The SCImago Journal & Country Rank is a publicly available portal that includes the journals and country scientific indicators developed from the information contained in the Scopus® database. These indicators can be used to assess and analyze scientific domains. Journals can be compared or analysed separately. Country rankings may also be compared or analysed separately.
En altres paraules, és una organització que analitza mitjançant diverses mètriques la qualitat de les publicacions cientìfiques: l'H-Index, el total absolut d'articles citats, documents publicats durant 1 i 3 anys...
L'any passat ens vam descarregar el fitxer de dades, versió 2021-2022 : aqui
Igualment, recomanem tornar a descarregar el CSV original. Per a extreure la versió més recent del fitxer, consulteu la web: Font de dades: Web Scimago
- Seleccionem els articles de "Medicine" del 2021.
- La resta de camps deixem els que indica per defecte.
- Finalment, pitgem a "Download Data".
Per llegir un fitxer a Python, utilitzarem una funció que li passarem la ruta i retornarà una llista amb totes les línies del fitxer.
# How to define a function in python with the word key
# the type date after the : is only documentation for Python
def read_csv_file(csv_file_path: str) -> list:
with open(csv_file_path, newline='') as csvfile:
csv_reader=csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter=";")
result = [row_dict for row_dict in csv_reader]
return result
D'aquesta manera anomenem la funció que ens tornarà el contingut.
# Import notebook
# How to import a notebook a file
import csv
csv_file_path = "scimago-medicine.csv"
entries = read_csv_file(csv_file_path)
{'Rank': '1', 'Sourceid': '28773', 'Title': 'Ca-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians', 'Type': 'journal', 'Issn': '15424863, 00079235', 'SJR': '62,937', 'SJR Best Quartile': 'Q1', ... 'Categories': 'Hematology (Q1); Oncology (Q1)'}
Es publicaran les solucions obtingudes al final de cada sessió. Tant les del Miquel com les del Pablo i les vostres solucions proposades.
Per ara les recopilo en aquest fitxer de codi Python
També s'enviarà codi intermig per a donar-vos pistes i solucions durant la sessió a:
- Q1 - How many entries are in scimago-medicine.csv?
- Q2 - Show the first 25 entries.
- Q3 - How many entries are from Spain? (Country = Spain)
- Q4 - Show all the journals (Type = journal) published in UK (Country = United Kingdom) with an H-Index greater than 200.
- Q5 - What types of scientific publications are in the file ?
- Q52 - What types of scientific publications are in the file ?
- Q6 - List all the avaliable categories. Each entry can have more than one category.
- Q7 - Show all data from the category with most entries."
- Q8 - Show all data from entries of categories: "Sports Medicine" or "Sports science"
- Q9 - All regions covered by all entries.
- Q10 - Mean of H-index by region.
- Q11 - What is the oldest publisher that is still active?
# How to define a function in python with the word key
# the type date after the : is only documentation for Python
def read_csv_file(csv_file_path: str) -> list:
with open(csv_file_path, newline='') as csvfile:
csv_reader=csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter=";")
result = [row_dict for row_dict in csv_reader]
return result
# Import notebook
# How to import a notebook a file
import csv
csv_file_path = "scimago-medicine.csv"
entries = read_csv_file(csv_file_path)
# entries = entries[0:10] opció per a quedar-se sol amb els 10 primers , per poder fer proves.
> {'Rank': '1',
> 'Sourceid': '28773',
> 'Title': 'Ca-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians',
> 'Type': 'journal',
> 'Issn': '15424863, 00079235',
> 'SJR': '62,937',
> 'SJR Best Quartile': 'Q1',
> 'H index': '168',
> 'Total Docs. (2020)': '47',
> 'Total Docs. (3years)': '119',
> 'Total Refs.': '3452',
> 'Total Cites (3years)': '15499',
> 'Citable Docs. (3years)': '80',
> 'Cites / Doc. (2years)': '126,34',
> 'Ref. / Doc.': '73,45',
> 'Country': 'United States',
> 'Region': 'Northern America',
> 'Publisher': 'Wiley-Blackwell',
> 'Coverage': '1950-2020',
> 'Categories': 'Hematology (Q1); Oncology (Q1)'}
Question 1 How many entries are in scimago-medicine.csv?
num = len(entries)
print(f"There are {num} entries.")
