I'm a passionate developer, coder, and technology geek with a knack for hacking into challenges and solving them one line of code at a time. 🚀
- 🔭 I'm currently working on https://aryanvbw.github.io/
- 🌱 I'm constantly learning and exploring new technologies and tools.
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- 😄 Pronouns: he
Here are some of the technologies and tools I frequently work with:
- 💻 Programming Languages:e.g., Python, JavaScript, Java
- 🛠️ Frameworks & Libraries: e.g., React, Node.js, Django
- 🌐 Web Technologies:e.g., HTML5, CSS3, GraphQL
- 📦 Databases: e.g., MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL
- 🖥️ DevOps & Tools:e.g., Docker, Git, AWS
- 🔒 Cybersecurity & Ethical Hacking:Nmap (Network Mapper),Metasploit,Wireshark,Burp Suite,Aircrack-ng,Nikto,WifiTe etc.
Here are a few projects I'm proud of:
- ANDRO: A cloud based remote android managment suite.
- LinuxDroid: Linux on Android e.g Kali nethuter,Ubatu GUI/CLI,kali GUI,Arch Linux CLI.
- WifiJAM:Python WiFi Deauthentication Script.
Let's connect and collaborate on exciting projects:
- 📧 Email: [email protected]
- 💼 LinkedIn: @vivekwagadare
- 🐦 Twitter: @vivekwagadare
- 🌐 Web store: Aryanshop.me
- 📷 Instagram: @vivek_B_w
- 📷 Instagram: @Aryan_Technologies
Feel free to reach out, and let's build something amazing together! 🚀