+Click to reveal the Python code
+``` python , id="Model Factory Solution Config File", role="content-editable emits-gtm-events"
+from configparser import ConfigParser
+import os
+config = ConfigParser()
+config['MAIN'] = {
+ "projectId": "23e1df4b-b630-47a1-ab80-7ad5385fcd8d",
+ "bearerToken": os.environ['BEARER_TOKEN'],
+ "trainDatasetId": "ba39e766-2fdf-426f-ba5c-4ca3e90955fc",
+ "evaluateDatasetId": "74489d62-2af5-4402-b264-715e151a420a",
+ "datasetConnectionId" : "151abf05-1914-4d38-a90d-272d850f212c",
+ "datasetTemplateId": "d8a35d98-21ce-47d0-b9f2-00d355777de1"
+config['HYPERPARAMETERS'] = {
+ "eta": 0.2,
+ "max_depth": 6
+config['RESOURCES'] = {
+ "memory": "500m",
+ "cpu": "0.5"
+config['MODEL'] = {
+ "modelId": "f937b5d8-02c6-5150-80c7-1e4ff07fea31",
+ "approvalComments": "Approving this model!",
+ "cron": "@once",
+ "engineType": "DOCKER_BATCH",
+ "engine": "python-batch",
+ "dockerImage": "artifacts.td.teradata.com/tdproduct-docker-snapshot/avmo/aoa-python-base:3.9.13-1"
+with open('./config/modelOpsConfig.ini', 'w') as f:
+ config.write(f)
+Now copy the Bearer token from the ModelOps user interface (Left Menu -> Your Account -> Session Details) and set it here as an environment varibale using the following command:
+``` bash , id="Bearer token", role="content-editable emits-gtm-events"
+export BEARER_TOKEN='your_token_here'
+Now you can execute the previously created config file, which will create a new ini file inside config folder containing all the required parameters which will be used in the DAG creation step.
+``` python , id="Create config ini", role="content-editable emits-gtm-events"
+python3 createConfig.py
+## Create a Airflow DAG containing full ModelOps Lifecycle
+Now you can create a DAG using the following python code. Add this python code file inside dags folder. This DAG contains 5 tasks of ModelOps lifecycle (i.e., Train, Evaluate, Approve, Deploy and Retire)
+.Click to reveal the Python code
+``` python , id="DAG Code", role="content-editable emits-gtm-events"
+import base64
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date
+import json
+import os
+import time
+from airflow import DAG
+from airflow.operators.python import PythonOperator
+import requests
+from configparser import ConfigParser
+# Read from Config file
+config = ConfigParser()
+config_main = config["MAIN"]
+config_hyper_params = config["HYPERPARAMETERS"]
+config_resources = config["RESOURCES"]
+config_model = config["MODEL"]
+# Default args for DAG
+default_args = {
+ 'owner': 'Tayyaba',
+ 'retries': 5,
+ 'retry_delay': timedelta(minutes=2)
+def get_job_status(job_id):
+ # Use the fetched Job ID to check Job Status
+ headers_for_status = {
+ 'AOA-PROJECT-ID': config_main['projectid'],
+ 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + config_main['bearertoken'],
+ }
+ status_response = requests.get('https://airflow-u9usja4twtauvt3s.env.clearscape.teradata.com:8443/modelops/core/api/jobs/' + job_id + '?projection=expandJob', headers=headers_for_status)
+ status_json = status_response.json()
+ job_status = status_json.get('status')
+ return job_status
+def train_model(ti):
+ headers = {
+ 'AOA-Project-ID': config_main['projectid'],
+ 'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*',
+ 'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.9',
+ 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + config_main['bearertoken'],
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
+ }
+ json_data = {
+ 'datasetId': config_main['trainDatasetId'],
+ 'datasetConnectionId': config_main['datasetConnectionId'],
