On the top of the page, you will see the Smile ToolBar button.
You can click on it to display the Toolbar:
If the button is blue, it means that there is no warning during the current execution.
If the button is orange, it means that there is at least one warning during the current execution:
On the left, you can see the navigator.
It allows you to navigate into the last X executions.
You can analyse every ajax call, esi block, ...
If an execution has a warning, its line will be orange.
The following zones are available:
- Generic
- Request
- Response
- Layout
- Mysql
- Cache
- Profiler
- Observer
- Preferences
- Summary
You can click on each zone label to see the concerned information.
If a zone is orange, it means that there is at least one warning in it.
The value in warning will be in orange:
In some zones, you can display additional information, by clicking on the links Show xxx (xx rows) on the top of the zone.
it will display a popin with a sortable table.
On some tables, you can click on the row to display additional information. For example, in the mysql queries tables, you can display the php trace: