/actions/update-slack-workflow-canvas@main
-      - env:
-          RUN_TESTS_ARGS: ${{ steps.configure.outputs.run-tests-args }}
-          IDP_ENV: ${{ steps.configure.outputs.idp-env }}
-        run: |
-          exit_status=0
-          if ./scripts/run-tests.sh ${{ steps.args.outputs.extra }} ${{ env.RUN_TESTS_ARGS }}
-          then
-            echo "All tests succeeded for ${{ env.IDP_ENV }} succeeded! "
-            test_status=succeeded
-          else
-            exit_status=$?
-            echo "Tests for ${{ env.IDP_ENV }} failed with status $exit_status"
-            test_status=failed
-          fi
-          # Only upload artifacts if the test suite actually ran.
-          echo "test-status=$test_status" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
-          echo "upload-artifacts=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
-          exit  $exit_status
-        name: Run UW ${{ env.IDP_ENV }} IdP Web Tests
-        id: run-tests
-      # - if: always()
-      #   env:
-      #     upload_step_status: >
-      #       ${{ steps.run-tests.outputs.upload-artifacts == 'true' && 'in progress' || 'not started' }}
-      #     test_status: ${{ steps.run-tests.outputs.test-status }}
-      #   with:
-      #     command: update-workflow
-      #     step-id: run-tests, upload-artifacts
-      #     step-status: ${{ env.test_status }}, ${{ env.upload_step_status }}
-      #     workflow-status: ${{ env.test_status == 'succeeded' && 'in progress' || 'failed' }}
-      #   uses: UWIT-IAM/actions/update-slack-workflow-canvas@main
-      - if: ${{ always() && steps.run-tests.outputs.upload-artifacts == 'true' }}
-        id: upload-artifacts
-        with:
-          path: web-tests
-          destination: ${{ secrets.IDENTITY_ARTIFACT_BUCKET }}
-        name: upload storyboards to identity-artifacts
-        uses: google-github-actions/upload-cloud-storage@v2
-      # - if: ${{ always() && steps.run-tests.outputs.upload-artifacts == 'true' }}
-      #   with:
-      #     command: update-workflow
-      #     step-id: upload-artifacts
-      #     step-status: >
-      #       ${{ steps.upload-artifacts.conclusion == 'success' && 'succeeded' || 'failed' }}
-      #   uses: UWIT-IAM/actions/update-slack-workflow-canvas@main
-      # - if: ${{ always() && steps.run-tests.outputs.upload-artifacts == 'true' }}
-      #   with:
-      #     command: add-artifact
-      #     description: >
-      #       *Storyboards*: ${{ steps.configure.outputs.report-url }}
-      #   name: add storyboard link to slack canvas
-      #   uses: UWIT-IAM/actions/update-slack-workflow-canvas@main
-      # - if: always()
-      #   with:
-      #     command: update-workflow
-      #     workflow-status: ${{ steps.run-tests.conclusion == 'success' && 'succeeded' || 'failed' }}
-      #   name: Update workflow status
-      #   uses: UWIT-IAM/actions/update-slack-workflow-canvas@main
-      # - if: always()
-      #   with:
-      #     command: remove-step
-      #     step-id: '*'
-      #     step-status: succeeded
-      #   uses: UWIT-IAM/actions/update-slack-workflow-canvas@main
-      # - if: always()
-      #   with:
-      #     command: finalize-workflow
-      #   name: clean up slack canvas metadata
-      #   uses: UWIT-IAM/actions/update-slack-workflow-canvas@main
-      - if: ${{ always() && github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}
-        id: update-pull-request
-        uses: mshick/add-pr-comment@v1
-        name: Add storyboard link to pull request
-        env:
-          REPORT_URL: ${{ steps.configure.outputs.report-url }}
-          SHORT_SHA: ${{ steps.configure.outputs.short-sha }}
-        with:
-          repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
-          repo-token-user-login: 'github-actions[bot]'  # Don't change
-          allow-repeats: true
-          message: |
-            - Test result: ${{ steps.run-tests.outcome }}
-            - [Storyboards](${{ env.REPORT_URL }})
-            **Commit ${{ env.SHORT_SHA }}**
diff --git a/.github/workflows/old-scheduled-idp-web-tests.yml b/.github/workflows/old-scheduled-idp-web-tests.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index c9f58a8..0000000
--- a/.github/workflows/old-scheduled-idp-web-tests.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-name: Scheduled UW IdP Test Matrix
-  push:
-    branches:
-      # You can test this workflow by pushing to this branch
-      - run-scheduled-idp-web-tests
-  schedule:
-    # The cron string must be quoted!
