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Tutorial 5: Customize Server and Client

COALA abstracts the federated learning (FL) training flow in the server and the client into granular stages, as shown in the image below.

Training Flow

You have the flexibility to customize any stage of the training flow while reusing the rest by implementing a customized server/client.

Customize Server

COALA implements random client selection and Federated Averaging as the aggregation strategy. You can customize the server implementation by inheriting BaseServer and override specific functions.

Below is an example of a customized server.

import coala
from coala.server import BaseServer
from coala.server.base import MODEL

class CustomizedServer(BaseServer):
    def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs):
        super(CustomizedServer, self).__init__(conf, **kwargs)
        pass  # more initialization of attributes.
    def aggregation(self):
        uploaded_content = self.get_client_uploads()
        models = list(uploaded_content[MODEL].values())
        # Original implementation of aggregation weights
        # weights = list(uploaded_content[DATA_SIZE].values())
        # We can assign the manipulated customized weights in aggregation.   
        customized_weights = list(range(len(models)))
        model = self.aggregate(models, customized_weights)
        self.set_model(model, load_dict=True)

# Register customized server.
# Initialize federated learning with default configurations.
# Execute federated learning training.

Here we list down more useful functions to override to implement a customized server.

import coala
from coala.server import BaseServer

class CustomizedServer(BaseServer):
    def __init__(self, conf, **kwargs):
        super(CustomizedServer, self).__init__(conf, **kwargs)
        pass  # more initialization of attributes.
    def selection(self, clients, clients_per_round):
        pass  # implement customized client selection algorithm.
    def compression(self):
        pass  # implement customized compression algorithm.
    def pre_train(self):
        pass  # inject operations before distribution to train.
    def post_train(self):
        pass  # inject operations after aggregation.
    def pre_test(self):
        pass  # inject operations before distribution to test. 
    def post_test(self):
        pass  # inject operations after aggregating testing results.
    def decompression(self, model):
        pass  # implement customized decompression algorithm.
    def aggregation(self):
        pass  # implement customized aggregation algorithm.

Below are some attributes that you may need in implementing the customized server.

self.conf: Configurations of COALA.

self._model: The global model in server, updated after aggregation.

self._current_round: The current training round.

self._clients: All available clients.

self.selected_clients: The selected clients.

You may refer to the BaseServer for more functions and class attributes.

Customize Client

Each client of COALA conducts training and testing. The implementation of training and testing is similar to normal PyTorch implementation. We implement training with Adam/SGD optimizer using CrossEntropy loss. You can customize client implementation of training and testing by inheriting BaseClient and overriding specific functions.

Below is an example of a customized client.

import time
import coala
from torch import nn
import torch.optim as optim
from coala.client.base import BaseClient

# Inherit BaseClient to implement customized client operations.
class CustomizedClient(BaseClient):
    def __init__(self, cid, conf, train_data, test_data, device, **kwargs):
        super(CustomizedClient, self).__init__(cid, conf, train_data, test_data, device, **kwargs)
        # Initialize a classifier for each client.
        self.classifier = nn.Sequential(*[nn.Linear(512, 100)])

    def train(self, conf, device):
        start_time = time.time()
        self.model.classifier.classifier =
        loss_fn, optimizer = self.pretrain_setup(conf, device)
        self.train_loss = []
        for i in range(conf.local_epoch):
            batch_loss = []
            for batched_x, batched_y in self.train_loader:
                x, y =,
                out = self.model(x)
                loss = loss_fn(out, y)
            current_epoch_loss = sum(batch_loss) / len(batch_loss)
        self.train_time = time.time() - start_time
        # Keep the classifier in clients and upload only the backbone of model. 
        self.classifier = self.model.classifier.classifier
        self.model.classifier.classifier = nn.Sequential()        

    # A customized optimizer that sets different learning rates for different model parts.
    def load_optimizer(self, conf):
        ignored_params = list(map(id, self.model.classifier.parameters()))
        base_params = filter(lambda p: id(p) not in ignored_params, self.model.parameters())
        optimizer = optim.SGD([
            {'params': base_params, 'lr': 0.1 *},
            {'params': self.model.classifier.parameters(), 'lr':}
        ], weight_decay=5e-4, momentum=conf.optimizer.momentum, nesterov=True)
        return optimizer

# Register customized client.
# Initialize federated learning with default configurations.
# Execute federated learning training.

