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Documentation for AdvancedMH.jl



MetropolisHastings has one field, proposal. proposal is a Proposal, NamedTuple of Proposal, or Array{Proposal} in the shape of your data. For example, if you wanted the sampler to return a NamedTuple with shape

x = (a = 1.0, b=3.8)

The proposal would be

proposal = (a=StaticProposal(Normal(0,1)), b=StaticProposal(Normal(0,1)))

Other allowed proposals are

p1 = StaticProposal(Normal(0,1))
 p2 = StaticProposal([Normal(0,1), InverseGamma(2,3)])
 p3 = StaticProposal((a=Normal(0,1), b=InverseGamma(2,3)))
-p4 = StaticProposal((x=1.0) -> Normal(x, 1))

The sampler is constructed using

spl = MetropolisHastings(proposal)

When using MetropolisHastings with the function sample, the following keyword arguments are allowed:

  • initial_params defines the initial parameterization for your model. If

none is given, the initial parameters will be drawn from the sampler's proposals.

  • param_names is a vector of strings to be assigned to parameters. This is only

used if chain_type=Chains.

  • chain_type is the type of chain you would like returned to you. Supported

types are chain_type=Chains if MCMCChains is imported, or chain_type=StructArray if StructArrays is imported.



DensityModel{F} <: AbstractModel

DensityModel wraps around a self-contained log-liklihood function logdensity.


l(x) = logpdf(Normal(), x)



Robust Adaptive Metropolis-Hastings (RAM).

This is a simple implementation of the RAM algorithm described in [VIH12].


  • α: target acceptance rate. Default: 0.234.

  • γ: negative exponent of the adaptation decay rate. Default: 0.6.

  • S: initial lower-triangular Cholesky factor. Default: nothing.

  • eigenvalue_lower_bound: lower bound on eigenvalues of the adapted Cholesky factor. Default: 0.0.

  • eigenvalue_upper_bound: upper bound on eigenvalues of the adapted Cholesky factor. Default: Inf.


The following demonstrates how to implement a simple Gaussian model and sample from it using the RAM algorithm.

julia> using AdvancedMH, Random, Distributions, MCMCChains, LogDensityProblems, LinearAlgebra
+p4 = StaticProposal((x=1.0) -> Normal(x, 1))

The sampler is constructed using

spl = MetropolisHastings(proposal)

When using MetropolisHastings with the function sample, the following keyword arguments are allowed:

  • initial_params defines the initial parameterization for your model. If

none is given, the initial parameters will be drawn from the sampler's proposals.

  • param_names is a vector of strings to be assigned to parameters. This is only

used if chain_type=Chains.

  • chain_type is the type of chain you would like returned to you. Supported

types are chain_type=Chains if MCMCChains is imported, or chain_type=StructArray if StructArrays is imported.



DensityModel{F} <: AbstractModel

DensityModel wraps around a self-contained log-liklihood function logdensity.


l(x) = logpdf(Normal(), x)



Robust Adaptive Metropolis-Hastings (RAM).

This is a simple implementation of the RAM algorithm described in [VIH12].


  • α: target acceptance rate. Default: 0.234.

  • γ: negative exponent of the adaptation decay rate. Default: 0.6.

  • S: initial lower-triangular Cholesky factor. Default: nothing.

  • eigenvalue_lower_bound: lower bound on eigenvalues of the adapted Cholesky factor. Default: 0.0.

  • eigenvalue_upper_bound: upper bound on eigenvalues of the adapted Cholesky factor. Default: Inf.


The following demonstrates how to implement a simple Gaussian model and sample from it using the RAM algorithm.

julia> using AdvancedMH, Random, Distributions, MCMCChains, LogDensityProblems, LinearAlgebra
 julia> # Define a Gaussian with zero mean and some covariance.
        struct Gaussian{A}
@@ -38,4 +38,4 @@
        chain = sample(model, RAM(), 10_000; chain_type=Chains, num_warmup, progress=false, initial_params=zeros(2));
 julia> norm(cov(Array(chain)) - [1.0 0.5; 0.5 1.0]) < 0.2

It's also possible to restrict the eigenvalues to avoid either too small or too large values. See p. 13 in [VIH12].

``jldoctest ram-gaussian julia> chain = sample( model, RAM(eigenvaluelowerbound=0.1, eigenvalueupperbound=2.0), 10000; chaintype=Chains, numwarmup, progress=false, initialparams=zeros(2) );

julia> norm(cov(Array(chain)) - [1.0 0.5; 0.5 1.0]) < 0.2 true ````


  • VIH12Vihola (2012) Robust adaptive Metropolis algorithm with coerced acceptance rate, Statistics and computing.

It's also possible to restrict the eigenvalues to avoid either too small or too large values. See p. 13 in [VIH12].

``jldoctest ram-gaussian julia> chain = sample( model, RAM(eigenvaluelowerbound=0.1, eigenvalueupperbound=2.0), 10000; chaintype=Chains, numwarmup, progress=false, initialparams=zeros(2) );

julia> norm(cov(Array(chain)) - [1.0 0.5; 0.5 1.0]) < 0.2 true ````