-    # https://docs.github.com/en/actions/reference/events-that-trigger-workflows#schedule
-    # Do not change this without also changing stop-test-service-providers.yml
-    - cron: '0 10 * * *'  # 3am PDT, 2am PST
-  run-web-tests:
-    strategy:
-      matrix:
-        include:
-          - idp_env: eval
-          - idp_env: prod
-      fail-fast: false  # Don't cancel prod tests if eval fails and vice versa
-    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
-    permissions:
-      contents: read
-      id-token: write
-      actions: write
-    env:
-    steps:
-      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
-      - id: config
-        run: |
-          set -x
-          timestamp=$(date "+%Y.%d.%m-%H.%m.%S")
-          storyboard_path="idp/schedule/${{ matrix.idp_env }}/${timestamp}"
-          report_dir="web-tests/${storyboard_path}"
-          echo timestamp=${timestamp} >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
-          echo storyboard_path=${storyboard_path} >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
-          echo report_dir=${report_dir} >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
-          echo storyboard_link=${storyboard_url}/${report_dir}/index.html >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
-          echo workflow_link=${{ env.workflow_link }} >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
-        env:
-          storyboard_url: https://identity-artifact.iamdev.s.uw.edu/
-          workflow_link: https://github.com/${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}
-      - uses: UWIT-IAM/actions/configure-gcloud-docker-gcloud-v101@0.1.17
-        with:
-          gcloud-token: ${{ secrets.TEST_RUNNER_GOOGLE_TOKEN }}
-      # - name: Initialize slack workflow canvas
-      #   env:
-      #     IDP_ENV: ${{ steps.configure.outputs.idp-env }}
-      #   with:
-      #     json: >
-      #       {
-      #         "channel": "#iam-bots",
-      #         "status": "in progress",
-      #         "description": "Scheduled ${{ matrix.idp_env }} IdP Web Tests",
-      #         "steps": [
-      #           {
-      #             "description": "Run tests",
-      #             "stepId": "run-tests",
-      #             "status": "in progress"
-      #           },
-      #           {
-      #             "description": "Upload test artifacts",
-      #             "stepId": "upload-artifacts"
-      #           }
-      #         ]
-      #       }
-      #   uses: UWIT-IAM/actions/set-up-slack-notification-canvas@0.1
-      #   id: slack
-      # - if: steps.slack.outputs.canvas-id
-      #   name: Add workflow link to slack notification
-      #   uses: UWIT-IAM/actions/update-slack-workflow-canvas@0.1
-      #   with:
-      #     command: add-artifact
-      #     description: "<${{ env.workflow_link }} | View Workflow>"
-      #   env:
-      #     workflow_link: ${{ steps.config.outputs.workflow_link }}
-      - name: Run tests
-        run: ./scripts/run-tests.sh -- --env ${{ matrix.idp_env }}
-        id: run
-      - name: Determine post-test actions
-        if: always()
-        run: |
-          if test -f webdriver-report/index.html
-          then
-            mkdir -pv ${{ steps.config.outputs.report_dir }}
-            cp -r webdriver-report/* ${{ steps.config.outputs.report_dir }}
-            echo upload_storyboards='true' >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
-          fi
-        id: post-run
-      # - if: always() && steps.slack.outputs.canvas-id
-      #   env:
-      #     run_status: ${{ steps.run.outcome == 'success' && 'succeeded' || 'failed' }}