+ 'modelConfigurationOverrides': {
+ 'hyperParameters': {
+ 'eta': config_hyper_params['eta'],
+ 'max_depth': config_hyper_params['max_depth'],
+ },
+ },
+ 'automationOverrides': {
+ 'resources': {
+ 'memory': config_resources['memory'],
+ 'cpu': config_resources['cpu'],
+ },
+ 'dockerImage': config_model['dockerImage'],
+ },
+ }
+ response = requests.post('https://airflow-u9usja4twtauvt3s.env.clearscape.teradata.com:8443/modelops/core/api/models/' + config_model['modelid'] + '/train', headers=headers, json=json_data)
+ json_data = response.json()
+ # Get the Training Job ID
+ job_id = json_data.get('id')
+ ti.xcom_push(key='train_job_id', value=job_id)
+ job_status = get_job_status(job_id)
+ print("Started - Training Job - Status: ", job_status)
+ while job_status != "COMPLETED":
+ if job_status=="ERROR":
+ print("The training job is terminated due to an Error")
+ ti.xcom_push(key='trained_model_id', value='NONE') # Setting the Trained Model Id to None here and check in next step (Evaluate)
+ break
+ elif job_status=="CANCELLED":
+ ti.xcom_push(key='trained_model_id', value='NONE')
+ print("The training job is Cancelled !!")
+ break
+ print("Job is not completed yet. Current status", job_status)
+ time.sleep(5) #wait 5s
+ job_status = get_job_status(job_id)
+ # Checking Job status at the end to push the correct trained_model_id
+ if(job_status == "COMPLETED"):
+ train_model_id = json_data['metadata']['trainedModel']['id']
+ ti.xcom_push(key='trained_model_id', value=train_model_id)
+ print('Model Trained Successfully! Job ID is : ', job_id, 'Trained Model Id : ', train_model_id, ' Status : ', job_status)
+ else:
+ ti.xcom_push(key='trained_model_id', value='NONE')
+ print("Training Job is terminated !!")
+def evaluate_model(ti):
+ trained_model_id = ti.xcom_pull(task_ids = 'task_train_model', key = 'trained_model_id')
+ headers = {
+ 'AOA-Project-ID': config_main['projectid'],
+ 'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*',
+ 'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.9',
+ 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + config_main['bearertoken'],
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
+ }
+ json_data = {
+ 'datasetId': config_main['evaluatedatasetid'],
+ 'datasetConnectionId': config_main['datasetConnectionId'],
+ 'modelConfigurationOverrides': {
+ 'hyperParameters': {
+ 'eta': config_hyper_params['eta'],
+ 'max_depth': config_hyper_params['max_depth'],
+ },
+ },
+ 'automationOverrides': {
+ 'resources': {
+ 'memory': config_resources['memory'],
+ 'cpu': config_resources['cpu'],
+ },
+ 'dockerImage': config_model['dockerImage'],
+ },
+ }
+ if trained_model_id == 'NONE':
+ ti.xcom_push(key='evaluated_model_status', value='FALIED')
+ print("Evaluation cannot be done as the Training Job was terminated !!")
+ else:
+ response = requests.post('https://airflow-u9usja4twtauvt3s.env.clearscape.teradata.com:8443/modelops/core/api/trainedModels/' + trained_model_id + '/evaluate', headers=headers, json=json_data)
+ json_data = response.json()
+ # Get the Evaluation Job ID
+ eval_job_id = json_data.get('id')
+ ti.xcom_push(key='evaluate_job_id', value=eval_job_id)
+ job_status = get_job_status(eval_job_id)
+ print("Started - Job - Status: ", job_status)
+ while job_status != "COMPLETED":
+ if job_status=="ERROR":
+ print("The evaluation job is terminated due to an Error")
+ # Set the Trained Model Id to None here and check in next step (Evaluate)
+ break
+ elif job_status=="CANCELLED":
+ print("The evaluation job is Cancelled !!")
