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Using NeTEx

Eliot edited this page Oct 2, 2023 · 38 revisions

How to use example files

These examples are for you to understand how to represent public transport information using NeTEx. The files are classified into 3 categories:

  • Functions, for a specific functional representation
  • Standards, as for how to represent the information from a given standard into NeTEx
  • Profiles, for information found in a given profile of NeTEx

Examples can be found in the root directory \schema\1.00\examples\...


Name Description link to example file
calendar Details the calendar of service Direct link
fares Details fares information based on different rules Direct link
grouping Shows how to use Grouping of entities in the same file Direct link
newModes Details service information for a new mode (e.g., bike sharing) Direct link
patterns Shows how to use Journey Patterns Direct link
pointOfInterest Lists and describes Points of interests Direct link
simpleNetwork Describes a simple public transport network Direct link
site Detailed description of a Point of Interest that has complex internal structure Direct link
stopPlace Lists and details characteristics of all the stops within a public transport network Direct link
timetable Details the operating schedule of a public transport service Direct link
validityCondition How to use Validity Condition Direct link
variant Creates a variant on the multi-steps of a Simple Network Direct link
vehicleSchedule Details the schedule of a specific vehicle Direct link
versioning Multi-steps example on how to use versioning Direct link


Name Description link to example
era_uic Based on information found in feeds expressed in standards promoted by ERA & UIC (Rail) Direct link
fxc Based on information from the UK Fare Exchange profile Direct link
gbfs Based on information found in feeds expressed in GBFS Direct link
gtfs Based on information found in feeds expressed in GTFS Direct link
neptune Based on information found in feeds expressed in Neptune Direct link
noptis Based on information found in feeds expressed in Noptis Direct link
tap_tsi Based on information found in feeds expressed in TAP-TSI Direct link
txc Based on information found in feeds expressed in TransXChange Direct link
vdv452 Based on information found in feeds expressed in VDV452 Direct link


Name Description link to example
epiap European Passenger Information Accessibility Profile Direct link
epip European Passenger Information Profile Direct link
norway Profile defined by Norway Direct link
nta Profile defined by the National Transport Authority (Ireland) Direct link
tfl Profile defined by Transport for London (UK) Direct link

NeTEx national and EU minimum profiles inventory

Published profiles

Profile Name NeTEx EPIP Based NeTEx EPIP Compatible Documentation
Austria Austrian profile
Denmark Denmark profile - NAP in Denmark
France French profile - Common profil - Stop Profile - Network Profil - Timetable profile - Fare Profile - Parking profile - Accessibility Profile
Italy Italian profile
Netherlands Netherlands profile - Bison Fares
Nordic Nordic profile
Portugal Portuguese profile
Slovenija Slovenian profile
UK UK profile - Introduction - Stop and Timetables - Fares
Irish Irish profile - Profile Elements - Profile Data Mappings

LOS 1 Static data - Level of service 1

Data Categories Full NeTEx format EPIP** Austria Denmark France Italy Netherlands Nordic Portugal Slovenia UK
LOS 1-1 Address identifiers (building number, street name, postcode)
LOS 1-2 Topographic places (city, town, village, suburb, administrative unit)
LOS 1-3 Points of interest (related to transport information) to which people may wish to travel
LOS 1-4 Operational Calendar, mapping day types to calendar dates
LOS 1-5 Identified access nodes (all scheduled modes)
LOS 1-6 Geometry/map layout structure of access nodes (all scheduled modes)
LOS 1-7 Connection links where interchanges may be made, default transfer times between modes at interchanges
LOS 1-8 Network topology and routes/lines (topology)
LOS 1-9 Transport operators
LOS 1-10 Timetables
LOS 1-11 Planned interchanges between guaranteed scheduled services not existent For connection links we use journeyplanner based on OSM map data, road, cycle and pedestrian network is based on OpenStreetMap
LOS 1-12 Hours of operation
LOS 1-13 Vehicles (low floor; wheelchair accessible)
LOS 1-14 Accessibility of access nodes, and paths within an interchange (such as existence of lifts, escalators)
LOS 1-15 Existence of assistance services (such as existence of on-site assistance)
LOS 1-16 Road network
LOS 1-17 Cycle network (segregated cycle lanes, on-road shared with vehicles, on-path shared with pedestrians)
LOS 1-18 Pedestrian network and accessibility facilities
Framework data

