Releases: Talberon/solstandard
Sol Standard Alpha v0.9.0
Sol Standard Alpha v0.9.0
64-bit/Mac OS Support, Netplay Quality of Life Improvements, Controller Configuration, Co-Op Adjustments, Map Ping
This update is largely quality of life changes for Netplay, Co-Op and controls, with a few minor gameplay-affecting features and bugfixes.
Gameplay Changes
- Placing a Bomb is now a free action.
- Bombs can now be pushed after being placed.
- A Ping action has been added to the unit select phase if you press cancel on any space on the map. This can be useful when communicating with other players.
- When playing co-operative maps, players now can no longer attack each other. They can also cast most beneficial buffs on their other-player allies. Inventory items can be given to other-player allies, but cannot be taken.
- The victory screen now continues to show the map. The camera can still be controlled while on this screen so you can scan the battlefield.
- Pressing the Cancel button on the world map now returns to the Main Menu.
System Changes
- Moved from DirectX to DesktopGL so Mac (and possibly Linux, though not tested) can be supported. Requires Mono to be installed. Run the
file in thebin
folder to launch the game. - The game seed that initializes during Netplay connections is now randomized from the host and sent to the peer over the network, so the randomization when loading a map is no longer the same (enemy spawns, etc.) every game.
- Notifications now appear when a peer has connected or disconnected from the game.
- Rough time estimates now appear in the map select preview pane when hovering over a map icon.
- The main menu now displays the world map in the background with a static image for larger screens behind the view.
- Moved to Open Sans from Segoe UI for regular window text font.
- Added custom controller binding in the Config menu.
- Confirm button now appears next to menu cursors in case players forget what their Confirm binding is.
- Additional Keyboard and Controller input icons added to support a wider range of possible controls
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where if a Lancer Commander cancels Sonic Strike, they would receive free Command Points.
- Fixed a bug where if a Cavalier used its Double Time skill, it would work even if the commander did not have enough Command Points.
- Fixed a crash bug on the Prison Escape map when fetching Alert Berries from the vending machine near Blue team's start area.
- Fixed a minor bug where turn progression would continue after a game was complete, which could cause a temporary control lock if it is the AI phase.
Sol Standard Alpha v0.8.0
Sol Standard Alpha v0.8.0
Game Phase Adjustments, New Creeps, New/Reworked Maps, New Music
This update includes several changes to game flow, includes some new features and new maps and original music composed by @Talberon for the game! Check out the sections below for more details:
Game Phase Adjustments
- Creeps now act first in a round, meaning you can place traps underneath their feet before their phase starts. They will skip the first round of a match.
- A new animated banner appears between turns and rounds denoting phases instead of toasts.
Creep Adjustments
- Independent icon now appears in top-left corner of unit instead of top-right to make room for inventory icon. Will stack on top of commander crown if both exist.
- New Kobold creep added.
- New Blood Orc creep added.
New Music
- New original main menu song
- New original victory song
- New original map songs
Balance Adjustments
- Stun and other movement-reduction effects now impact Leap Strike, Fleche, Corps-a-Corps and Gallop skill ranges.
Quality of Life Updates
- Frostbite description now displays the amount of MV reduced by slow effect.
- Health bar shakes upon taking damage during combat.
- The dimming of units when exhausted is now less dark.
- The Preview Item button can now be used on chests that fetch from item pools and list the possible items that can be obtained.
- Turn and Phase transitions reworked from toasts to banner animations center screen.
- The contextual "take item" action now filters out action tiles to just units and will move cursor into position if possible.
- A new icon appears over units that are carrying items in their inventory for quick identification on the map.
- A coin drop animation now appears over the head of a unit on the map that obtains currency.
- Fixed crash bug when a Duelist dies during relation while he has Flow stacks remaining.
- Fixed bug where defender who wins combat does not obtain loot from opponent after combat.
- Fixed preview view of placed bombs threat range disappearing after one frame.
- "Turn Start" message no longer appears on map select screen after a match has concluded.
- Fixed AI infinite loop where players can't interact, causing a softlock.
- Fixed notifications for refreshing units between rounds.
- Removed redundant notification for starting team between rounds.
