This code has been created by Rowan collins.
-- This code has been created by Rowan COLLINS.
-- Generates a nimid
function generate_NimID()
local key = "";
key = mid(base,math.random(1,26),1) .. mid(base,math.random(1,26),1) ..
sprintf("%07d",math.random(1,100000000)) .. "-" ..
return key;
-- generateAlarm (source,severity,subsystem,message ]]]])
-- returns 0 - ok, rest error
function generateAlarm (source,severity,subsystem,message,suppkey,domain,origin,robot,probe,devid,metid,tzoffset,md5sum)
-- expect following parameters
if type(severity) ~= "number" then return 1 end
if type(message) ~= "string" then return 1 end
if type(subsystem) ~= "string" then return 1 end
if type(source) ~= "string" then return 1 end
-- set default values for optional parameters.
if type(domain) ~= "string" then domain="rc82-dom" end
if type(origin) ~= "string" then origin="customerA" end
if type(robot) ~= "string" then robot="colro22-i147145" end
if type(probe) ~= "string" then probe="nas-lua-script" end
if type(suppkey) ~= "string" then suppkey="lua-suppkey" end
if type(tzoffset) ~= "number" then tzoffset=0 end
if type(devid) ~= "string" then devid="" end
if type(metid) ~= "string" then metid="" end
msg = pds.create ()
nimid = generate_NimID()
-- Create message header
pds.putString (msg,"nimid",nimid)
pds.putInt (msg,"nimts", )
pds.putInt (msg,"tz_offset",tzoffset)
pds.putString (msg,"source",source)
pds.putString (msg,"md5sum","")
pds.putString (msg,"robot",robot)
pds.putString (msg,"domain",domain)
pds.putString (msg,"origin",origin)
pds.putInt (msg,"pri",severity)
pds.putString (msg,"subject","alarm")
pds.putString (msg,"suppression","y+000000000#" .. suppkey)
pds.putString (msg,"supp_key",suppkey)
pds.putString (msg,"prid",probe)
pds.putString (msg,"dev_id",devid)
pds.putString (msg,"met_id",metid)
-- Add raw alarm data
udata = pds.create()
pds.putInt (udata,"level",severity)
pds.putString (udata,"subsys",subsystem)
pds.putString (udata,"message",message)
pds.putPDS (msg,"udata",udata)
-- Post the message to the hub-spooler
t,rc = nimbus.request ("spooler","hubpost",msg)
pds.delete (udata)
pds.delete (msg)
return rc,nimid
-- initialize the random generator
rc,id = rawalarm ("",3,"1.2.3"," RAW: This is a simple test...")
--printf ("rawalarm: %s, %d",id,rc)
--rc,id = rawalarm (a.source,a.level,a.sid,"RAW : "..a.message,a.supp_key,"2e2",a.origin,a.robot,a.prid,a.dev_id,a.met_id,a.tz_offset,a.md5sum)
--rawalarm (a.source,a.pri,a.subsys,a.message,a.supp_key,"2e2",a.origin,a.robot,a.prid)
--rc = rawalarm (a.source,a.pri,a.subsys,a.message,a.supp_key,"2e2",a.origin,a.robot,a.prid)
printf ("rawalarm: %s, %d",id,rc);