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This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 15, 2022. It is now read-only.

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171 lines (128 loc) · 4.83 KB

File metadata and controls

171 lines (128 loc) · 4.83 KB

[Note]: Archiving in favour of official sdk and lack of time to maintain, see #63


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If Upgrading from 0.0.3

Make sure to remove existing package first.

Install package:

$ npm i react-native-payumoney --save

Only For RN <= 0.59

$ react-native link react-native-payumoney

Add following line in Podfile

pod 'PayUmoney_PnP'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install

RN >= 0.60

No need to do anything

Making Payment Request

  1. Import PayuMoney module to your component:

    import PayuMoney from 'react-native-payumoney';
  2. Call PayuMoney() method with the payment options. Method returns a Promise

const payData = {
    amount: '10.0',
    txnId: '1594976828726',
    productName: 'product_info',
    firstName: 'firstname',
    email: '[email protected]',
    phone: '9639999999',
    merchantId: '5960507',
    key: 'QylhKRVd',
    successUrl: '',
    failedUrl: '',
    isDebug: true,

Payumoney(payData).then((data) => {
    // Payment Success
}).catch((e) => {
    // Payment Failed

Validating Hash

Don't use in production just for testing purpose

import {HashGenerator} from 'react-native-payumoney';

    key: "QylhKRVd",
    amount: "10.0",
    email: "[email protected]",
    txnId: "1594976828726",
    productName: "product_info",
    firstName: "firstname",
    salt: "seVTUgzrgE",

// output: 461d4002c1432b3393cf2bfaae7acc4c50601c66568fb49a4a125e060c3bfc0e489290e7c902750d5db3fc8be2f180daf4d534d7b9bef46fa0158a4c8a057b61

Server side function to get Hash Key

function makeHash($key, $txnid, $amount, $productinfo, $firstname, $email){
    $salt = "XXXXXX"; //Please change the value with the live salt for production environment

    $payhash_str = $key . '|' . checkNull($txnid) . '|' . checkNull($amount) . '|' . checkNull($productinfo) . '|' . checkNull($firstname) . '|' . checkNull($email) . '|||||||||||' . $salt;

    $hash = strtolower(hash('sha512', $payhash_str));
    return $hash;

function checkNull($value)
    if ($value == null) {
        return '';
    } else {
        return $value;


{ success: 0 } or { success: false }

This is very common error, when your server side hash is calculated in-correctly or when trying to use Web Merchant KEY + SALT on sandbox in Android
Please use Following KEY, SALT, MERCHANT ID generated by PayU for sandbox usage
Or you can always ask them for new pair of KEY & SLAT for Android usage

  MID : 5960507
  Key : QylhKRVd
  Salt : seVTUgzrgE

Below is the test card details for doing a test transaction in the testing mode.

  Card No - 4242 4242 4242 4242
  Expiry - 22/2222 // any date in future
  CVV - 999 // any 3 digits
  Name - Test // anything

Merchant Key missing in release mode

Edit android/app/ and add

-keep class com.surajtiwari.reactnativepayumoney.** { *; }

see issue #43

Could not find com.payumoney.sdkui:plug-n-play:1.6.1.

Add jcenter() in your android/build.gradle

see example

Running example

1. Install dependencies

$ cd ./example && npm install

2. Run it on Android

$ cd ./example && npm run android