+ break
+ print("Job is not completed yet. Current status", job_status)
+ time.sleep(5) # wait 5s
+ job_status = get_job_status(eval_job_id)
+ # Checking Job status at the end to push the correct evaluate_job_id
+ if(job_status == "COMPLETED"):
+ ti.xcom_push(key='evaluated_model_status', value='EVALUATED')
+ print('Model Evaluated Successfully! Job ID is : ', eval_job_id, ' Status : ', job_status)
+ else:
+ ti.xcom_push(key='evaluated_model_status', value='FAILED')
+ print("Evaluation Job is terminated !!")
+def approve_model(ti):
+ evaluated_model_status = ti.xcom_pull(task_ids = 'task_evaluate_model', key = 'evaluated_model_status')
+ if evaluated_model_status == 'FAILED':
+ ti.xcom_push(key='approve_model_status', value='FALIED')
+ print("Approval cannot be done as the Evaluation was failed !!")
+ else:
+ trained_model_id = ti.xcom_pull(task_ids = 'task_train_model', key = 'trained_model_id')
+ headers = {
+ 'AOA-Project-ID': config_main['projectid'],
+ 'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*',
+ 'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.9',
+ 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + config_main['bearertoken'],
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
+ }
+ json_data = {
+ "comments": (base64.b64encode(config_model['approvalComments'].encode()).decode())
+ }
+ response = requests.post('https://airflow-u9usja4twtauvt3s.env.clearscape.teradata.com:8443/modelops/core/api/trainedModels/' + trained_model_id + '/approve' , headers=headers, json=json_data)
+ response_json = response.json()
+ approval_status = response_json['status']
+ if(approval_status == 'APPROVED'):
+ ti.xcom_push(key='approve_model_status', value='EVALUATED')
+ print('Model Approved Successfully! Status: ', approval_status)
+ else:
+ ti.xcom_push(key='approve_model_status', value='FAILED')
+ print('Model not approved! Status: ', approval_status)
+def deploy_model(ti):
+ approve_model_status = ti.xcom_pull(task_ids = 'task_approve_model', key = 'approve_model_status')
+ headers = {
+ 'AOA-Project-ID': config_main['projectid'],
+ 'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*',
+ 'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.9',
+ 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + config_main['bearertoken'],
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
+ }
+ json_data = {
+ 'engineType': config_model['engineType'],
+ 'engineTypeConfig': {
+ 'dockerImage': config_model['dockerImage'],
+ 'engine': "python-batch",
+ 'resources': {
+ 'memory': config_resources['memory'],
+ 'cpu': config_resources['cpu'],
+ }
+ },
+ 'language':"python",
+ 'datasetConnectionId': config_main['datasetConnectionId'],
+ 'datasetTemplateId': config_main['datasetTemplateId'],
+ 'cron': config_model['cron'],
+ 'publishOnly': "false",
+ 'args':{}
+ }
+ if approve_model_status == 'FAILED':
+ ti.xcom_push(key='deploy_model_status', value='FALIED')
+ print("Deployment cannot be done as the model is not approved !!")
+ else:
+ trained_model_id = ti.xcom_pull(task_ids = 'task_train_model', key = 'trained_model_id')
+ response = requests.post('https://airflow-u9usja4twtauvt3s.env.clearscape.teradata.com:8443/modelops/core/api/trainedModels/' + trained_model_id + '/deploy', headers=headers, json=json_data)
+ json_data = response.json()
+ # Get the Deployment Job ID
+ deploy_job_id = json_data.get('id')
+ ti.xcom_push(key='deploy_job_id', value=deploy_job_id)
+ # deployed_model_id = json_data['metadata']['deployedModel']['id']
+ job_status = get_job_status(deploy_job_id)
+ print("Started - Deployment Job - Status: ", job_status)
+ while job_status != "COMPLETED":
+ if job_status=="ERROR":
+ ti.xcom_push(key='deploy_model_status', value='FAILED')
+ print("The deployment job is terminated due to an Error")
+ break
+ elif job_status=="CANCELLED":
+ ti.xcom_push(key='deploy_model_status', value='FAILED')
+ print("The deployment job is Cancelled !!")
