- Dave Bailey (NCAR), @dabail10
- Ingrid Carlson (Carroll College), @ingridc2051
- Dani Coleman (NCAR), @bitterbark
- Cameron Cummins (U Texas), @AgentOxygen
- Katie Dagon (NCAR), @katiedagon
- Anna-Lena Deppenmeier (NCAR; now University of Liverpool), @ALDepp
- Brian Dobbins (NCAR), @briandobbins
- Alice DuVivier (NCAR), @duvivier
- Orhan Eroglu (NCAR), @erogluorhan
- John Fasullo (NCAR)
- Katelyn FitzGerald (NCAR), @kafitzgerald
- Meg Fowler (NCAR), @megandevlan
- Cecile Hannay (NCAR), @cecilehannay
- Teagan King (NCAR), @TeaganKing
- Shivani Kumar (U Michigan), @shivaniikum
- Hilary Lam (U Michigan)
- Dave Lawrence (NCAR), @dlawrenncar
- Sam Levis (NCAR), @slevis-lmwg
- Mike Levy (NCAR), @mnlevy1981
- Gustavo Marques (NCAR), @gustavo-marques
- Christina McCluskey (NCAR), @cmcclus
- Brian Medeiros (NCAR), @brianpm
- Naoki Mizukami (NCAR), @nmizukami
- Jesse Nusbaumer (NCAR), @nusbaume
- Keith Oleson (NCAR), @olyson
- Adam Phillips (NCAR), @phillips-ad
- Justin Richling (NCAR), @justin-richling
- Lev Romashkov (NCAR; now Stanford University), @rmshkv
- Bill Sacks (NCAR), @billsacks
- Isla Simpson (NCAR), @islasimpson
- Gary Strand (NCAR), @strandwg
- Kate Thayer-Calder (NCAR), @Katetc
- Will Wieder (NCAR), @wwieder
- Anissa Zacharias (NCAR), @anissa111
- Feng Zhu (NCAR), @fzhu2e
Note: If you have contributed to the project, please feel free to add yourself to this list by updating contributors.md.