LOS 2 Static data - Level of service 2

Data Categories Full NeTEx format EPIP** Austria Denmark France Italy Netherlands Nordic Portugal Slovenia UK
LOS 2-1 Park & Ride stops
LOS 2-2 Bike sharing stations
LOS 2-3 Car-sharing stations
LOS 2-4 Publicly accessible refueling stations for petrol, diesel, CNG/LNG, hydrogen powered vehicles, charging stations for electric vehicles Only charging stations for electric vehicles
LOS 2-5 Secure bike parking (such as locked bike garages)
LOS 2-6 Information service
LOS 2-7 Where and how to buy tickets for scheduled modes, demand responsive modes and car parking (all scheduled modes and demand-responsive incl. retail channels, fulfilment methods, payment methods)
LOS 2-8 Trip plans, auxiliary information, availability check
LOS 2-9 Basic common standard fares (all scheduled modes)
LOS 2-10 Fare network data (fare zones/stops and fare stages)
LOS 2-11 Standard fare structures (point to point including daily and weekly fares, zonal fares, flat fares)
LOS 2-12 Vehicle facilities such as classes of carriage, on-board Wi-Fi.

LOS 3 Static data - Level of service 3

Data Categories Full NeTEx format EPIP** Austria Denmark France Italy Netherlands Nordic Portugal Slovenia UK
LOS 3-1 Passenger classes (classes of user such as adult, child, student, veteran, impaired access and qualifying conditions and classes of travel such as 1st, 2nd.)
LOS 3-2 Common fare products (access rights such as zone/point-to-point including daily and weekly tickets/single/return, eligibility of access, basic usage conditions such as validity period/operator/time of travel/interchanging, standard point to point fares prices for different point to point pairs including daily and weekly fares/zonal fare prices/flat fare prices)
LOS 3-3 Special Fare Products: offers with additional special conditions such as promotional fares, group fares, season passes, aggregated products combining different products and add on products such as parking and travel, minimum stay
LOS 3-4 Basic commercial conditions such as refunding/replacing/exchanging/transferring and basic booking conditions such as purchase windows, validity periods, routing restrictions zonal sequence fares, minimum stay.
LOS 3-5 How to pay tolls (incl. retail channels, fulfilment methods, payment methods)
LOS 3-6 How to book car sharing, taxis, cycle hire etc. (incl. retail channels, fulfilment methods, payment methods)
LOS 3-7 Where how to pay for car parking, public charging stations for electric vehicles and refuelling points for CNG/LNG, hydrogen, petrol and diesel powered vehicles (incl. retail channels, fulfilment methods, payment methods)
LOS 3-8 Detailed cycle network attributes (surface quality, side-by-side cycling, shared surface, on/off road, scenic route, ‘walk only’, turn or access restrictions (e.g. against flow of traffic)
LOS 3-9 Parameters needed to calculate an environmental factor such as carbon per vehicle type or passenger mile or per distance walked
LOS 3-10 Parameters such as fuel consumption needed to calculate cost
LOS 3-11 Estimated travel times by day type and time-band by transport mode/combination of transport modes

How to build a national profile 🚀

Building a National Profile for NeTEx involves a structured process to ensure compliance and interoperability with the European Passenger Information Profile (EPIP). Below are the essential steps to guide you through the process:

  1. Explore the European Passenger Information Profile (EPIP)

  2. Identify Missing Information

    • Examine your national data and identify any information that is not covered by the EPIP but is essential for your national profile. This may include specific data elements or formatting requirements.
  3. Add to the EPIP Profile

    • Extend the EPIP profile to include the missing information identified in the previous step. Ensure that the additions align with the principles and structure of the EPIP.
  4. Share with NeTEx Experts for Review/Input

    • Collaborate with NeTEx experts and the community. Share your modified profile for review and input. Consider using the NeTEx GitHub repository or relevant discussion forums for feedback.
  5. Publish & Disseminate

    • Once your national profile is reviewed and refined, publish it in a suitable format. Ensure that it is accessible to relevant stakeholders and can be integrated into NeTEx systems.

📚 Additional Resources

  • For a comprehensive understanding of NeTEx and the European Passenger Information Profile, check out the NeTEx wiki.
  • If you're curious about already published profiles, head over to the Presentation of Published Profiles section.
  • Developers, don't miss the Tools for Developers section, where you'll find the tools you need for your NeTEx development.

Upcoming profiles 📅

Below is a list of upcoming profiles that are currently in development or planning stages:

Abbreviation Full Name Description Estimated Date of Publication
EPIAP European Passenger Information Accessibility Profile Accessibility Information about the network End of 2023
Fare Fare Information Comprehensive representation of all information related to Fare in a public transport system 2024