-      #     upload_status: ${{ steps.post-run.outputs.upload_storyboards == 'true' && 'in progress' || 'failed'}}
-      #   uses: UWIT-IAM/actions/update-slack-workflow-canvas@0.1
-      #   with:
-      #     step-id: run-tests, upload-artifacts
-      #     step-status: ${{ env.run_status }}, ${{ env.upload_status }}
-      #     command: update-workflow
-      - if: always() && steps.post-run.outputs.upload_storyboards == 'true'
-        name: Upload storyboards to identity-artifact
-        id: upload-storyboards
-        uses: google-github-actions/upload-cloud-storage@v2
-        with:
-          path: 'web-tests'
-          destination: ${{ secrets.IDENTITY_ARTIFACT_BUCKET }}
-      # - if: >
-      #     always()
-      #     && steps.post-run.outputs.upload_storyboards =='true'
-      #     && steps.upload-storyboards.outcome == 'success'
-      #     && steps.slack.outputs.canvas-id
-      #   name: Add storyboard link to slack notification
-      #   id: add-storyboard-link-to-slack
-      #   uses: UWIT-IAM/actions/update-slack-workflow-canvas@0.1
-      #   with:
-      #     command: add-artifact
-      #     description: "<${{ steps.config.outputs.storyboard_link }} | View Storyboards>"
-      - if: >
-          always()
-          && steps.post-run.outputs.upload_storyboards =='true'
-          && steps.upload-storyboards.outcome == 'success'
-        name: Set notices on workflow
-        env:
-          storyboard_link: ${{ steps.config.outputs.storyboard_link }}
-        run: echo "::notice::Storyboards located at ${{ env.storyboard_link }}"
-      # - if: >
-      #     always()
-      #     && steps.post-run.outputs.upload_storyboards == 'true'
-      #   uses: UWIT-IAM/actions/update-slack-workflow-canvas@0.1
-      #   env:
-      #     step_status: ${{ steps.upload-storyboards.outcome == 'success' && 'succeeded' || 'failed' }}
-      #   with:
-      #     command: update-workflow
-      #     step-id: upload-artifacts
-      #     step-status: ${{ env.step_status }}
-      # - if: always() && steps.slack.outputs.canvas-id
-      #   uses: UWIT-IAM/actions/finalize-slack-notification-canvas@0.1
-      #   with:
-      #     workflow-status: ${{ job.status == 'success' && 'succeeded' || 'failed' }}
diff --git a/.github/workflows/scheduled-idp-web-tests.yml b/.github/workflows/scheduled-idp-web-tests.yml
index 87005f5..1ef2c0f 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/scheduled-idp-web-tests.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/scheduled-idp-web-tests.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-name: No Slack - Scheduled UW IdP Test Matrix
+name: Scheduled UW IdP Test Matrix
@@ -12,33 +12,19 @@ on:
     - cron: '0 10 * * *'  # 3am PDT, 2am PST
-      target-idp-env:
-        description: >
-          NOTE: Running this workflows manually via this form will allow you to test the yaml of this workflow file and it will run the same tests as found in "No Slack - Run UW IdP Web Tests."
-          For "normal" on demand running of the idp tests, the "No Slack - Run UW IdP Web Tests" can be used.
-          target-idp-env. Acceptable values are `eval`, `prod`. The idp environment
-          you want to test against.
-        required: true
-        default: eval
-      target-idp-host:
-        description: >
-          target-idp-host. Optional. If provided, will add an /etc/hosts entry
-          targeting this host.
-        required: false
         description: >
-          reason. The reason for running this test suite; can be helpful to
-          provide context and distinguish different runs.
