'relation-cache-updater' job is used to perform one time compute and cache information such as leafNodes, optionalNodes, unitsMap and ancestorsMap of a collection to Redis when the collection is published. This data is utilised by other jobs and services.
Key | Data format | Sample |
<collectionId>:leafnodes | List<String> | collectionId:leafnodes: [“resource1”,”resource2”] |
<collectionId>:optionalnodes | List<String> | collectionId:optionalnodes: [“resource1”,”resource2”] |
<rootCollectionId>:<resourceId>:ancestors | List<String> | collectionId:resource1:ancestors: [“courseunit1”, “democourse”] |
Configuration variables:
Variable | Default Value | Purpose |
kafka.input.topic | {{env}}.lms.user.account.merge | Kafka topic from which messages/events are read to be processed. |
kafka.groupId | {{env}}-relation-cache-updater-group | Kafka input topic group Id |
lms-cassandra.keyspace | {{env}}_hierarchy_store | Cassandra keyspace name |
lms-cassandra.table | content_hierarchy | Cassandra table used to read collection hierarchy. |
redis.database.index | 10 | Redis index to which computed data like leafnodes and optionalnodes is stored |
dp-redis.host | IP should be same as lp-redis host | dp-redis (data-pipeline redis) IP should be kept same as lp-redis (learning-platform) redis in order to be able to read pulished collection information |
dp-redis.port | port should be same as lp-redis port | dp-redis port |
dp-redis.database.index | 5 | Redis index to which computed data 'units map' is stored |
Sample event:
"eid": "BE_JOB_REQUEST",
"ets": 1649170015935,
"mid": "LP.1649170015935.2a7382ff-8bc9-4ff5-8620-2d467cf8990a",
"actor": {
"id": "Post Publish Processor",
"type": "System"
"context": {
"pdata": {
"ver": "1.0",
"id": "org.sunbird.platform"
"channel": "01272777697873100812",
"env": "sunbirdstaging"
"object": {
"ver": "1649169952265",
"id": "do_21350999965318348811690"
"edata": {
"action": "post-publish-process",
"iteration": 1,
"identifier": "do_21350999965318348811690",
"channel": "01272777697873100812",
"mimeType": "application/vnd.ekstep.content-collection",
"contentType": "Course",
"pkgVersion": 1,
"status": "Live",
"name": "CourseMTimmothy",
"trackable": {
"enabled": "Yes",
"autoBatch": "No"
Source code:
{% embed url="https://github.com/Sunbird-Lern/data-pipeline/tree/release-5.3.0/lms-jobs/relation-cache-updater" %}