A selection of 7 curated template Python libraries and frameworks ordered by stars.
Checkout the interactive version that you can filter and sort: https://www.awesomepython.org/
A command-line utility that creates projects from cookiecutters (project templates), e.g. Python package projects, VueJS projects.
36 stars per week over 445 weeks
16,093 stars, 1,580 forks, 245 watches
created 2013-07-14, last commit 2021-12-27, main language Python
cookiecutter, cookiecutter-, python
A logical, reasonably standardized, but flexible project structure for doing and sharing data science work.
16 stars per week over 325 weeks
5,357 stars, 1,759 forks, 99 watches
created 2015-10-30, last commit 2021-06-23, main language Python
ai, cookiecutter, cookiecutter-data-science, cookiecutter-template, data-science, machine-learning
🛠 Python project template generator with batteries included
3.34 stars per week over 407 weeks
1,360 stars, 138 forks, 39 watches
created 2014-04-02, last commit 2022-01-19, main language Python
distribution, git, package, package-creation, project-template, python, release-automation, template-project
🚀 Your next Python package needs a bleeding-edge project structure.
6.97 stars per week over 92 weeks
645 stars, 48 forks, 4 watches
created 2020-04-15, last commit 2021-11-16, main language Python
best-practices, codestyle, cookiecutter, formatters, makefile, poetry, python, python-packages, semantic-versions, template
Start a data science project with modern tools
0.98 stars per week over 80 weeks
79 stars, 20 forks, 2 watches
created 2020-07-06, last commit 2021-08-15, main language Python
cookiecutter, cookiecutter-data-science, cookiecutter-template, datascience, python
🛠 Python project template with unit tests, code coverage, linting, type checking, Makefile wrapper, and GitHub Actions.
0.9 stars per week over 83 weeks
75 stars, 25 forks, 2 watches
created 2020-06-21, last commit 2020-10-01, main language Python
coverage, github-actions, hacktoberfest, linting, makefile, python, type-checking, unit-testing
A quick-start Python project template with helpful functionality and common libraries.
0.0 stars per week over 101 weeks
0 stars, 0 forks, 1 watches
created 2020-02-12, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Makefile
cookiecutter, jupyterlab, python, template
This file was automatically generated on 2022-01-23.
To curate your own github list, simply clone and change the input csv file.
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