+          The reason for running this test suite; can be helpful to
+          provide context and distinguish different runs. **Note, this form only really exists to a dev can test the workflow.** The standard way of running test on demand is with the "Run UW IdP Web Tests" workflow.
         required: false
-      pytest-args:
-        description: >
-          pytest-args. Any args you want to send to pytest. You do not ever need to
-          supply `log_cli` arguments.
-        required: false
+  ###############################################
+  # Do not edit the env values below this line. #
+  # Other defaults are set in .github/scripts/configure-workflow.sh
+  ###############################################
@@ -68,19 +54,81 @@ jobs:
           echo report_dir=${report_dir} >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
           echo storyboard_link=${storyboard_url}/${report_dir}/index.html >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
           echo workflow_link=${{ env.workflow_link }} >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
           storyboard_url: https://identity-artifact.iamdev.s.uw.edu/
           workflow_link: https://github.com/${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}
       - uses: UWIT-IAM/actions/configure-gcloud-docker-gcloud-v101@0.1.17
           gcloud-token: ${{ secrets.TEST_RUNNER_GOOGLE_TOKEN }}
+      - id: configure
+        env:
+          INPUT_REASON: ${{ github.event.inputs.reason }}
+        run: |
+          source ./.github/scripts/configure-workflow.sh
+          configure-workflow
+      - name: Notify Teams of Test Run Start
+        env:
+          IDP_ENV: ${{ matrix.idp_env }}
+          INPUT_REASON: ${{ steps.configure.outputs.input-reason }}
+        run: |
+          curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
+               -d '{
+                     "type": "message",
+                     "attachments": [
+                       {
+                         "contentType": "application/vnd.microsoft.card.adaptive",
+                         "content": {
+                           "$schema": "http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json",
+                           "type": "AdaptiveCard",
+                           "version": "1.4",
+                           "body": [
+                             {
+                               "type": "TextBlock",
+                               "size": "Large",
+                               "weight": "Bolder",
+                               "text": "Scheduled UW IdP Test Matrix Run"
+                             },
+                             {
+                               "type": "TextBlock",
+                               "text": "Starting - IDP Tests ⏳",
+                               "wrap": true
+                             },
+                             {
+                               "type": "FactSet",
+                               "facts": [
+                                 {"title": "IdP Web Tests running on ", "value": "'${{ env.IDP_ENV }}'"},
+                                 {"title": "Reason for Test Run", "value": "${{ env.INPUT_REASON }}"}
+                              ]
+                             }
+                           ]
+                         }
+                       }
+                     ]
+                   }' \
+                   "${{ env.TEAMS_INTEGRATIONS_DAILY_WEB_TESTS }}"
       - name: Run tests
-        run: ./scripts/run-tests.sh -- --env ${{ matrix.idp_env }}
-        id: run
+        id: run-tests
+        run: |
+          exit_status=0
+          if ./scripts/run-tests.sh -- --env ${{ matrix.idp_env }}
+          then
+            echo "All tests succeeded for ${{ matrix.idp_env }}! "
+            test_status=succeeded
+          else
+            exit_status=$?
