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History / Photovoltaic Cells


  • VT Update 1 Corrections Alloy Smelter: Mentions that [processing] speed is directly related to RF/t. Also mention the GUI button to lock the machine to either alloys or furnace modes. * Photovoltaic Cells: Moved note about Cells connecting to different tiers and noted the settings in various versions. Might want to just pull that paragraph out. * SAG Mill: Major rewrite. What math derp? There was a math derp?

    @VT-14 VT-14 committed Dec 27, 2017
  • VT Update 1 Please let me know what you think of this format and writing style. Added content to the following pages based on the 1.10 version of the mod: * Exit Rail * Stirling Generator * Combustion Generator * Zombie Generator * Alloy Smelter * Photovoltaic Cells * Capacitor Banks * SAG Mill * Power Monitors Rearranged and added a little more to the Sidebar. Renamed the Capacitor page to Capacitors.

    @VT-14 VT-14 committed Dec 27, 2017
  • Initial Upload

    @VT-14 VT-14 committed Nov 28, 2017