This API is designed to support enrollment at UofM. This set of APIs would provide a list of information related to the courses they are interested in. Students could specify relevant parameters such as Year, Term and CourseID to retrieve course information.
Our API is a simple REST api, where user can do GET requests to the endpoint.{Year}&{Term}&{CourseID}
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
Year | Int | the academic year in which the course is being offered. Ex:2023 | Yes |
Term | String | the specific part of the academic year. Ex:Fall, Winter | Optional |
CourseID | String | the ID of a specific course. Ex:COMP3040 | Optional |
Parameters | Type | Description |
CourseID | String | The subject and crouse number of a course. |
CourseName | String | The course title. |
Prerequisites | String | The prerequisites of the course. |
Description | String | The description of the course. |
Credits | Int | Credits hours of the course. |
Section | JSON Object | The specific information for each lecture section.
Lab | JSON Object | The specific information for each lab section.
Attribute | String | The attribute of the course |
Here are the three sample requests for getting course information from our API:{Year}
"result": [
"CourseID": "<String>" ,
"CourseName": "<String>",
"Credits"; "<Int>"
"CourseID": "COMP1010",
"CourseName": "Introductory Computer Science 1",
"Credits": 3,
"CourseID": "COMP1012",
"CourseName": "Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers",
"Credits": 3,
"CourseID": "COMP1020",
"CourseName": "Introductory Computer Science 2",
"Credits": 3,
"CourseID": "COMP2140",
"CourseName": "Data Structures and Algorithms",
"Credits": 3,
"CourseID": "COMP2160",
"CourseName": "Programming Practices",
"Credits": 3,
"CourseID": "COMP3020",
"CourseName": "Human-Computer Interaction 1",
"Credits": 3,
"result": [
"CourseID": "<String>" ,
"CourseName": "<String>",
"Credits": "<Int>",
"Section": "<Json Object>"
"CourseID": "COMP1010",
"CourseName": "Introductory Computer Science 1",
"Credits": 3,
"Section": {
"A01": ["Franklin Bristow", "MWF", "8:30am-9:20am", "01/09-04/12", 90],
"A02": ["Robert W. Guderian", "TR", "10:00am-11:15am", "01/09-04/12", 90]
"CourseID": "COMP1012",
"CourseName": "Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers",
"Credits": 3,
"Section": {
"A01": ["Franklin Bristow", "TR", "10:30am-11:20am", "01/09-04/12", 90]
"CourseID": "COMP1020",
"CourseName": "Introductory Computer Science 2",
"Credits": 3,
"Section": {
"A01": ["Franklin Bristow", "MWF", "8:30am-9:20am", "01/09-04/12", 90],
"A02": ["Robert W. Guderian", "TR", "10:00am-11:15am", "01/09-04/12", 90]
"CourseID": "<String>",
"CourseName": "<String>",
"Prerequisites": "<String>",
"Description": "<String>",
"Credits": <Int>,
"Section": {
"<String>": ["<List>"],
"<String>": ["<List>"]
"Lab": {
"<String>": ["<List>"],
"<String>": ["<List>"]
"Attribute": "<String>"
"CourseID": "COMP3430",
"CourseName": "Operating Systems",
"Prerequisites": "one of COMP 2140 or COMP 2061; and COMP 2280 or ECE 3610.",
"Description": "Operating systems, their design, implementation, and usage.",
"Credits": 3,
"Section": {
"A01": ["Franklin Bristow", "MWF", "8:30am-9:20am", "01/09-04/12", 90],
"A02": ["Robert W. Guderian", "TR", "10:00am-11:15am", "01/09-04/12", 90]
"Lab": {
"B01": ["Justin Smith", "T", "04:00 pm-05:15 pm", "01/09-04/12", 25],
"B02": ["Kathie Anderson", "R", "04:00 pm-05:15 pm", "01/09-04/12", 25]
"Attribute": "Science Requirement for BA, Science"