+            echo "Tests for ${{ matrix.idp_env }} failed with status $exit_status"
+            test_status=failed
+          fi
+          echo "test-status=$test_status" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+          echo "upload-artifacts=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+          exit  $exit_status
       - name: Determine post-test actions
         if: always()
@@ -105,9 +153,64 @@ jobs:
       - if: >
-          && steps.post-run.outputs.upload_storyboards =='true'
+          && steps.post-run.outputs.upload_storyboards == 'true'
           && steps.upload-storyboards.outcome == 'success'
         name: Set notices on workflow
           storyboard_link: ${{ steps.config.outputs.storyboard_link }}
         run: echo "::notice::Storyboards located at ${{ env.storyboard_link }}"
+      - name: Notify Teams of Test Run Completion
+        env:
+          TEST_STATUS: ${{ steps.run-tests.outputs.test-status }}
+          REPORT_URL:  ${{ steps.config.outputs.storyboard_link }}
+          INPUT_REASON: ${{ steps.configure.outputs.input-reason }}
+          IDP_ENV: ${{ matrix.idp_env }}
+        if: always()
+        run: |
+          # Set the message body dynamically based on TEST_STATUS
+          echo "TEST_STATUS=${{ env.TEST_STATUS }}"
+          if [ "$TEST_STATUS" = "succeeded" ]; then
+            test_result="Test run for IDP passed successfully ✅"
+          else
+            test_result="Test run for IDP failed ❌"
+          fi
+          # Notify Teams with the status of the test run
+          curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
+               -d '{
+                     "type": "message",
+                     "attachments": [
+                       {
+                         "contentType": "application/vnd.microsoft.card.adaptive",
+                         "content": {
+                           "$schema": "http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json",
+                           "type": "AdaptiveCard",
+                           "version": "1.4",
+                           "body": [
+                             {
+                               "type": "TextBlock",
+                               "size": "Large",
+                               "weight": "Bolder",
+                               "text": "Completed - Scheduled UW IdP Test Matrix Run"
+                             },
+                             {
+                               "type": "TextBlock",
+                               "text": "'"$test_result"'",
+                               "wrap": true
+                             },
+                             {
+                               "type": "FactSet",
+                               "facts": [
+                                 {"title": "IdP Web Tests ran on ", "value": "'${{ env.IDP_ENV }}'"},
+                                 {"title": "Reason for Test Run", "value": "${{ env.INPUT_REASON }}"},
+                                 {"title": "Storyboards:", "value": "['"$REPORT_URL"']('"$REPORT_URL"')"}
+                              ]
+                             }
+                           ]
+                         }
+                       }
+                     ]
+                   }' \
+               "${{ secrets.TEAMS_INTEGRATIONS_DAILY_WEB_TESTS }}"
diff --git a/docker-compose.yml b/docker-compose.yml
index cbed1ef..6386017 100644
--- a/docker-compose.yml
+++ b/docker-compose.yml
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ services:
       - ${CREDENTIAL_MOUNT_POINT}:/secrets:ro
       - ${REPORT_MOUNT_POINT}:/tmp/webdriver-report
     command: pytest ${PYTEST_ARGS} --selenium-server selenium:4444
+    # command: pytest ${PYTEST_ARGS} --selenium-server selenium:4444 tests/test_2fa_duo.py::test_remember_me_cookie #If you want to run one more specific tests, use this command instead of the above.
     # command: echo "The test would start here" #If you don't want the tests to run, and test other things like notifications, use this command instead of the above.
diff --git a/docs/github-actions.md b/docs/github-actions.md
index 558e4f1..f5efdb7 100644
--- a/docs/github-actions.md
+++ b/docs/github-actions.md
@@ -95,6 +95,10 @@ Remove the line `command: pytest ${PYTEST_ARGS} --selenium-server selenium:4444`
 You can replace to with `command: echo "The test would start here"`.
 That will not run the tests and instead, it will put an entry in the logs/terminal that says "The test would start here".
 You'll still see the test run and end notifications but the tests won't run.
+You can also run a specific test with this command:
+`command: pytest ${PYTEST_ARGS} --selenium-server selenium:4444 path/to/testfile` or
+`command: pytest ${PYTEST_ARGS} --selenium-server selenium:4444 path/to/testfile::<test_name>`
+`command: pytest ${PYTEST_ARGS} --selenium-server selenium:4444 tests/test_2fa_duo.py::test_remember_me_cookie`
 [test workflow]: https://github.com/UWIT-IAM/uw-idp-web-tests/actions/workflows/automated-idp-web-tests.yml
 [Github Actions UI]: https://github.com/uwit-iam/uw-idp-web-tests/actions