Here we list down more useful functions to override to implement a customized client.

import coala
from coala.client import BaseClient

# Inherit BaseClient to implement customized client operations.
class CustomizedClient(BaseClient):
    def __init__(self, cid, conf, train_data, test_data, device, **kwargs):
        super(CustomizedClient, self).__init__(cid, conf, train_data, test_data, device, **kwargs)
        pass  # more initialization of attributes.

    def decompression(self):
        pass  # implement decompression method.

    def pre_train(self):
        pass  # inject operations before training. 

    def train(self, conf, device):
        pass  # implement customized training method.
    def post_train(self):
        pass  # inject operations after training.
    def load_loss_fn(self, conf):
        pass  # load a customized loss function.
        return loss

    def load_optimizer(self, conf):
        pass  # load a customized optimizer
        return optimizer

    def load_loader(self, conf):
        pass  # load a customized data loader.
        return train_loader

    def test_local(self):
        pass  # implement testing of the trained model before uploading to the server.

    def pre_test(self):
        pass  # inject operations before testing. 

    def test(self, conf, device):
        pass  # implement customized testing.
    def post_test(self):
        pass  # inject operations after testing.

    def encryption(self):
        pass  # implement customized encryption method.

    def compression(self):
        pass  # implement customized compression method.

    def upload(self):
        pass  # implement customized upload method.

    def post_upload(self):
        pass  # implement customized post upload method.

Below are some attributes that you may need in implementing the customized client.

self.conf: Configurations of client, under key "client" of config dictionary.

self.compressed_model: The model downloaded from the server.

self.model: The model used for training.

self.cid: The client id.

self.device: The device for training.

self.train_data: The training data of the client.

self.test_data: The testing data of the client.

You may refer to the BaseClient for more functions and class attributes.

Existing Works

We surveyed 33 papers from recent publications of FL from both the machine learning and system community. The following table shows that 10 out of 33 (~30%) publications propose new algorithms with changes in only one stage of the training flow, and the majority (~57%) change only two stages. Training flow abstraction you to focus on the problems, without re-implementing the whole FL process.

Annotation of the table:

Server stages: Sel -- Selection, Com -- Compression, Agg -- Aggregation

Client stages: Train, Com -- Compression, Enc -- Encryption

Revenue Title Sel Com Agg Train Com Enc
INFOCOM'20 Optimizing Federated Learning on Non-IID Data with Reinforcement Learning
OSDI'21 Oort: Informed Participant Selection for Scalable Federated Learning
HPDC'20 TiFL: A Tier-based Federated Learning System
IoT'21 FedMCCS: Multicriteria Client Selection Model for Optimal IoT Federated Learning
KDD'20 FedFast: Going Beyond Average for Faster Training of Federated Recommender Systems
TNNLS 2019 Robust and Communication-Efficient Federated Learning From Non-i.i.d. Data
NIPS'20 Ensemble Distillation for Robust Model Fusion in Federated Learning
ICDCS 2019 CMFL: Mitigating Communication Overhead for Federated Learning
ICML'20 FetchSGD: Communication-Efficient Federated Learning with Sketching
ICML'20 SCAFFOLD: Stochastic Controlled Averaging for Federated Learning
TPDS'20 FedSCR: Structure-Based Communication Reduction for Federated Learning
HotEdge 2018 eSGD: Communication Efficient Distributed Deep Learning on the Edge
ICML'20 Adaptive Federated Optimization
CVPR'21 Privacy-preserving Collaborative Learning with Automatic Transformation Search
MLSys'20 Federated Optimization in Heterogeneous Networks
ICLR'20 Federated Learning with Matched Averaging
ACMMM'20 Performance Optimization for Federated Person Re-identification via Benchmark Analysis
NIPS'20 Distributionally Robust Federated Averaging
NIPS'20 Group Knowledge Transfer: Federated Learning of Large CNNs at the Edge
NIPS'20 Personalized Federated Learning with Moreau Envelopes
ICLR'20 Fair Resource Allocation in Federated Learning
ICML'20 Federated Learning with Only Positive Labels
AAAI'21 Addressing Class Imbalance in Federated Learning
AAAI'21 Federated Block Coordinate Descent Scheme for Learning Global and Personalized Models
IoT'20 Toward Communication-Efficient Federated Learning in the Internet of Things With Edge Computing
ICML'20 Acceleration for Compressed Gradient Descent in Distributed and Federated Optimization
INFOCOMM 2018 When Edge Meets Learning: Adaptive Control for Resource-Constrained Distributed Machine Learning
ATC'20 BatchCrypt: Efficient Homomorphic Encryption for Cross-Silo Federated Learning
AAAI'21 FLAME: Differentially Private Federated Learning in the Shuffle Model
TIFS'20 Federated Learning with Differential Privacy: Algorithms and Performance Analysis
GLOBECOM'20 Towards Efficient Secure Aggregation for Model Update in Federated Learning
MobiCom'20 Billion-Scale Federated Learning on Mobile Clients: A Submodel Design with Tunable Privacy
IoT'20 Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning in Fog Computing