When your request return a success code you have to handle the returned object (a PDS). Sometimes it's a little bit hard to understand what we have to do exactly with this when we start this Perl SDK or with Nimsoft.
Go througth differents examples :
my $PDS = Nimbus::PDS->new;
my ($RC, $Response) = nimNamedRequest("controller", "get_info", $PDS->data);
if($RC == NIME_OK) {
my $PDS = Nimbus::PDS->new($Response);
my $HashRef = $PDS->asHash();
print "$PDS->get('robotname')\n";
print "$HashRef->{robotname}\n";
Note : asHash() method return a hash reference. So you have to write
to access data.
You can continue to work directly with PDS or transform your PDS Object to an Hash.
my $PDS = Nimbus::PDS->new;
my ($RC, $Response) = nimNamedRequest("hub", "getrobots", $PDS->data);
if($RC == NIME_OK) {
my $PPDS = Nimbus::PDS->new($Response);
for( my $count = 0; my $RobotPDS = $PPDS->getTable("robotlist", PDS_PDS, $count); $count++) {
my $robot_name = $RobotPDS->get("name");
# or $robotHashRef = $RobotPDS->asHash();
# $robotHashRef->{name};