Map Changes
- New Jungle Map
- New Plains Map
- Reworked Factory Map
- Reworked Relic Hunt Map
- Re-added Island Coast Map
Sol Standard Alpha v0.7.0
Sol Standard Alpha v0.7.0
Item System Adjustments, Currency Rework, Action Menu Rework
To improve the flow of gameplay and reduce clunky behaviour, the item and currency systems have been reworked. Here are the highlights:
Action Menu Rework
The action menu has been reworked to categorize different types of actions and reduce vertical space. This helps reduce some issues where an abundance of contextual actions would cause the menu to clip off-screen and make it impossible to know what options should be taken.
Submenus will appear for certain actions as long as they are applicable; otherwise they will not appear in the action menu.
The action menu is categorized as follows:
- Context Actions (submenu)
- Basic Attack
- Unit Skills (submenu)
- Inventory (submenu)
- Role Skill (e.g. Sprint or Shove)
- Guard (except for Marauder)
- Wait (Focus for Duelist)
Currency System
Currency is now shared among the entire team instead of held by individual units. This has several implications:
- One unit can pick up gold, and another can spend that gold.
- Gold can no longer be traded or manually dropped.
- Banks no longer serve a function as a way of sharing gold among units.
- The Taxes victory condition no longer makes sense.
- Units will not simply drop the gold they have picked up over time.
- It is much easier to purchase items from shops.
As a result, the following adjustments have been made to the Currency System:
- Units have had their "Gold" statistic replaced with a "Bounty" stat that scales as units defeat enemies in combat (does not apply with traps and out-of-combat defeats). The bounty on a unit determines the amount of gold that will drop when that unit is defeated.
- The bounty dropped by a unit will be deducted from the team's shared pool of Gold.
- If a team cannot afford the value that would be dropped, their Gold will be reduced to 0, but the full amount will still be dropped.
- The bounty dropped by a unit will be deducted from the team's shared pool of Gold.
- Shops have had their prices increased to account for any unit being able to spend the team's gold.
- The Taxes victory condition has been reworked to a Deposit condition, where units must store a target amount of Gold in a Bank in order to fulfill the condition.
- The Banks remain a good way to secure the gold you have obtained, since they cannot be deducted when your unit is defeated.
- This also provides a method of counter-play for other players so that they can attempt to block your path to the Bank or defeat your units to prevent your team from having enough Gold to deposit to win.
Item System
- Defeating an enemy unit in combat will result in the victor automatically looting the spoils of the vanquished unit.
- Items are now dropped as Spoils bags, allowing terrain-deploying items to now be dropped on the map.
- Items can be dropped on other items and stack in place as spoils bags.
- The inventory window has been adjusted to better display a larger inventory without clipping offscreen.
- Spoils are now only able to be picked up at range [0].
- Units that end their movement adjacent to an ally that is holding any items in their inventory will be able to take any of those items from their ally as a free action.
Balance Changes
- Duelist's Focus ability is a core part of the unit's identity, but having the ability to perform 3 separate full actions and chain free actions and being able to abuse items was a bit much. The Focus stack limit has been reduced to just 1, so you can perform 2 actions in a single turn. This also encourages players to utilize their extra actions instead of hoarding them for a big burst against an enemy to 100-0 them.
- Cavalier has been given the Phase Strike skill.
- Mage's Inferno skill is now manually-placeable like Frostbite and can be placed underneath the Mage if desired.
- Necromancer and Troll's AMR increased to account for Rogue's steal ability making some Relic maps too easy.
Map Updates
- Grassland Seize map has been remade.
- Prices of items on various maps have been increased to account for shared Gold pools and item balancing.
- King's Feast Relic goal adjusted.
- Banks on various maps have moved or been removed due to the change with the Taxes/Deposit victory condition and to account for shared team Gold.
- Village map has been slightly adjusted to give Red team more options in the early game.
- Minor adjustments to Prison escape map layout.
- Removed an old dungeon map.
Quality of Life Updates
- Interactable items now show their interact range when you hover over them during the Unit Select phase.
- Placing trap items is now a free action.
- AI Units now display their next intended action as a Status Effect when hovered over.
- AI Units now display whether they are Independent units and can attack allies via an icon over the upper-right of their sprite, and as a status effect in the hover window.
- Shared Gold among members of the team is now displayed over the unit list at the bottom of the in-game UI.
- The team Gold window also displays icons denoting which team will act first at the beginning of a new round. This will be adjusted automatically as units are generated or defeated dynamically.
- Toasts now appear when Bard plays Songs indicating their effect.
Bug Fixes
- Doors and other breakable obstacles now totally disappear from the map once destroyed, so you can't close a door that doesn't exist and block off a path.
- Bombs now tell you how much damage they will deal in their item description.
- The scaling of the Gold icon on the victory screen if a team wins the Deposit viectory condition has been fixed so that it is no longer tiny.
- Interaction ranges are now no longer calculated from the units, and no longer have a range limitation of 2 tiles away.
- A visual issue where AI units would display range tiles when initiating combat has been resolved and removed.
- If a source generates multiple copies of an item (e.g. a Vendor), then some items (like consumables) would darken after being used, and other items of the same kind would also appear grey even though they could be used. This has been fixed and no longer occurs.
- Pistons now no longer give an ear-splitting sound when multiple pistons of the same type fail to activate.
- Duelist's extra actions no longer trigger end-of-turn effects such as pressure plates.
- Fixed some bugs in how triggered entities would activate when they shouldn't or would silently activate and do nothing, stalling the game and in some cases, soft-locking.
- Chests that are seeded with items no longer remove those items from the item pool, so Merchants can sell the same items without causing a crash randomly on map load.
- All interactable tiles now display their interaction range in the Entity Window, and all windows have a standard layout for the header, movement and interact range indicators.
Sol Standard Alpha v0.6.0
Sol Standard Alpha v0.6.0
Humongous Update!
This update brings a ton of new changes that make the game much more fun! Check out the huge list of changes below in this update below.
Commander System Rework
Assigning a Commander for your army no longer gives them an HP bonus. Now each unit type that is assigned the commander role has its own unique special ability. Think about the commander you take into battle and build your team around their skill!
Commanders have an exclusive point-based system that charges every turn. Each command skill has a cost associated with it, and using that skill will spend the points you've earned to execute that ability. Each skill is unique to each unit type and has their own uses, so try them all out!
New Units
The Cavalier is a melee DPS/off-tank unit that can gallop around the battlefield. He can hit hard, recover health, and buff allies too! His Command Skill can buff the movement of all allies within range.
The Rogue is a utility melee DPS that can steal items from enemies (and allies!) and can destroy locked doors easily. She can also use a ranged offensive attack. Her command skill allows her to instantly destroy an enemy unit if their health is below a certain threshold.
Unit Reworks
General Balance Updates
All units have had their statistics adjusted to balance them better and have been given Command actions that only apply if they are made Commander of your army. Beyond that, here's the other changes that will affect the way you play the game:
- Lancer's Execute skill has had ATK buff reduced to +1 from +2.
- Lancer's Betwixt Plate skills removed and given to Duelist and Rogue.
- Marauder's Enraged status can now be cleansed.
- Marauder heal from Guillotine has increased to 1/2 missing health, from 1/3 missing health.
- Champion Intervention skill removed and given to Paladin; buffed to 2 turn duration.
- Tank ability Shove is now a free action.
Bard has been completely remade into an aura-based support class. She can sing songs to buff herself and her allies while still being able to attack and interact with things.
Duelist has been reworked to be an anti-tank class. He has the ability to attack units and ignore their AMR, and he can dance around the battlefield by moving around allies and enemies for free!
Pugilist has had some minor updates to improve her identity as a snowballing DPS. She now has the skill Stem the Tide, which she can use to trade in a stack of Flow for some AMR and reset her Flow status timer. This keeps her buff going and also provides her some surivability after elongated combats. Suplex has been removed as it was too much position manipulation for a DPS class.
Mage's Frostbite skill has been remade into a surface ability that, when triggered, deals a small amount of damage to a unit and reduces their movement. This surface can be placed as a free action in various places, so you no longer need to feel bad for using a debuff instead of attacking! You can also place it underneath yourself and use Replace to swap with an opponent!
Rescue was a poor mechanic that made Paladin overly mobile and went against the spirit of her tankiness. She now has the ablity Intervention, which buffs an ally's BLK stat. As a result, Intervention has been removed from Champion.
New Map Select Screen
The map select screen has been remade, not just in appearance, but also in functionality:
- The world map can now be quickly navigated using the shoulder buttons (or
on keyboard) - The camera can now be controlled during map select.
- Map select now shows
icons to distinguish single and multiplayer maps from one another. - Selecing a team for each player is now done with the face buttons instead of the shoulder buttons.
- Map select now displays a unit count for each drafting team when hovering over a map.
New Maps
- New Single Player map
- New tropical island map
Remade Maps
The following maps have been remade and compressed for playability and utilize some of the new features added since their original inception:
- King's Feast
- Tower of Arzon
- Tavern
- Saturn Fortress
Check them out!
New Creep Routines
Quality of Life Updates
- Button Prompts now appear in-game based on what the cursor is currently hovered over.
- Commander select screen now drops to second line of options to prevent options appearing offscreen.
- Triggering Switches is now a free action.
- Added Launchpad launch distance to entity preview window.
- Weapon description size reduced dramatically to prevent issues where UI continues offscreen for lists of weapons.
- A count of the current amount of Relics collected by each team now displays in the Relic Objective window.
- Defeating an enemy commander no longer applies a "Morale Broken" debuff to units on their team.
- Command skills added to the Codex.
- Command skills now visible when selecting a commander during draft.
- In-game fonts have been updated to be more readable and fit the game theme more.
- New portrait for the Troll. He looks much more handsome!
- New wallpaper for Title Screen/Menus.
- Using portals (such as stairs) is now a free action.
- When previewing the game status during the first turn of a match, screen is no longer blank.
- Fixed an issue where units could not sprint through allies as intended.
- Fixed entity preview window for BuffTiles that describe AMR bonus instead of BLK.
- Effect tiles now trigger after each Creep's turn.
- Fixed softlock in Netplay when Blue team tries to open the codex during the Draft phase.
- Cleric no longer wastes a turn when attempting to Cleanse an ally that does not have any negative status effects.
- Fixed a bug where Vendors' item prices and quantities would not properly line up with the order of items specified in the map.
- Additional minor fixes not worth mentioning.
Sol Standard Alpha v0.5.0
This release includes some configuration enhancements, new entities, maps, and more!
Configuration Enhancements
- Added access to Config settings to Main Menu.
- Added volume control for background music in Config settings.
- Added Fullscreen toggle option to Config config.
- Windowed resolution is no longer fixed and window can be resized.
Netplay Quality of Life
- Added copy-paste functionality for IP Addresses in Host Game and Join Game.
- Fixed the External IP retrieval when hosting a network game.
New Maps
- Hiatok Fortress
- Competitive Relic Map featuring Crossing tiles
- Factory Heist
- New asymmetrical escape map featuring Pistons, Spring Traps and Launchpads
- Arctic Quest
- Competitive PvE Relic Map where each team races to defeat their boss and collect their relic before the other team
New Entities
- Piston
- Pushes a target in front of it one space away
- Crossing
- Allows a unit to move from one side of a space to another as a free action
- Launchpad
- Allows a unit to jump to a tile within range
- Spring Trap
- Automatically launches a unit to a specified position on the map
System Enhancements
- Cascading effect tile triggers
- If an effect tile triggers in a way that would result in a new effect tile being triggerable, that tile will now trigger and the process will scan for triggers until none remain.
Balance Adjustments
- Replaced Paladin Replace skill with new Rescue skill
- Allows a Paladin to jump next to an ally within range
Bug Fixes
- Entity preview window now appears for Bombs
- Fixed desync in Netplay when a unit summons another unit with a Contract
- Creeps that are summoned by other creeps now spawn with the appropriate amount of gold
- Creeps should no longer attack beyond their range due to a preview range from a nearby unit not being cleared before scanning for targets
- Minor animation touch-ups
- Fixed crashing bug caused by previewing terrain entities during the deployment phase
Sol Standard Alpha v0.4.0
Polish Update! New Visual Effects + Code Refactoring
- Added unique attack and damage animations for all units
- Added animations to context windows
- Added animation effects on the map for units for interactions, damage, recovery and unit defeats
- Updated project to C# 7 and refactored a lot of code to make it much cleaner
- Fixed bug in Lancer/Pugilist/Weapon attacks where block modifier was not being accounted for in Flow State/Execute/Attack combats
See a preview of the new animations here!
