Releases: UPHL-BioNGS/Grandeur
Releases · UPHL-BioNGS/Grandeur
Pre-release with some moderate changes:
- bakta has replaced prokka for genome annotation
- prokka can still be used by setting params.annotator = prokka
- bbduk has been removed (phix removal doesn't seem to be needed with modern sequencers)
- satisfies vs code nextflow linter (version 1.0.4)
- includes moving all publishDir to conf/modules.config
- adds meningotype
- updates usage for kleborate (may change serotyping)
- updates usage for kaptive (may change serotyping)
- minor updates to other steps
- moves more processes to dockerhub
Minor release:
- Update mlst to 2.23.0-2024-11-01
- Update blast to 2.16.0
- Update elgato to 1.20.1
- Update iqtree2 to 2.3.6
- Update datasets to 16.30.0
- Update pbptyper to 2.0.0
Minor release:
Updates mlst to 2.23.0-2024-10-01
Minor update
- Update amrfinder to 3.12.8-2024-07-22.1
- Update elgato to 1.19.0
- Update mlst to 2.23.0-2024-09-01
Minor release:
- update mlst to 2.23.0-2024-08-01
- update spades to 4.0.0
- update datasets to 16.22.1
Minor "update"
- downgrades iqtree2 back to 2.3.1 because of cloudwatch issues
Moderate Update:
Container Updates:
- updates iqtree2 to 2.3.4
- updates mlst to 2.23.0-2024-06-01
- updates datasets to 16.15.0
- adds Yersinia to the refs that Grandeur uses for Fastani (version 2024-06-26)
Possibly breaking updates:
- removed flag process and replaced with some groovy functions
Note: works for me!
Moderate update
- "under the hood" uses some different channels because sometimes spades doesn't fail, but then also doesn't create a consensus fasta file
- updates panaroo to 1.5.0
- updates iqtree2 to 2.3.1
- updates mlst to 2.23.0-2024-05-01
- updates amrfinder to 3.12.8-2024-05-02.2
- updates datasets to 16.15.0
Of note, according to NCBI announcement, blast databases are getting cleaner. I recommend updating any blast databases for efficiency and accuracy.
Moderate release:
- Allows user to use roary for multiple sequence alignment with aligner param (param.aligner = 'panaroo' as default)
- Updates AMRFinder container to 3.12.8-2024-01-31.1_2
- Updates datasets to 16.10.3
- Updates mlst to 2.23.0-2024-04-01
- Updates plasmidfinder to 2.1.6_2024-03-07
- Updates Seqsero2 to 1.3.1
- Updates serotypefinder to 2.0.2