When building the comment core library, you can build two different types, the minified or non minified.
The default is to build a minified version (我们默认会编译成压缩版,通过如下命令):
make all-uglify
Minifying the JavaScript requires you to have Node.js installed. 压缩输出文件要求你 有安装了Node.js。
If you want a non-minified single file version, use (下面的命令则会输出一个未经压缩的 只有堆砌起来的文件):
make all-concat-only
To build each module separately, run make all
. It will produce 2 parts, parsers
and the CommentCoreLibrary. 如果希望弹幕编译每个模块,运行上方命令,会产出两个部件,一个是CCL
You can also run make extensions
to build all the experimental extensions. They
will not be minimized. 你还可以编译正在实验中的一些扩展模块,这些模块不会被压缩以方便调试。