In this project with the help of a few visualizations you will be provided information about NYC CitiBike analysis.The analyzed data is from August 2019, and based on taht data we are trying to understand if introducig CitiBikes to Des Moines, Iowa, would be a feasible idea.
In this analysis we have used a csv file from the NYCCitiBikes website which we converted to a dataframe in Python Pandas so that we can change the 'tripduration' column from an integer into a date time data type. While this can be done in another way, Python Pandas were used to avoid challenges with visualization. After the dataframe was convirted back into a csv file we have analyzed a number of trends which you will see as you scroll through the slides.
- Python (including Pandas dependency, source code here)
- Data from CitiBike website that was changed with the help of Python Pandas
- Tableau Public (link to the story that was created with Tableau Public is here.
*How long the clients were using the bikes for *
Most clients have used the bikes for maximum 5 minutes, and slightly over 30 clients used the bikes for almost 3 hours.
How checkout times differed by gender
Men have used the bikes more than women in New York, but the overall checkout trends are similar for men and women.
Peaks and least usage of bikes in NYC
Least amount of rides occured between 12-6am on most days, while peak rides happened at 6PM on Thursdays.
Peaks in usage by gender
Again we see more males using the bikes on weekdays, while 8am is the highest peak time for men, and 5-6PM is peak time for both men and women.
Peaks by gender and type of user
Customers have used the bikes much less than subscribers overall. Subscriber males have used the bikes the most, especially on Thursdays and Fridays.
Top bike rent starting locations
Top starting locations for the clients were mostly in Manhattan around most popular tourism sites, areas not available for car rides and areas with frequent metro station issues.
*Top bike rent ending locations *
The top trip ending locations are the same as the trip starting top locations - all in Manhattan.
This analysis has shown that males have been more frequent users of the NYC CitiBike. The SUbscribers use bikes more often than the other clients. 12-6AM are the hours when people rarely use bikes. Men use bikes often at 8AM, and both men and women between 5-6PM. Males tend to use the bikes the most on Thursdays and Fridays. Most trips originated and ended in densely populated, difficult for car traffic Manhattan, near touristic places.
Some additional suggestions for CitiBIke before making the decision about Des Moines, Iowa as a location: -[x] Take a look at the Census data and compare to NYC Census data. -[x] Compare how urban is Des Moines in comparison to NYC and how bike-friendly the roads are. -[x] Compare the weather patterns.