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ThinStation edited this page Jun 22, 2020 · 11 revisions

While I do endeavor to make a kernel that works pretty much anywhere, sometimes people need something special, so here is how to make a custom kernel.

Make sure you are in the chroot.

cd /ts/ports/kernel-modules/kernel-TS
pkgmk -d -f -eo
This will download the kernel source, unpack it and place it in
Now we can
cd work/src/linux-<version>
we can then run
cp ../ts.config .config
This will copy the current kernel configuration into the place that the kernel source expects. Next we run
make menuconfig
You can now make any changes that you want to the kernel configuration using the kernel menu configuration system. Save your changes when you are done, and exit the utility. We now need to copy the new config to somewhere the port system will understand, so cp .config ../../../ts.config Now go back to /ts/ports/kernel-modules/kernel-TS We need to update the md5sum for the new ts.config, so pkgmk -um, then pkgmk -u It is very likely that this operation will produce a footprint mismatch, so after the build completes, you will likely have to run pkgmk -uf then pkgmk -u again.