A Configuration Item (CI) is an entity with a set of properties associated with it. As an example a disk can be described by manufacturer, volume name, device, size etc. Data on Configuration Items is stored in the NIS database.
A Configuration Item Metric is a monitoring point in a CI. A CI can have several Metrics associated with it. As an example a set of CPU metrics could contain the Wait, System, Idle and Used metrics. A metric is roughly equivalent to a QoS object in this regard.
A monitored computer system will typically have one or more devices that are being montored. Each of these devices will have one or more Configuration Items, which again have one or more Metrics associated with them. Alarms and QoS messages are bound to the CI and the Metric for the specific monitoring point the message is generated for.
Before using CI methods please ensure to be :
- Correctly logged to NimBus with the
method (success and failure messages are logged to the hub / controller log). - Setup the NIM_ROOT environment variable.
Sometimes this code can do the job (but sometimes you will need to setup the variable on the local system by your self).
# *NIX
$ENV{'NIM_ROOT'} = "/opt/nimsoft";
# Windows
$ENV{'NIM_ROOT'} = "D:\\nimsoft";
The following code have to work (else that mean something is not working as expected).
my ($RC, $nisCachePath) = ciGetCachePath();
print "nisCachePath => $nisCachePath\n";
Open a handle to a remote device.
# ci_type 2.1 = Network.device
my ($hCI) = ciOpenRemoteDevice('2.1', 'device_name', 'device_ip');
if(!defined($hCI)) {
print STDERR "Failed to open new CI on remoteDevice 'device_name'\n";
Open a handle to a local device. (On the same system as the Nimsoft agent).
# ci_type 1.1 = System.Disk
my ($hCI) = ciOpenLocalDevice('1.1', 'D:');
if(!defined($hCI)) {
print STDERR "Failed to open new CI on localDevice 'D:'\n";
Base categories of ciType are :
ci_id | name |
1 | System |
2 | Network |
3 | Application |
4 | Database |
9 | Private |
All new ci_type created have to be set under the category nine. This category will be conserved when the product will be upgraded for example.
Close a (CI) handle
my ($hCI) = ciOpenLocalDevice('1.1', 'D:');
Set a parent/child relantionship between to devices
Set a string attribute in a handle
Set a numeric attribute in a handle
Bind a QoS to a metric on a device
my ($hCI) = ciOpenRemoteDevice('2.1', 'device_name', 'device_ip');
my $QoS = nimQoSCreate("QOS_NAME", "device_name", 30, -1);
ciBindQoS($hCI, $QoS, "2.1:1");
# Play here with QoS
# Send alarm... They will be linked as metric of the QoS
Remove the binding to a device in a QoS handle
Get the path to the component information cache on the local system
my ($RC, $nisCachePath) = ciGetCachePath();
print "$nisCachePath\n" if $RC == NIME_OK;
# will output something like: /opt/nimsoft/niscache
Send an alarm bound to a metric on a device using a session to the spooler
Nims argument is the Nimbus session.
my $sess = Nimbus::Session->new("id-server",$optional_sessions);
if ($sess->server (NIMPORT_ANY,\&timeout,\&restart) == NIME_OK) {
# NimBus session is only available when $sess->server is triggered and when it returned NIME_OK
my $nims = $sess->{SERVER_SESS};
Arguments are the same as ciAlarm (except nims).
All available arguments are the following:
Argument name | Description |
hCI | the CI handle from ciOpen[Remote |
szMetric | the name of the metric |
iLevel | the alarm level (severity) - see constants |
szMsg | the alarm message |
token | token to loop up for internationalization |
pdsVal | PDS with the alarm values for internationalization (default:none) |
szSub | the subsystem identifier eg. 1.2.3 (default: 1.1). |
szSup | the suppression (supp_key) definition (default: none). |
szSrc | the alarm source (default: localhost) |
szCustom1 | a user defined field (default: none) |
szCustom2 | a user defined field (default: none) |
szCustom3 | a user defined field (default: none) |
szCustom4 | a user defined field (default: none) |
szCustom5 | a user defined field (default: none) |