In this example we want to retrieve the complete list of hubs and robots of the whole UIM infrastructure where the script will be connected.
use Nimbus::API;
use Nimbus::PDS;
# get hubslist from local hub
sub getHubs {
my ($RC, $pdsRET) = nimNamedRequest("hub", "gethubs", Nimbus::PDS->new()->data);
if ($RC != NIME_OK) {
my $nimError = nimError2Txt($RC);
die "Failed to execute `gethubs` on the current connected hub, Error ($RC): $nimError\n";
my @hubs = ();
my $PPDS = Nimbus::PDS->new($pdsRET);
for ( my $i = 0; my $HUBPDS = $PPDS->getTable("hublist", PDS_PDS, $i); $i++) {
push(@hubs, $HUBPDS->asHash());
return \@hubs;
# Catch error with eval (same as a try/catch)
eval {
my $hubArr = getHubs();
my @robots = ();
foreach my $hub (@{ $hubArr }) {
my ($RC, $pdsRET) = nimNamedRequest("$hub->{addr}", "getrobots", Nimbus::PDS->new()->data);
if ($RC != NIME_OK) {
my $nimError = nimError2Txt($rc);
print STDERR "Faild to execute `getrobots` on hub addr $hub->{addr}, Error ($RC): $nimError\n";
my $PPDS = Nimbus::PDS->new($pdsRET);
for ( my $i = 0; my $ROBOTPDS = $PPDS->getTable("robotlist", PDS_PDS, $i); $i++) {
push(@robots, $ROBOTPDS->asHash());
my $totalRobotCount = scalar @robots;
print STDOUT "Total robots count: $totalRobotCount\n";
print Dumper(@robots)."\n";
# Do what you want here
# execute get_info to get more informations !
# execute probelist on the robot ? etc...
print STDERR $@ if $@;