You have a probe where you want to encrypt one or many "password" fields to not leave them visible for UIM Administrators. For this example we want to retrieve our database password (decrypted if he is crypted and if not... encrypt it).
- To open and read keys: Nimbus CFG
- To write the cfg on the disk: CFG C API
For this example we use both API. But everything can be done by only using the C Binding CFG API !
loglevel = 5
database = ca_uim
host =
port = 33006
user = sa
password = myPassword
use Nimbus::API;
use Nimbus::CFG;
# Your credential key
# Open CFG
my $CFG = Nimbus::CFG->new("myprobe.cfg");
# Get the CFG field /database/password
my $DB_Password = $CFG->{database}->{password}
# Crypt CFG Credential keys!
if(substr($DB_Password, length($DB_Password) - 2, 2) ne "==") {
my $CFGNapi = cfgOpen("myprobe.cfg", 0);
# Encrypt the password
my $cValue = nimEncryptString($CRED_KEY, $DB_Password);
# Write it on the CFG memory handler
cfgKeyWrite($CFGNapi, "/database/", "password", $cValue);
# Write it to the disk
else {
# Password is crypted... Translate it with the key
$DB_Password = nimDecryptString($CRED_KEY, $DB_Password);