+ break
+ print("Job is not completed yet. Current status", job_status)
+ time.sleep(5) # wait 5s
+ job_status = get_job_status(deploy_job_id)
+ # Checking Job status at the end to push the correct deploy_model_status
+ if(job_status == "COMPLETED"):
+ ti.xcom_push(key='deploy_model_status', value='DEPLOYED')
+ print('Model Deployed Successfully! Job ID is : ', deploy_job_id, ' Status : ', job_status)
+ else:
+ ti.xcom_push(key='deploy_model_status', value='FAILED')
+ print("Deployment Job is terminated !!")
+def retire_model(ti):
+ deployed_model_status = ti.xcom_pull(task_ids = 'task_deploy_model', key = 'deploy_model_status')
+ if deployed_model_status == 'FAILED':
+ ti.xcom_push(key='retire_model_status', value='FALIED')
+ print("Retirement cannot be done as the model is not deployed !!")
+ else:
+ trained_model_id = ti.xcom_pull(task_ids = 'task_train_model', key = 'trained_model_id')
+ headers = {
+ 'AOA-Project-ID': config_main['projectid'],
+ 'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*',
+ 'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.9',
+ 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + config_main['bearertoken'],
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
+ }
+ # Identifying the deployment ID
+ get_deployment_id_response = requests.get('https://airflow-u9usja4twtauvt3s.env.clearscape.teradata.com:8443/modelops/core/api/deployments/search/findByStatusAndTrainedModelId?projection=expandDeployment&status=DEPLOYED&trainedModelId=' + trained_model_id , headers=headers)
+ get_deployment_id_json = get_deployment_id_response.json()
+ deployment_id = get_deployment_id_json['_embedded']['deployments'][0]['id']
+ json_data = {
+ "deploymentId": deployment_id
+ }
+ # Retire the specific deployment
+ retire_model_response = requests.post('https://airflow-u9usja4twtauvt3s.env.clearscape.teradata.com:8443/modelops/core/api/trainedModels/' + trained_model_id + '/retire', headers=headers, json=json_data)
+ retire_model_response_json = retire_model_response.json()
+ # Get the Evaluation Job ID
+ retire_job_id = retire_model_response_json.get('id')
+ ti.xcom_push(key='retire_job_id', value=retire_job_id)
+ job_status = get_job_status(retire_job_id)
+ print("Started - Job - Status: ", job_status)
+ while job_status != "COMPLETED":
+ if job_status=="ERROR":
+ print("The Retire job is terminated due to an Error")
+ # Set the Trained Model Id to None here and check in next step (Evaluate)
+ break
+ elif job_status=="CANCELLED":
+ print("The Retire job is Cancelled !!")
+ break
+ print("Job is not completed yet. Current status", job_status)
+ time.sleep(5) # wait 5s
+ job_status = get_job_status(retire_job_id)
+ # Checking Job status at the end to push the correct evaluate_job_id
+ if(job_status == "COMPLETED"):
+ ti.xcom_push(key='retire_model_status', value='RETIRED')
+ print('Model Retired Successfully! Job ID is : ', retire_job_id, ' Status : ', job_status)
+ else:
+ ti.xcom_push(key='retire_model_status', value='FAILED')
+ print("Retire Job is terminated !!")
+with DAG(
+ dag_id = 'ModelOps_Accelerator_v1',
+ default_args=default_args,
+ description = 'ModelOps lifecycle accelerator for Python Diabetes Prediction model',
+ start_date=datetime.now(), # Set the start_date as per requirement
+ schedule_interval='@daily'
+) as dag:
+ task1 = PythonOperator(
+ task_id='task_train_model',
+ python_callable=train_model
+ )
+ task2 = PythonOperator(
+ task_id='task_evaluate_model',
+ python_callable=evaluate_model
+ )
+ task3 = PythonOperator(
+ task_id='task_approve_model',
+ python_callable=approve_model
+ )
+ task4 = PythonOperator(
+ task_id='task_deploy_model',
+ python_callable=deploy_model
+ )
+ task5 = PythonOperator(
+ task_id='task_retire_model',
+ python_callable=retire_model
+ )
+## Initialize Airflow in Docker Compose
+While initializing Airflow services like the internal Airflow database, for operating systems other than Linux, you may get a warning that AIRFLOW_UID is not set, but you can safely ignore it. by setting its environment variable using the following command.
+``` bash , id="UID Airflow variable", role="content-editable emits-gtm-events"
+echo -e "AIRFLOW_UID=5000" > .env
+To run internal database migrations and create the first user account, initialize the database using this command:
+``` bash , id="", role="content-editable emits-gtm-events"
+docker compose up airflow-init
+After initialization is complete, you should see a message like this:
+``` bash , id="Check Airflow init", role="content-editable emits-gtm-events"
+ airflow-init_1 | Upgrades done
+ airflow-init_1 | Admin user airflow created
+ airflow-init_1 | 2.8.2
+ start_airflow-init_1 exited with code 0
+## Clean up Airflow demo environment
+You can clean up the environment which will remove the preloaded example DAGs using this command:
+``` bash , id="Docker compose down", role="content-editable emits-gtm-events"
+docker-compose down -v
+Then update this parameter in docker-compose.yaml file as given below:
+``` bash , id="Docker compose yaml", role="content-editable emits-gtm-events"
+## Launch Airflow with Model Factory Solution Accelerator
+Launch Airflow using this command:
+``` bash , id="Docker compose up", role="content-editable emits-gtm-events"
+docker-compose up -d
+## Run Airflow DAG of Model Factory Solution with ModelOps
+* Now you can access Airflow UI uisng the following http://localhost:8080/
+![Airflow login](../modelops/images/execute-airflow-workflows-with-clearscape-analytics-modelops-model-factory-solution/LoginPage.png)
+* Login with Usename: airflow and Password: airflow. In the DAGs menu you will be able to see your created DAGs.
+* Select your latest created DAG and the graph will look like this:
+* Now you can trigger the DAG using the play icon on the top right side.
+* You can check the logs by selecting any task and then click on the logs menu:
+* On the ClearScape Analytics ModelOps - Jobs section you can see that the jobs have started running:
+* Now you can see that all the tasks are successfully executed.
+## Summary
+This tutorial aimed at providing a hands on exercise on how to install an Airflow environment on a Linux server and how to use Airflow to interact with ClearScape Analytics ModelOps and Teradata Vantage database. An additional example is provided on how to integrate Airflow and the data modelling and maintenance tool dbt to create and load a Teradata Vantage database.
+## Further reading
+* [ModelOps documentatioN](https://docs.teradata.com/search/documents?query=ModelOps&sort=last_update&virtual-field=title_only&content-lang=).
diff --git a/quickstarts/analyze-data/integrate-teradata-jupyter-extensions-with-google-vertex-ai.md b/quickstarts/analyze-data/integrate-teradata-jupyter-extensions-with-google-vertex-ai.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d29dca6768
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quickstarts/analyze-data/integrate-teradata-jupyter-extensions-with-google-vertex-ai.md
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+sidebar_position: 11
+author: Hailing Jiang
+email: Hailing.Jiang@teradata.com
+page_last_update: June 28th, 2022
+description: Integrate Teradata Jupyter extensions with Google Vertex AI
+keywords: [data warehouses, compute storage separation, teradata, vantage, cloud data platform, business intelligence, enterprise analytics, jupyter, teradatasql, ipython-sql, teradatasqlalchemy]
+import ClearscapeDocsNote from '../_partials/vantage_clearscape_analytics.mdx'
+import JupyterClearscapeNote from '../_partials/jupyter_notebook_clearscape_analytics_note.mdx';
+# Integrate Teradata Jupyter extensions with Google Vertex AI