- Support for Minecraft 1.21 ⚔️ (closes #13, #14, #15)
- Added config file and settings menu when installed alongside MidnightLib (closes #4)
- Added entity interaction physics to bubbles (configurable)
🔎 In game demo
- Added biome dependent tint to all bubble types (configurable)
- Fixed barrels opened by other players on servers not emitting bubbles (closes #11) (Thanks @AViewFromTheTop)
- Adjusted current down bubbles to pop on top of magma blocks rather than inside them (closes #9)
🔎 In game demo
- Added varied pitch and volume to bubble pop and bubble swirl sounds (closes #8) (Thanks @AViewFromTheTop)
- Barrel bubbling is now reliable on the client and will no longer bubble when a chunk with an already opened Barrel is loaded (Thanks @AViewFromTheTop)
- Fixed checking incorrect side of barrels for bubble particles
- Changed the default behavior to not maintain bubble particle velocity when popping (configurable) (Thanks @AViewFromTheTop)
- Tweaked explosion bubbles and used better variable names
- Restructured bubble particle logic and used better variable types
- Adjusted barrel bubble spawn locations
- Moved bubble pop logic to a separate utility class to reduce code duplication
- Simplified water checks to use the already provided helper function in world or level
- Fixed literal new line in fabric.mod.json after building (closes #12)