- In all response data, no matter from which endpoint will have an "error" parameter.
+ In all response data, no matter from which endpoint will have a boolean "error" parameter.
Usually, it is set to false, which means there was no error in your request or on the server.
If the "error" parameter is set to true though, there was an error and will add an "internalError", "message", "causedBy", "additionalInfo" and "timestamp" parameter.
The "internalError" parameter will be set to false, if the error was due to a malformed or failed request and it will be true, if the error is 's fault.
- The "message" parameter will contain a short version of the error message and the "timestamp" parameter will contain a 13-character UNIX timestamp in Central European time (GMT+1).
+ The "message" parameter will contain a short version of the error message and the "timestamp" parameter will contain a 13-character Unix timestamp.
The "causedBy" parameter is an array of possible causes of this error and the "addidionalInfo" parameter contains a more descriptive error message.
You can view an example of an error, where an invalid category was used, just below this paragraph.
@@ -615,11 +615,18 @@
By using this website and API you are agreeing to
Internal Server Error
There was a general internal error within . You can get more info from the properties in the response text
Origin Unreachable
My server is temporarily offline due to maintenance or a dynamic IP update. Please be patient in this case.
By using this website and API you are agreeing to
This endpoint provides some information on :
- The version number
- The amount of jokes
+ - All the available categories, flags, types and formats
- A 13-character UNIX timestamp
- - The URL to a joke submission form
+ - The URL to a joke submission form
+ - The minimum and maximum values of an ID range
+ - A string with some information, like a message of the day
+ has a way of whitelisting certain clients. This is achieved through an API token.
+ At the moment, you will only receive one of these tokens temporarily if something breaks or if you are a business and need more than requests per minute.
+ If you do end up receiving a token, using it is as easy as adding an Authorization header with the actual token as its value.
+ You will receive a response header called Token-Valid which will contain the number 1 if the token is valid.
+ If the token is invalid, the Token-Valid header will be set to 0 and will treat your request as if you didn't supply a token in the first place.
These are some examples in some commonly used languages to show you how you could implement :
@@ -1115,17 +1136,22 @@
By using this website and API you are agreeing to
- These are the packages depends on (excluding dependencies of dependencies):
+ These are the packages depends on (excluding dependencies of dependencies and devDependencies):