Terraform Module: for Azure route table with multiple routes
Resource Group
exists or is created external to the module.
must be created external to the module.
# Route Tables Additional Routes
# # Creating multiple routes under the spoke and hub tables
# # Usage Vars
variable "spokerg" {
# description = "name of spoke resource group"
variable "hubrg" {
# description = "name of hub resource group"
variable "hubrt" {
# description = "hub route table name"
variable "id" {
# description = "environment you're deploying too"
variable "routetable" {
# description = "spoke route table"
variable "spokeroute" {
# description = "Spoke routetable route array [""]
variable "hubroute" {
# description = "Hub routetable routes" [""]
variable "hop" {
# description = "The type of hop you require in a array" ["VirtualNetworkGateway"]
variable "subnets" {
# description = "array contains names of subnets, the subnet array used on the tfmodule-azure-vnet-with-nsg fits this expected pattern"
variable "spokeprefix" {
# description = "Spoke ip route array" [""]
variable "hubprefix" {
# description = "hub ip route array" [""]
# # Module
module "create" {
source = " github.com/UKHO/route-table-additional-routes"
providers = {
azurerm.hub = azurerm.hub
azurerm.spoke = azurerm.test
spokerg = var. spokerg
hubrg = var. hubrg
hubrt = var. hubrt
id = var. id
routetable = var. routetable
spokeroute = var. spokeroute
hubroute = var. hubroute
hop = var. hop
subnets = var. SUBNETS
hubprefix = var. hubprefix
spokeprefix = var. spokeprefix