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CA UIM Self monitoring probe. This probe has been created to do self monitoring of CA UIM Hubs and robots.

Warning this probe only work on hub, the probe do local checkup with nimRequest only (dont use to do remote checkup).


  • NisBridge Checkup (With HA Support)
  • Probe on hub checkup with HA Support (Callback & Down state).
  • Hub robots intermediate and spooler checkup.
  • (remote) UMP monitoring
  • Distsrv deployment monitoring.
  • Hub uptime (when a hub restarted)

Feel free to PR new monitoring

Installation and configuration guide

First of all, dont use nim_login and nim_password if you package the probe. Use these fields when you run the script manually on the system.

Dont forget you need perluim R4.0 framework for this probe. Find the framework HERE

Setup section

Section Key Values Description
setup domain string CA UIM Domain
setup audit 1 - 0 When audit is set to 1, the probe does not generate new alarms (cool to test in production the first time).
setup callback_retry_count number Number of retries of primary callbacks (getrobots and probeslist).
setup output_directory string the name of output directory.
setup output_cache_time number the cache time in second for output directory.

Configuration section

Section Key Values Description
configuration check_nisbridge yes - no Check Nis_bridge state (Support HA)
configuration priority_on_ha yes - no HA To rewrite 'alarm_on_probe_deactivated' to 1 on every probe (if ha_superiority is set to 'yes')
configuration/alarms intermediate 1 - 0 Launch alarms when we detect intermediate robot.
configuration/alarms spooler 1 - 0 Launch alarm when callback get_info fail on one robot spooler.
configuration check_hubuptime yes - no Check for hub restart and generate a new alarm
configuration uptime_seconds number Uptime in second for check_hubuptime


Setup ump monitoring on your primary and secondary hub. Just put the name of yours UMP in the servers key.

    servers = ump1robotname,ump2robotname
    alarm_callback = ump_failcallback
    alarm_probelist = ump_probelist_fail

TIPS : This section is optional

Deployment monitoring

Monitoring of distsrv deployment (checking the numbers of deployment and if deployments time are under a defined threshold).

    job_time_threshold = 600
    max_jobs = 5000

TIPS : This section is optional


Setup your probes here. Callback is an optional key (no callback is the equivalent of probe down/up checkup). Set alarm_on_probe_deactivated to 0 if you want to not launch a alarm when the probe is offline.

Warning : alarm_on_probe_deactivated is rewrited by HA connected 0 if you have priority_on_ha set to yes.

Set ha_superiority to no if you dont want HA to rewrite the configuration of this profile. (At root level if you dont want to rewrite for all profiles).

        callback = get_device_statistics
        alarm_on_probe_deactivated = 0
        ha_superiority = yes
        callback = getStatistics
        alarm_on_probe_deactivated = 1
        ha_superiority = yes
        alarm_on_probe_deactivated = 1
        ha_superiority = yes
        callback = get_info
        alarm_on_probe_deactivated = 1
        ha_superiority = yes
                    name = NiS-Bridge
                    queue_len = <<100000
        check_alarm_name = checkconfig_nisbridge

Alarms configuration (not updated).

Alarms message are configurable in the alarms_messages section. Variable are setted in the Script (so refer to this guide to use variables).

Alarms default fields name

Alarms default fields name

Alarms custom field(s)

Callback Variables
callback_fail $callback, $probeName, $hubname
probe_offline $probeName, $hubname
spooler_fail $hubname
intermediate_robot $hubname
nisbridge $hubname, $robotname, $nis, $ha
distsrv_deployment $jobid, $pkgName, $started, $diff, $hubname, $robotName
distsrv_maxjobs $max, $count, $hubname, $robotName
ump_probelist_fail $robotname, $umpName
ump_failcallback $robotname, $umpName
hub_restart $second, $hubName

You can add easily your own variables in the code, just search for callback name. You will find a code like this :

my $probe_offline = $alarm_manager->get('probe_offline');
my ($RC_ALARM,$AlarmID) = $probe_offline->call({ 
    probe => "$probe->{name}", 
    hubname => "$hub->{name}",
    customVar => "toto"

Juste add customVar like you want, and in the message use $customVar to print "toto". Feel free to pull-request new variables.