{% hint style="info" %} Mirror uses semantic versioning, and the versions shown here are those that were published to the Asset Store, and occasionally major version bumps happen mid-month between store submissions and are therefore not individually shown here. {% endhint %}
- Added: SyncMode selector now works for components on any scene objects owned by a client in addition to the player object, e.g. pets.
- Added: MessageBase now fully supports inheritance.
- Added: Room example now has UI button for host to return all clients to the Room scene and other improvements.
- Fixed: ReplacePlayerForConnection now works for existing scene objects as long as another player doesn't own the targeted object.
- Fixed: isClient and isServer are now true for networked objects in Start and OnStartClient / OnStartServer, respectively.
- Fixed: hasAuthority is now set before OnStartClient and OnStartLocalPlayer are invoked.
- Changed: connectionToClient is now used to assign client authority.
- Changed: In many respects, the Host player acts a lot more like a client and will reveal bugs better.
- Changed: ReplacePlayerForConnection now has an optional bool to retain authority of the previous object (default = false).
- Removed:
is deprecated in favor of overloads ofNetworkServer.Spawn
- Added: SyncList and SyncSet custom Equality Comparer support.
- Added: Custom serializers may be implemented for any type in Cmd's and Rpc's.
- Added: Fallback Transport.
- Fixed: SyncVar hooks are no longer called in Host if no change.
- Fixed: Network Identity no longer throws a null reference exception in RemoveClientAuthority.
- Fixed: Server transport now suspended during scene change to prevent erroneous messages.
- Fixed: SyncList, SyncDictionary and SyncSet now use a custom IEnumerator to avoid memory allocation.
- Fixed: sceneID is no longer reset in certain cases when editing a prefab.
- Changed: PreprocessorDefine code moved to CompilerSymbols folder to avoid paradox of missing symbols preventing the symbols being added to the project.
- Changed: Host player no longer gets authority assigned to all objects by default.
- Changed: Commands no longer bypass serialization for Host player, making debugging easier.
- Changed: Local connections now maintain their own message queue.
- Changed: Transport.Available is now abstract.
- Removed: Network Identity: Local Player Authority has been removed as no longer necessary.
- Added: Authenticators support to authenticate clients in the Connect phase.
- Added: Profiler events. These events can be subscribed to by the Network Profiler to provide visual information.
- Added: Transports now include channel in profiler events.
- Added: Transport abstract class now supports sending a message to a list of connection id's.
- Fixed: SceneMessage now has sceneOperation enum so clients can properly handle additive scenes.
- Fixed: NetworkClient handlers are now cleared in Shutdown.
- Fixed: Offline scene is no longer reloaded when client fails to connect or is rejected.
- Fixed: Start Position Index is now reset to zero when server is stopped.
- Fixed: Network Room Players are now all in DontDestroyOnLoad so they don't respawn in the game scene.
- Fixed: Network Room example player controller restores main camera on disable.
- Fixed: Components with different sync intervals were not sending updates to clients.
- Fixed: In certain cases, weaver wouldn't weave some external assemblies.
- Fixed: Network Animator now does a full sync for new clients.
- Fixed: Network Behaviour inspector now shows SyncMode for private SyncVars.
- Fixed: Calling Commands and Rpcs of parent classes from inherited classes works as it should.
- Fixed: Telepathy no longer hangs when attempting to connect to a nonexistent host.
- Fixed: Websockets Transport now properly returns the client endpoint information via
. - Fixed: WebGL build now works with ArraySegment.
- Changed: Mirror is now free of garbage memory allocation on the sending side.
- Some transports may still have a little garbage allocation yet.
- Changed: Deprecated the AddPlayerMessage extraMessage byte[] in favor of an easier approach to Custom Players.
- This is a breaking change: The virtual method OnServerAddPlayer loses the AddPlayerMessage parameter.
- Changed:
is now easier to use: no need to supply the current "owner" anymore. - Changed: Renamed
... see Deprecations for details. - Changed: Lobby system renamed to Room to better align the name for what it is and make way for a future Lobby framework.
- Added: Custom Network Readers & Writers via extension methods.
- Added: Network Sync Mode selector on components to sync to observers (default) or just the owner.
- Added: SyncVars now support structs and enums in other assemblies.
- Added: Support for reading and writing array segments.
- Added: Network Animator now has layers support.
- Added: New virtual method OnServerChangeScene to Network Manager.
