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base repository: Kinzcool/WaypointCreator
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: master
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head repository: TrinityCore/WaypointCreator
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: master
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Able to merge. These branches can be automatically merged.
Showing with 38,861 additions and 574 deletions.
  1. +10 −0 .gitignore
  2. BIN .vs/Waypoint Creator/v16/.suo
  3. BIN .vs/Waypoint Creator/v17/.suo
  4. +58 −3
  5. BIN Waypoint Creator.v12.suo
  6. BIN Waypoint Creator/Fire Elemental.ico
  7. +3 −3 Waypoint Creator/Frm_login.cs
  8. +133 −49 Waypoint Creator/Frm_settings.Designer.cs
  9. +59 −22 Waypoint Creator/Frm_settings.cs
  10. +262 −176 Waypoint Creator/Frm_waypoint.Designer.cs
  11. +451 −159 Waypoint Creator/Frm_waypoint.cs
  12. +8 −11 Waypoint Creator/Frm_waypoint.resx
  13. +2 −2 Waypoint Creator/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs
  14. +43 −7 Waypoint Creator/Properties/Settings.Designer.cs
  15. +12 −3 Waypoint Creator/Properties/Settings.settings
  16. +35 −3 Waypoint Creator/Waypoint Creator.csproj
  17. +12 −1 Waypoint Creator/Waypoint Creator.csproj.user
  18. +17 −8 Waypoint Creator/app.config
  19. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Debug/BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll
  20. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Debug/Google.Protobuf.dll
  21. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Debug/K4os.Compression.LZ4.Streams.dll
  22. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Debug/K4os.Compression.LZ4.dll
  23. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Debug/K4os.Hash.xxHash.dll
  24. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Debug/MySql.Data.dll
  25. +18,788 −0 Waypoint Creator/bin/Debug/MySql.Data.xml
  26. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Debug/System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dll
  27. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Debug/System.Memory.dll
  28. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Debug/System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll
  29. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Debug/System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData.dll
  30. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Debug/System.Security.Permissions.dll
  31. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Debug/System.Text.Encoding.CodePages.dll
  32. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Debug/Ubiety.Dns.Core.dll
  33. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Debug/Waypoint Creator.exe
  34. +20 −8 Waypoint Creator/bin/Debug/Waypoint Creator.exe.config
  35. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Debug/Waypoint Creator.pdb
  36. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Debug/Waypoint Creator.vshost.exe
  37. +0 −69 Waypoint Creator/bin/Debug/Waypoint Creator.vshost.exe.config
  38. +0 −11 Waypoint Creator/bin/Debug/Waypoint Creator.vshost.exe.manifest
  39. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Debug/Zstandard.Net.dll
  40. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Release/BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll
  41. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Release/Google.Protobuf.dll
  42. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Release/K4os.Compression.LZ4.Streams.dll
  43. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Release/K4os.Compression.LZ4.dll
  44. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Release/K4os.Hash.xxHash.dll
  45. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Release/MySql.Data.dll
  46. +18,788 −0 Waypoint Creator/bin/Release/MySql.Data.xml
  47. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Release/System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dll
  48. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Release/System.Memory.dll
  49. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Release/System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll
  50. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Release/System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData.dll
  51. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Release/System.Security.Permissions.dll
  52. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Release/System.Text.Encoding.CodePages.dll
  53. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Release/Ubiety.Dns.Core.dll
  54. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Release/Waypoint Creator.exe
  55. +58 −4 Waypoint Creator/bin/Release/Waypoint Creator.exe.config
  56. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Release/Waypoint Creator.pdb
  57. BIN Waypoint Creator/bin/Release/Zstandard.Net.dll
  58. +4 −0 Waypoint Creator/obj/Debug/.NETFramework,Version=v4.0.AssemblyAttributes.cs
  59. +4 −0 Waypoint Creator/obj/Debug/.NETFramework,Version=v4.8.AssemblyAttributes.cs
  60. BIN Waypoint Creator/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache
  61. BIN Waypoint Creator/obj/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache
  62. BIN Waypoint Creator/obj/Debug/Frm_waypoint.Frm_login.resources
  63. BIN Waypoint Creator/obj/Debug/Frm_waypoint.Frm_settings.resources
  64. BIN Waypoint Creator/obj/Debug/Frm_waypoint.Frm_waypoint.resources
  65. BIN Waypoint Creator/obj/Debug/Frm_waypoint.Properties.Resources.resources
  66. BIN Waypoint Creator/obj/Debug/ResolveAssemblyReference.cache
  67. BIN Waypoint Creator/obj/Debug/TempPE/Properties.Resources.Designer.cs.dll
  68. BIN Waypoint Creator/obj/Debug/Waypoint Creator.csproj.AssemblyReference.cache
  69. 0 Waypoint Creator/obj/Debug/Waypoint Creator.csproj.CopyComplete
  70. +1 −0 Waypoint Creator/obj/Debug/Waypoint Creator.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache
  71. +56 −24 Waypoint Creator/obj/Debug/Waypoint Creator.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt
  72. BIN Waypoint Creator/obj/Debug/Waypoint Creator.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache
  73. BIN Waypoint Creator/obj/Debug/Waypoint Creator.exe
  74. BIN Waypoint Creator/obj/Debug/Waypoint Creator.pdb
  75. +4 −0 Waypoint Creator/obj/Release/.NETFramework,Version=v4.0.AssemblyAttributes.cs
  76. +4 −0 Waypoint Creator/obj/Release/.NETFramework,Version=v4.8.AssemblyAttributes.cs
  77. BIN Waypoint Creator/obj/Release/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache
  78. BIN Waypoint Creator/obj/Release/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache
  79. BIN Waypoint Creator/obj/Release/Frm_waypoint.Frm_login.resources
  80. BIN Waypoint Creator/obj/Release/Frm_waypoint.Frm_waypoint.resources
  81. BIN Waypoint Creator/obj/Release/Frm_waypoint.Properties.Resources.resources
  82. BIN Waypoint Creator/obj/Release/Frm_waypoint.frm_Settings.resources
  83. BIN Waypoint Creator/obj/Release/TempPE/Properties.Resources.Designer.cs.dll
  84. BIN Waypoint Creator/obj/Release/Waypoint Creator.csproj.AssemblyReference.cache
  85. 0 Waypoint Creator/obj/Release/Waypoint Creator.csproj.CopyComplete
  86. +1 −0 Waypoint Creator/obj/Release/Waypoint Creator.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache
  87. +28 −11 Waypoint Creator/obj/Release/Waypoint Creator.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt
  88. BIN Waypoint Creator/obj/Release/Waypoint Creator.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache
  89. BIN Waypoint Creator/obj/Release/Waypoint Creator.exe
  90. BIN Waypoint Creator/obj/Release/Waypoint Creator.pdb
  91. BIN images/Fire Elemental.png
  92. BIN images/loaded_file.png
  93. BIN images/login_screen.png
  94. BIN images/main_window.png
  95. BIN images/make_go_xyz.png
  96. BIN images/open_file.png
  97. BIN images/path_circular_cut.png
  98. BIN images/path_circular_fixed.png
  99. BIN images/path_circular_output.png
  100. BIN images/path_circular_sniff.png
  101. BIN images/search_all.png
  102. BIN images/search_entry.png
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Binary file added .vs/Waypoint Creator/v16/.suo
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added .vs/Waypoint Creator/v17/.suo
Binary file not shown.
61 changes: 58 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,59 @@
# ![logo]( Waypoint Creator

