- Removed all the bad indexes
- From now on all the libraries are mentioned in the number files
- There will not be a separate files for libraries like react, vue or node as it confuses users
- Deprecated file removed from this release
Added these libraries:
- Reaction
- Messaging Apis
- Sharp
- Photon JS
- Molecular JS
- Stylis JS
- Faster JS
- Axe Core
- Recompose
- Video-react
- React Vimeo
- React Font Awesome
- Mobx React
- React Table
- React Query
- React Form
- Radium
recently added:
- Fixed react js libraries, hooks and components
- Converted and added new libraries, components and hooks
Added these libraries:
- Cheerio js
- Comlink
- Express Jwt
- Swagger ui express
- Pickr
- Hyperswitch
- D3 Funnel
- Marked JS
- Normalize Url
- Spectrum
- Reconnecting-websocket
- G9 js
- Angoose
- Merge Graph ql schemas
- Components
Added these libraries:
- React Teleporter
- React Firebase Hooks
- Flightplan
- Pm
- Angular loading bar
- React Awesome Slider
- Kafka Node
- Office ui Fabric React
- React Toast Notifications
- React Testing Library
- Node Auth Library
- Native Base
- Node Cassandra Client
- Jest Runner Eslint
- Svelte Testing Library
Added these libraries:
- Bleno
- Exif-js
- Data Maps
- Choices JS
- Grapes JS
- Sofa
- PixelMatch
- Incubator Echart
- Gradient Path
- Fasy
- Jiff
Added these libraries:
- Handsontable
- Entropic
- Mocky
- Riven
- Forg JS
- DarkMode js
- Synaptic
- Deb js
- Cloudboost
- Grunt Svgstore
- Hjs Webpack
- Pretender
- Laconia JS
- Middy js
Added these libraries:
- Search UI
- Platform JS
- Odoo
- Agenda
- Map api for javascript
- Protobuf js
- Core JS
- MicroBundle
- Enquirer
- Margarita
- Backstop JS
- Chrono
- Pako
- Worker DOM
- Typed JS
Added these libraries in nodejs and reactjs:
- Reach
- React Native for Web
- React Music
- React Pdf
- Node tap
- Tosin
- React Native Rocketseat
- Use css for react
- Added Luma gl
- Svgo
- GRPC Node
- Use Persisted State
- Local Storage
- Sade
- Pretty Quick
Added these libraries:
- flow
- edex ui
- rest js
- response
- bottender js
- cxxt
- Added docsify js
- Added carbon
- Spoke
- Runpkg
- Bundle phobia
- IJavascript
- Ola
- Deck Gl
- Lib
Added below small components
- react useportal
- react use gesture
- react 360
- Angular Components
- Node Redis JS
- React Laravel
- Node libpq
- React 95
- React Async
- React Chat Elements
- React Chat UI
- React Native Gifted Chat
- Unform
Updated style of release notes,contributions and other viewing options.
- Updated the structure and divide the components
- Now you can view release notes in a better way
Version Released
15 treasure added are:
- styled SPINKIT
- react star rating component
- neutralino js
- deskgap in node js
- quicklink
- esm
- deno
- xstate js
- ice
- flickity
- react sortable js
- bento starter
- tesseract js
- reach ui
- bootstrap vue js
Fixed duplicate react window heading
15 treasure added are:
- react onclick outside
- light my request
- fastify
- taro js
- nerv js
- nativescript
- react fiber
- tool
- react window
- faye
- svelte js
- vuetify js
- autosize
- react lifecycle visualizer
- flowpoints ml
15 treasure added are:
- Added playroom
- Added faker js
- Added aos
- Added node http mitm proxy
- Added spectacle
- Added mobx react lite
- Added just
- Added content loader
- Added node json web token
- Added onnx js
- Added react navigation native
- Added lago
- Added glicky
- Added chai js
- Added await to js
15 treasure added are:
- Added mikro orm
- Added redis dump
- Added etcher
- Added react window
- Added hygen
- Added emuto
- Added base ui in react
- Added tough cookie
- Added react image
- Added react drop zone js
- Added packem
- Added octotree
- Added tv2
- Added ajv js
- Added https node proxy agent
Updated structure
Added memes
- Updated readme
- Added a meme
- Added sister
- Added customize cra
- Added showdown js
- Added materialize
- Added mathbox
- Added scale
- Added react native drawer layout
- Added react use
- Added packagebind
- Added daily hack
- Added react useragent
- Added plyr
- Added react leaflet js
- Added react virtualized
- Added object detection react
Readme content update
- Added react loops
- Added web3 js
- Added flatpickr js
- Added perflink
- Added kepler gl
- Added execa
- Added shave
- Added zhui
- Added react navigation
- Added google map react
- Added sentencer js
- Added react front load
- Added file saver js
- Added get port
- Added swing
- Added nest js
- Added papaparse
- Added fuzzy sort
- Added hawk
- Added react native htmlview
- Added react tree beard
- Added async
- Added formal in react
- Added sortable js
- Added react admin
- Added react devtools
- Added wtf js
- Added strapi
- Added pack
Fixed readme contents table links
Updated readme structure
- Added mk js
- Added dataloader utility
- Added astroturf
- Added xo js
- Added reaviz
- Added flipper
- Added taskbook
- Added v4f js
- Added react dom box 2d
- added react prop types
- Added redux observable js
- Added react semantic ui
- Added react map gl
- Added react toastify
- Added node cron
- Added smooth dnd
- Added email prompt
- Added react trend
- Added wiki js
- Added web
- Added jsvideo parser
- Added webiny js
- Added algrabaic effects
- Added mighty input
- Added react chart js
- Added jupyterlab
- Added tinymce
- Added tailor
- Added natural
- Added compromise
- Added async retry
- Added actions toolkit
- Added tweet md
- Added tween js
- Added react flip toolkit
- Added flip js
- Added react facebook login component
- Added immer
- Added react three fiber
- Added react morph
- Added indent text area in nodejs
- Added ink
- Added pino js
- Added jmespath js
- Added cleave js
- Added bcrypt
- Fixed free courses links
- Added GOT
- Added ROBOT JS
- Added X2 JS
- Added react selectable fast component
- Fixed readme length
- Fixed ky
- Added status fy
- Added react resize detector
- Added gpu js
- Added polished js
- Added linaria
- Added casual
- Added dokieli editor
- Added fx.
- Added gridsome
- Added plop js
- Added grommet
- Break the alphabet libraries
- Added etc folder for other treasure
- Reduce the size the of main readme
- Added tc core library js
- Added react tooltip library
- Added regexgen
- Added react Loadable components
- Added react mobx-boilerplate
- Added graphpack
- Added React Sizes component library
- Added eos js
- Added edge js
- Added japa
- Added serve
- Added bqplot
- Added leon
- Added dotenv-safe
- Added hyper
- Added guess js
- Added snap svg
- Added clinic js
- Added Mercury Parser
- Added Wolkenkit
- Added nock and fixed
- Added readbility js
- Some updates for treasure
- Now can see JS tools in treasure also
- Added semantic versioning
- Updated misc treasure
- Added more wonderful items in treasure
- Added deprecated column for treasure
- Logo will soon be released
- Fixed number system in JS resources.
- Fixed the deprecated items
- Fixed numbers for examples to dots
- first version
- easy to use
- contains A-Z libraries
- Sorted libraries
- Have description with every library
- Fixed Unsorted libraries
- Fixed decription of libraries