Question 2 Show the first 25 entries.
Question 3 How many entries are from Spain? (Country = Spain)
#Solució 31
numEntriesSpain: int = 0
for entry in entries:
if(entry['Country'] == 'Spain'):
#Solució 32, funcional.
def filterEntrySpain (entry:dict) -> bool:
return entry['Country'] == 'Spain'
entriesSpain= list(filter(filterEntrySpain,entries))
Question 4 Show all the journals (Type = journal) published in UK (Country = United Kingdom) with an H-Index greater than 200.
# Solucio FUNCIONAL.
def filterUKJournalHIndex300 (entry:dict) -> bool:
return entry['Country'] == 'United Kingdom' and entry['Type'] == 'journal' and int(entry['H index']) > 200
entriesUKJournalHIndex300 = list(filter(filterUKJournalHIndex300,entries))
Question 5 What types of scientific publications are in the file ? Show the name of all types.
Expected Result:
['journal', 'book series', 'conference and proceedings', 'trade journal']
Question 5.2 How many scientific publications are in from each type ? Expected Result:
{'journal': 7082, 'book series': 27, 'conference and proceedings': 5, 'trade journal': 4}
num_entries_type = {}
for entry in entries:
# if Type don't exist, we add it in the dict.
if (not (entry['Type'] in num_entries_type)):
# if Type exist, we sum 1 more publication.
num_entries_type[entry['Type']] = num_entries_type[entry['Type']] + 1
Question 6 List all the avaliable categories. Each entry can have more than one category.
Hint: Split function.
# One entry can belong to one or more categories. These are separated by semicolon (;)
# You should remove the quarter characters (Q1),(Q2)... between categories.
import re
text = "python is, an easy;language; to, learn."
print(re.split('; |, ', text))
['python is', 'an easy;language', 'to', 'learn.']
import re
def remove_quarter(category: str) -> str:
"Returns the category string without the quarter id: (Q1), (Q2), (Q3) or (Q4)"
" Pending apply regex. Q(*) "
result = category
result = re.sub(" ?\(Q\d\)", "", result)
result = result.strip()
return result
categories_set: set = set() #Millor així. Desambigua
for entry in entries:
#Separa, en función de los delimitadores que le pongas
## entryCategories = entry.split(';')
entry_categories: list[str] = entry['Categories'].split(';')
for category in entry_categories:
clean_category: str = remove_quarter(category)
categories_list: list[str] = sorted(categories_set)
# Solution from students :)
def q6(data: list[dict[str, str]]) -> list[str]:
return sorted(list( set( sum([remove_quarter(dictionary['Categories']).split(';') for dictionary in data], []))))
q6_result = q6(entries)
Question 7 Show all data from the category with most entries.
**Hint: Create a dict. The keys are the entry name, the values are the number of entres **
Expected Result
1 - Medicine (miscellaneous) : 2447 2 - Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health : 560 3 - Psychiatry and Mental Health : 537 ...
Question 8 Show all data from entries of categories: "Sports Medicine" or "Sports science".
Hint. Use operator in "Sports".
list_sports_science_entries = [entry for entry in entries if 'sports' in entry['Categories'].lower()]
Question 9 All regions covered by all entries.
**Hint. Use operator in "Sports".
regiones: dict = set() #Mejor así. Desambigua
for entrada in entries:
print("Q9 - REGIONS.")
Question 10 Mean of H-index by region.
Observation. Mean = Average. Promedio in Spanish. Do not get confused with Median, is another measure.
Question 11 What is the oldest publisher that is still active?
Observation. Has some publication in 2021.