Uses csv output file from wpp to create paths from movement packets.
Used to create paths for npcs on wow private servers.
Note: This software requires a parsed packet file to work.

## Login

When you start the program you will see the following window. If you have access to a database you can connect to it so the program can provide the creatures name for the entries you have sniffed. just input the data required to connect to your database and click ok. If save values is checked it will save your data so next time you use the software you will just need to click ok. Connecting to a database is used to display creatures names and is recommended but not required and if you do not wish to you can just click cancel.

# ![logo](

## Main Window

After you login to your database, or click cancel, you will be presented with the main window. Click the import sniff button and you will see an Open file window.

# ![logo](

Select a parsed pkt file on your computer to load into the program and click the Open button. The program will then collect all the movement packets from the sniff file.

# ![logo](

You will now see that a file has been loaded into the program ready to examine the movement packets

# ![logo](

You can now search through the movement packets by all, leaving the entry textbox blank, or you can input a creature entry to narrow the search as shown below.

# ![logo](
# ![logo](

You will see a list of guids the program has collected movement packets for, if any. You can then select a guid, by clicking on it, and you will be shown its collected movement packets displayed in a list and on a grid.

This group of movement packets shown here is obviously random movement and not a path But it is still useful. First note that "Gray Bear" is shown because I logged into my database. If I did not log in this would show "Entry XXXXX database not connected". Also if you are connected to a database and the sniff contains a creature not found in that database you will see "Entry XXXXX not in database".

If you look in the top right of the window you will see Wander Range. This is a calculation of the move radius based on the distance between the two farthest collected move points. This will be more accurate with more points collected. Note that if you see a spike where the creature moved into combat you may wish to delete those points for a more accurate calculation. I will get into cutting and pasting when I discuss paths. Here I would set the wander distance for this creature to 10.

# ![logo](

If you wish to locate this npc in game you can right click on a point and then click "Make .go xyz". I this case it will copy ".go xyz -320.78665 -787.35364 56.93638" to your clipboard so you can paste it in game to take you to the location. Note: Make sure you are on the right map before doing this or you may find yourself falling.

# Pathing "The main reason we are here"

Below we see a sniff that appears to be a path. It is important to not that this software does not detext paths, but will show you movement packets on a graph and it is up to you to find the path in the points. Here we can see that the movement is repeating, thus a path, but some points appear more than once and need to be removed.

# ![logo](

Looking at the path you can see that it goes from point 1 to point 10 and then repeats so we should remove all the points above 10 by selecting them, then right clicking on the points, and clicking cut.

# ![logo](

After cutting the duplicate points we are left with the path shown below.

# ![logo](

You can then right click on the waypoints again and click "Create SQL" to output your path to the textbox on the SQL Output Tab. Click on the SQL Output tab and you will see your SQL for the path.

It's very important to note that the creature_addon INSERT line is generic. The values given will be good for most creatures but may be wrong for some. If the npc has a mount or auras you will need to update it before inserting into db or you will erase them. Also you will need to make sure bytes2 is correct.

# ![logo](
Binary file removed Waypoint Creator.v12.suo
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Waypoint Creator/Fire Elemental.ico
Binary file not shown.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Waypoint Creator/Frm_login.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ private void Btn_OK_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
MySqlConnection conn = null;
conn = new MySqlConnection();
conn.ConnectionString = "server=" + + "; port=" + Properties.Settings.Default.port + "; user id=" + Properties.Settings.Default.username + "; password=" + Properties.Settings.Default.password + "; database=" + Properties.Settings.Default.database;
conn.ConnectionString = "server=" + txt_Host.Text + "; port=" + txt_Port.Text + "; user id=" + txt_Username.Text + "; password=" + txt_Password.Text + "; database=" + txt_Database.Text;
// Try db connection.
@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ private void Btn_Cancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void LoadMain()
// Open Frm_waypoint and hide login form.
System.Windows.Forms.Form Frm_waypoint = new frm_Waypoint();
System.Windows.Forms.Form Frm_Main = new frm_Waypoint();