This file contains the following commands:
module load openblas # QP was compiled with OpenBlas
source ~scemama/qp2/quantum_package.rc # QP environment
source ~filippi/intel/oneapi/ # Intel libraries for CHAMP
QP uses one process, and all possible threads on the node. You should request an exclusive node with one process:
#SBATCH -N 1 -n 1 --exclusive
#SBATCH --account=reserved
#SBATCH --partition=reserved
source ~scemama/
qp set_file COH2
qp run fci > COH2.fci.out
CHAMP is parallelized with MPI, and doesn’t use multi-threading. You should request a single node, with 16 processes (as there are 16 cores per node).
#SBATCH -N 1 -n 16
#SBATCH --account=reserved
#SBATCH --partition=reserved
source ~scemama/
mpirun -np 16 ~filippi/champ-2.1.0/bin/vmc.mov1 -i $INPUT -o $OUTPUT -e error
#SBATCH -N 1 -n 16
source ~scemama/
mpirun -np 16 ~filippi/champ-2.1.0/bin/dmc.mov1 -i $INPUT -o $OUTPUT -e error