- Added: XML summary comments for intellisense and future generated class docs.
- Updated Examples and Documentation.
- Fixed: SceneID was not set to 0 for prefab variants.
- Fixed: Observers were not properly rebuilt on scene changes.
- Fixed: SyncVar hooks were not able to change other SyncVars in Host mode.
- Fixed: Telepathy not setting socket options on accepted clients.
- Fixed: Catch IL2CPP bug.
- Fixed: Telepathy and Websockets now start connections ID's at 1 instead of 2.
- Fixed: Websockets support for SSL restored.
- Fixed: Network Manager no longer complains about missing player prefab if auto-create is disabled.
- Fixed: Removed a garbage allocation in Network Transform.
- Fixed: NetworkClient.Ready was being called unnecessarily in certain cases, e.g. SceneMessages.
- Changed: Documentation moved to website and API generated docs implemented.
- Changed: AddPlayerForConnection handler is now internal to keep safety checks intact.
- Changed: A bunch of messages converted to value types for performance.
- Fixed: Telepathy IPv4, IPv6, and FQDN should all work now.
- Fixed: TelepathyTransport error in UWP builds.
- Fixed: OnApplicationQuit is handled better now.
- Fixed: Performance and memory allocation improvements.
- Changed: Telepathy Source is now included instead of a DLL.
- Added: Scene Message now supports params for SceneMode (Normal / Additive) and PhysicsMode (2D / 3D).
- Added: ClientScene.Send now has an optional ChannelId parameter.
- Added: ASMDEF to Examples folder.
- Added: Support for sending and receiving ArraySegment
- Added: IReadOnlyList in SyncLists.
- Fixed: Network Manager not switching to correct scene in some cases.
- Fixed: ListServer Ping not found in WebGL.
- Fixed: TelepathyTransport.GetMaxPacketSize uses the new configurable max size.
- Fixed: Significant reduction in memory allocation and garbage collection.
- Changed: Use transform.localPosition and transform.localRotation for better VR support.
- Removed: Websockets send queues (they never worked) and SSL (temporarily because it didn't work).
- Changed: NetworkReader now uses ArraySegment to minimize allocations.
- Fixed: Reverted two internal refactor commits that had unintended consequences.
- Fixed: Unity 2019.1 compatibility.
- Fixed: Erroneous error indicating prefabs were missing Scene ID's.
- Fixed: OnDeserializeSafely now works without allocations.
- Fixed: Weaver not writing symbol files, preventing breakpoints from working in Visual Studio.
- Fixed: Network Identity SceneID generation now uses RNG Crypto Service Provider.
- Fixed: Scene lighting in Additive example.
- Fixed: Player Prefab transform details now respected when instantiated in the absence of NetworkStartPosition.
- Removed: Tests folder from Unity package generation (no end-user value).
- Fixed: Network Manager round-robin mode using NetworkStartPosition objects now uses hierarchy sibling order.
- Fixed: IsLocalPlayer is now reliably accurate in
by combining OwnerMessage and SpawnPrefabMessage. - Fixed: Stack overflow issues with Weaver and Cecil.
- Fixed: Corrected assembly paths passed to weaver.
- Fixed: Enum bandwidth reduced in SyncVars, Commands, and Rpcs.
- Fixed: Placeholder files added for removed code files so updating works better.
- Changed: Network Manager
is a static property now, changed fromIsHeadless()
- Fixed: Exceptions in overrides of Network Manager and other components incorrectly silenced.
- Fixed: Lobby system sometimes would not spawn and swap game player prefabs into the game scene.
- Fixed: Application.targetFrameRate no longer set in host mode.
- Changed: Telepathy: Split MaxMessageSize to allow setting a different value for client and server.
- Added: Semantic Versioning (which is why we jumped from 1.6 to 3.4.9).
- Added: SyncDictionary.
- Added: SyncHashSet.
- Added: SyncSortedSet.
- Added: SyncList and SyncDictionary support all IList and IDictionary derived types, respectively.
- Added: Documentation for SyncVars.
- Added: Documentation for SyncEvents.
- Added: NoRotation to Network Transform.
- Added: Scale is now included in spawn payload along with position and rotation.
- Added: Generic
to allow struct message types. - Added: Weaver now supports Vector2Int and Vector3Int.
- Added: List Server example.
- Added: Additive Scenes example.
- Fixed: SyncLists now work correctly for primitives and structs.