Sol Standard Alpha v0.3.0
This update includes the work in SOL-39_unit_reworks
. This update seeks to buff some of the units that have felt fairly weak and looked over in favour of other units. Damage-dealing units have been reworked to have more utility and be more resilient in combat, while some tanking units have been reworked to have a more consistent moveset and unique identity. Details are below!
Update - Unit Reworks/Rebalancing
- Added Block stat to UnitStatistics.
- Updated Unit detail panel to reflect new Block stat.
- Sprint no longer causes Exhaustion debuff. Sprint distance reduced to 2 from 3.
- Prison Break map adjusted for balance.
- Armor increased from 5 to 7.
- Leap Strike reworked to target enemies within a radius, then choosing a space adjacent to the target to land.
- Betwixt Plate skill added. Ignore target's armor and deal 60% attack damage.
- Execute reworked to deal 50% damage instead of flat 3 damage.
- Venom skill added. Reduces enemy unit's RET by 2 as a free action.
- Cripple skill removed.
- HP increased from 9 to 10.
- Armor increased from 4 to 5.
- Updated Uppercut skill to push units BEFORE attacking instead of after. This makes Uppercut a good anti-melee unit attack.
- Flow Strike skill added. Adds a stack of Flow and attacks for 40% damage. Each stack of Flow grants +1 ATK and +1 RET. Can be stacked indefinitely as long as status does not expire.
- Suplex skill added. Move a target behind you, then follow up with a basic attack.
- Meditate is now a free action.
- Pressure point skill removed.
- HP increased from 6 to 8.
- Terraform skill added. Spawn a breakable obstacle on an unoccupied space.
- Frostbite skill added. Reduce target's MV by 2 for 2 turns.
- Atrophy skill removed.
- Guillotine skill no longer scales healing based on Enraged status. Will no longer cleanse self of Enraged status.
- Rage duration reduced from 3 turns to 2.
- Grapple skill added. Move units within melee range to an unoccupied tile also in melee range as a free action.
- New Fortify skill can increase self Block stat by 1 at the cost of 1 Luck as a free action.
- New Intervention skill can increase ally's Block stat by 1.
Atrophy skill added.
Replace skill removed.
AI Units
- HP reduced to 5.
Sol Standard Alpha v0.2.0
This release includes the latest series of changes from SOL-38_new_ways_to_play
Info for the latest changes are below:
New Ways to Play!
New Objective Types + Maps
- Collect the Relics (VS)
- Collect the target number of items to achieve victory. Any unit on your team can hold the relics and they will count towards the goal.
- Collect the Relics (Co-Op PvE)
- Like (VS), but both players can collect relics together and defeat the environment!
- Escape (Asymmetric PvP)
- One team will be designated the hunters, while the other are the escapees.
- The escapees must reach the escape objective tile and evacuate the map.
- Commanders cannot leave the map until all other units have escaped or have been defeated.
- The hunters must rout the escaping team's Commanders before they escape!
- Defeat Boss (Solo PvE)
Quality of Life
- Team Select
- On the map select screen, you can toggle the team you want Player 1 and Player 2 to control before selecting a map!
- This also works online; so the host and client will no longer be forced into certain teams!
- Controller Icons
- Control icons will now update contextually based on whether your last input came from a controller or keyboard
- Input icons have been replaced with shiny new ones
- Added WaitRoutine for some AI units so that they will not wander
- Updated Map Select to show primary objective icons
- Refactored draft context to support different unit counts for the blue and red teams for asymmetric scenarios
- Reduced delay in AI units turns for faster AI turn resolution
- Code cleanup
Sol Standard Alpha v0.1.2
This release includes the two latest major sets of changes to hit develop
, including a ton of new map entities, and a Creep AI overhaul! New items and interactive tiles have been added to new and existing maps, such as Banks, Vendors, Regeneration tiles, Magnets, Bombs, Trap items, and more!
AI units will now have more complex behaviours than simply attacking random units in range; they can scavenge for money and items, intelligently attack weak units, bravely attack Commanders, summon other enemies, trigger switches and doors, and more. AI units will forecast what their next planned action will be with an icon above their heads. Preview a unit's skills with the Preview Button on the map to see details on what their routine will be!
Please play some of the new maps and try out the old ones with some of the new AI flavour! Please report any bugs you come across in the Issues section of the project on GitHub; I will do my best to fix them ASAP!