- Clone this test project by download the Zip of the code. Then, extract it on your computer.
- Go to the folder application using cd command on your cmd or terminal
- Run composer install on your cmd or terminal
- Copy .env.example file to .env on the root folder. You can type copy .env.example .env if using command prompt Windows or cp .env.example .env if using terminal, Ubuntu
- Open your .env file and change the database name (DB_DATABASE) to whatever you have, username (DB_USERNAME) and password (DB_PASSWORD) field correspond to your configuration.
- Run php artisan key:generate
- Run php artisan migrate --seed
- After doing it, you need to run php artisan make:migration drop_ratings_table, because as I alredy experienced during making this project whenever I finised doing either migrate only or migrate:fresh, my ratings table did not show any records. So after I commit this "php artisan make:migration drop_ratings_table" everything just went well.
- Run php artisan serve
- Go to http://localhost:8000/