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TectonicRifts edited this page May 15, 2023 · 4 revisions

A tool for updating monsters (i.e., weenies of the creature type), with the ability to do batch updates. For example, a single creature weenie can be loaded and used as a template. You can then load all weenies in a folder that contain a given name and update them to match the template.

The program supports updating attributes, skills, as well as armor and resistance mods. Other common properties can also be set (e.g., kill quest, clothing base, treasure profile).

It also displays effective and pcap skills for a creature weenie loaded as a template, and how likely a player is to land or evade attacks based on a predefined player profile (currently, this is based on an average max player).

To use, load a creature weenie to serve as a template via the Open File button. You can then use Set to update properties on that weenie as needed. When done, you can also use the Open Folder button to load any number of weenies whose name contains anything entered in the Name contains field. To update the entire batch of files, click the Run Batch button. The updated files are saved in a separate folder accessed via the Output button.

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