- Fixed: SyncVar Hooks now will update the local property value after the hook is called.
- You no longer need to have a line of code in your hook method to manually update the local property.
- Fixed: Host should not call Disconnect on transports.
- Fixed: NetworkAnimimator now supports up to 64 animator parameters.
- Fixed: Network Manager
no longer assumes scene zero is the default scene...usesGetActiveScene
now. - Fixed:
now resetsnetId
to zero. - Fixed: Observers are now properly rebuilt when client joins and
is overridden. - Fixed: NetworkProximityChecker: On rare occasion, player could be excluded from observers rebuild.
- Fixed: NetworkLobbyPlayer
works now. - Fixed: NetworkLobbyPlayer Remove button not showing for P1 when Server Only.
- Fixed: NetworkLobbyManager
lists are now public for inheritors. - Fixed: Offline scene switching now works via
. - Fixed: Pong example updated.
- Fixed: Source Weaver was deleting PDB files, preventing breakpoints and debugging from working.
- Changed: TargetRpc NetworkConnection parameter is now optional...the calling client's NetworkConnection is default.
- Changed: Movement example replaced with Tank example.
- Changed: NetworkClient functions are all static now, so the singleton is gone. Use NetworkClient directly.
- Changed: SyncList now supports structs directly, making SyncListSTRUCT obsolete.
- Removed: SyncListSTRUCT - Use SyncList instead.
- Removed: NetworkClient.ShutdownAll is obsolete -- Use NetworkClient.Shutdown instead.
- Fixed: Websockets transport moved to Mirror.Websocket namespace.
- Fixed: Network Animator bandwidth abuse.
- Fixed: Network Animator float sync bug.
- Fixed: Persistent SceneID's for Networked objects.
- Changed: Documentation for Transports.
- Changed: Weaver is now full source...FINALLY!
- Changed: ClientScene.AddPlayer 2nd parameter is now
byte[] extraData
instead ofMessageBase extraMessage
.- Please refer to the code sample here to see how to update your code.
- Changed: Network Manager -- Headless Auto-Start moved to
. - Changed: Removed Message ID's for all messages - See Network Messages for details.
- Message IDs are now generated automatically based on the message name.
- Previously you would call Send(MyMessage.MsgId, message), now you call Send(message).
- Removed: Documentation for Groove Transport - use Websockets Transport instead.
- Added: Migration Tool to (mostly) automate conversion from UNet.
- Added: Full support for WebSockets and WebSocketsSecure to replace UNet LLAPI.
- Added: Transport Multiplexer - allows the use of multiple concurrent transports.
- Added: NetworkLobbyManager and NetworkLobbyPlayer with example game.
- Added: Configurable Server Tick rate in Network Manager.
- Added: New virtual OnClientChangeScene fires right before SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync is executed.
- Added: Unit tests for Weaver.
- Fixed: Garbage allocations removed from a lot of things (more work to do, we know).
- Fixed: NetworkProximityChecker now uses
. - Fixed: SyncVar hook not firing when clients joined.
- Fixed: Network Manager no longer assumes it's on Scene(0) in Build Settings.
- Fixed: Network Animator no longer limited to 6 variables.
- Fixed: TelepathyTransport delivering messages when disabled.
- Changed: Minimum Unity version: 2018.3.6
- Removed: SceneAttribute.cs (merged to CustomAttributes.cs).
- Removed:
instead). - Removed:
(holdovers from LLAPI). - Removed:
(Network Connection is always connected). - Removed:
- Added: HelpURL attributes to components.
- Added: Automatic targetFramerate for headless builds.
- Added: ByteMessage to Messages class.
- Fixed: Connecting state can be canceled properly.
- Fixed: Network Transform interpolation applied to client's own object.
- Fixed: Objects are spawned with correct rotation.
- Fixed: SceneId assignment.
- Fixed: Changed syncInterval wasn't saved...it is now.
- Fixed: Additive Scene loading.
- Changed: Mirror is now full source -- no more DLL's.
- Changed: Transports are now components -- TCP, UDP, WebGL, Steam.
- Changed: Transport class now dispatches Unity Events.
- Changed:
now. - Changed:
parameter now. - Changed:
now. - Changed:
now. - Changed:
now. - Changed:
now. - Changed: Network Transform reimplemented -- physics removed, code simplified.
- Removed:
(port is handled at Transport level). - Removed:
instead). - Removed: